This is a glorious day


Well-Known Member
Wow, I know Nebraska isn't very good but in the eyes of their fans they are still elite like they were 25 years ago. It might or might not be a rivalry, but as someone who knows a bunch of arrogant delusional bugeaters, this is pretty damn sweet.
Wow, I know Nebraska isn't very good but in the eyes of their fans they are still elite like they were 25 years ago. It might or might not be a rivalry, but as someone who knows a bunch of arrogant delusional bugeaters, this is pretty damn sweet.

It would have been sweeter if they had shown little Nebraska children crying, but today was glorious.
It would have been sweeter if they had shown little Nebraska children crying, but today was glorious.

Close enough?

This entire weekend has a chance to be really special. Hopefully, the hoops team can put on a really good show against what I assume will be Kansas. Also, the wrestlers go to Ames on Sunday for the annual beat down of the clowns
Yes, great game, I think I picked the hawks to win by 3 , maybe 24-21, but they proved me wrong on both ends.

These players must have worked their butts off and they enjoyed the fruits of their labors.
1. Sleep in
2. Hawkeye beatdown of Nebraska
3. Play with my kids out in the yard on a beautiful day
4. Hit a bucket of golf balls at the driving range
5. Hawkeye beatdown of UTEP

Yes, it was a glorious day!

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