Why do NCAA basketball officials...


Well-Known Member
in some games like to call no fouls in the first half.... then call a completely different game the 2nd?

Is this some ******** plan they are told to follow for X amount of games?

It's very strange.
Not sure why either but they talk at halftime, maybe they tell each other there was too much rough play or too many whistles, who knows.

I do know at the 16 minute mark or so of second half Uhtoff got called for a block on the baseline where very little contact, he had total position, at that point they knew it was different

Fran did get in the refs ears about 12 minutes left in 2nd half about the 9-4 fouls disparity against iowa
I mean its seems like a conscious decision to call the game completely different for now logical reason...

It's weird.
Not sure why either but they talk at halftime, maybe they tell each other there was too much rough play or too many whistles, who knows.

I do know at the 16 minute mark or so of second half Uhtoff got called for a block on the baseline where very little contact, he had total position, at that point they knew it was different

Fran did get in the refs ears about 12 minutes left in 2nd half about the 9-4 fouls disparity against iowa
When a ref hits the prostate exam age..I dont think they should be allowed to ref div1 or Nba games. Just my 2 cents
When a ref hits the prostate exam age..I dont think they should be allowed to ref div1 or Nba games. Just my 2 cents

I totally agree, some of these guys are really old and look like they are asleep.

Who is the big nosed, gray haired but balding ref who the Mich game at Iowa last week, that guy looks like he should be the golf starter at a very old golf course.
I can only speak from experience in another sport, upper youth and amateur level but hardly NCAA in front of 20,000 screaming fans.

It may be that the officiating team talks at halftime and feels perhaps they've been lax in some area of enforcement and need to tighten up.

It could be their read on the temperature of the game AT THAT MOMENT and whether they need to tighten up or can they loosen up. Are the players starting to bark at each other (at teammates or opponents)? Are the officials starting to see more chippy incidents? Is the play getting more physical? Those are things you'll rarely see through a TV screen but will be observed and sensed by the officials standing 5-10 feet away.

Or it could be as simple as the home coach ran to the officials' dressing room at half with a bag full of cash. :cool:

Two of the three statements above are true. One is sarcasm.
In the first few minute of the second half there were 2 or 3 fouls we were called for where I didn't see contact at all. We get those calls in the BTT last year and we would have danced. I hate basketball refs so much.
maybe law... but the game looked pretty benign to me - I didn't see any chippy incidents...

Once they started calling more fouls then I saw a lot more agitation on both sides however.
In the first few minute of the second half there were 2 or 3 fouls we were called for where I didn't see contact at all. We get those calls in the BTT last year and we would have danced. I hate basketball refs so much.

Right... and fouls that they didn't call in the first half... but all the sudden started calling.
Right... and fouls that they didn't call in the first half... but all the sudden started calling.

I was at a bar so it was hard to watch too closely but I do remember one of our post players taking an arm bar (you know the thing that's supposed to be illegal if it impedes progress) in the post, while trying to make a move on the hoop. That combined with what we got called for in the second drove me nuts.

We took advantage of the touch fouls though. Once we went in the penalty we started to attach them and went to the line a bunch.
its funny because I said to my wife... watch they didn't call any fouls the first half.... but they first time someone breaths on someone its going to be a foul...

Literally 30 secs later Uthoff gets a foul called for nothing...
I noticed this, too. I thought that the first half was cleanly played, without a lot of obvious contact, and there were few whistles. It was actually refreshing to see.. Just some actual BASKETBALL being played without the refs interfering.

The second half, though.. It was a whistle almost every possession. I don't know why it changed. I don't think there were any problems in the first half with the game being too physical.

The way college basketball is officiated continues to infuriate me.
Not sure why either but they talk at halftime, maybe they tell each other there was too much rough play or too many whistles, who knows.

I do know at the 16 minute mark or so of second half Uhtoff got called for a block on the baseline where very little contact, he had total position, at that point they knew it was different

Fran did get in the refs ears about 12 minutes left in 2nd half about the 9-4 fouls disparity against iowa

The whistle blew before any contact was made; I was a little bitter on that one.
The whistle blew before any contact was made; I was a little bitter on that one.

Uthoff got hit on the offensive end on a play that would have had me flipping my **** if I wasn't in public considering what we were called for on the defensive end. The fact that we we got calls once we started attacking on the other end made be forgive the refs a tad.
Beginning to call more fouls in the second half is one thing; I was amazed that both Uthoff and White got completely hammered underneath the basket and nothing was called. I am not claiming the officiating was one -sided the second half, though I was glad to see Fran in a controlled fashion, light into the officials when the disparity became pretty obvious the first few minutes of the second half. Seemed to make a difference. The change from first half to second half? A mystery wrapped in an enigma.
The inconsistency just drives me crazy. Call it the same way the entire game, not change at halftime or later.

In the Wichita St - Louisville Final Four Game last year, Wichita St was in full control until the officials decided to allow Louisville to start mauling in the last 10 minutes of the game. It changed the course of the game and Louisville won. I can remember being so upset about it, even though I could care less for WSU or Louisville.

If something like that happens to the Hawks in the tourney, my wife will quickly send me to watch the game downstairs and not allow the kids to be around me.
The inconsistency just drives me crazy. Call it the same way the entire game, not change at halftime or later.

In the Wichita St - Louisville Final Four Game last year, Wichita St was in full control until the officials decided to allow Louisville to start mauling in the last 10 minutes of the game. It changed the course of the game and Louisville won. I can remember being so upset about it, even though I could care less for WSU or Louisville.

If something like that happens to the Hawks in the tourney, my wife will quickly send me to watch the game downstairs and not allow the kids to be around me.

I completely agree about the WSU-Lville game. Refs dictated game. It would not be pretty around my house either, but my kids are grown and out of house.
I think the ref's are being influenced by the tv companies. You know, we want close games for ratings and we're willing to give bonuses for what we consider to be well officiated games. Nobody ever wants to admit that money changes hands but in every aspect of life money influences how people live their lives. People we think lead totally moral lives can be ruthless in certain aspects that we don't know about.
The whistle blew before any contact was made; I was a little bitter on that one.

There were several anticipation whistles today. The play where they called the ball out of bounds off Gesell was absolute garbage. Not only did Gesell fail to even touch the ball, but the ball was NEVER OUT OF BOUNDS. Uthoff had control of it while in bounds.

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