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    Peter Jok

    PJ is the shooter we all thought JO would be. Also has the ability to shoot off the dribble. Only going to get better.
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    Greg Davis is coming back next season

    If CJB transfers and Greg Davis is back in 2015, all hope for the program's future under Ferentz is gone. It's over. Kinnick will have lots of empty seats next fall.
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    Kirk Ferentz- What Went Wrong

    To me, it's 2 main problems: 1. Play the right guys. That is, play the most talented guys, the ones with the highest ceilings. Play the guys that can take it to the house. The guys that can throw darts. The guys that can jump the highest and run the fastest. 2. Play to the strengths of...
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    How loud will the boos be in Kinnick when JR comes out to QB the first drive of the second half?
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    Guess when CJB will enter the game

    Better be to start the half. No chance without a change. JR is uncomfortable. I may just stop watching if JR stays in. Don't need the frustration of watching inept offense for the entire half. We all have better things to do.
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    Georges Niang's body image is confusing

    Bigger breasts or not, the guy can play. He makes everyone around him better.
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    Indiana Depth Chart is Out

    If people boo, it will be at KF. Those wanting CJB to be the QB have no ill will against JR. KF would be smart to play CJB on the first 2 series. If he starts JR and the offense doesn't move the ball, people are going to boo. No way around it. Start CJB. If he doesn't move the ball on the...
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    MSU making Nebby look bad

    Go MSU!!! Will love seeing the long faces of Nebraska fans tomorrow!
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    AJ Derby

    A Ferentz team would not lose by 30 to anyone. They would lose to a lot of teams in the SEC, but not by 30. Ferentz keeps games close against superior and inferior opponents.
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    HN Poll: Who Do you Start at QB v Indiana?

    CJB for certain. It's all about offensive production. In his last 10 quarters of football, JR led Iowa to 41 points. In his 6 quarters or football, CJB led Iowa to 41 points.
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    anyone else apathetic rather than angry?

    A mixture of both. Certainly headed towards apathy. My plan is to stop watching the games live. I don't need to spend 3 hours torturing myself. Life is too short to be so affected by the offense we have to watch play out. I'll use the DVR and watch the game later if I choose to. During the...
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    Connor McCaffery rated a 5 star

    Shot looks a lot like Manu Ginobili. Shoulders are not very square to the bucket. Left elbow chicken wings out. How good of a shooter is he? What kind of percentage does he shoot from distance and from the line?
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    some teams/players just arent clutch

    Yep, didn't you see MG almost 2 hand dunk a missed layup on a fast break a few games ago? It was after a foul was called, so it didn't matter, but I thought to myself WOW, didn't think he could do that. Also, how many times does MG take it into the lane against the trees and score. He jumps...
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    This one sub I don't understand

    I'm not saying that Fran doesn't care about winning every game, but I think he takes a long view of a season, or even multiple seasons. He wants to try different players and combinations late in a tight game. He wants all of his players to be able to handle these big game situations. My hope...
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    Why do NCAA basketball officials...

    The inconsistency just drives me crazy. Call it the same way the entire game, not change at halftime or later. In the Wichita St - Louisville Final Four Game last year, Wichita St was in full control until the officials decided to allow Louisville to start mauling in the last 10 minutes of the...
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    Thanks the stars we got our of there with a W

    Gabe's rebound on the JO miss was the play of the game. He needs to take Basabe's spot at the end of games.
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    Thoughts on how to fix this teams issues going forward

    1. Agree on getting White's more touches on the block. 2. Better FT shooting from everyone, but especially Gessel and Marble. 3. When up 10-12 points, continue to execute offense and defense to push lead higher. Need to have the killer instinct to bury teams.
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    This is a glorious day

    1. Sleep in 2. Hawkeye beatdown of Nebraska 3. Play with my kids out in the yard on a beautiful day 4. Hit a bucket of golf balls at the driving range 5. Hawkeye beatdown of UTEP Yes, it was a glorious day!
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    Greg Davis needs to learn what to do on 2nd and short yardage

    The play calling in general needs a lot of work. When we were successful running the ball in the first half, we ran a flea - flicker on 1st down into the wind and then passed 2 more times before punting. When the stretch play was not working with Weisman, we kept on trying it. Everything with...
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    "We cant even get that right"

    I agree with the statements by others that KF's public reaction to the agregious act of scoring a TD late in a game on a run illustrates how he feels about the game of college football. KF truly wants to win each game by one point. He loves great defense and hates offense. He doesn't want to...