AJ Derby

Leave it to Iowa fans to completely eat their own.

Why does one have to be awesome and the other has to suck? Theyre both great coaches in their own right. KF can hold his own with any coach in the country in developing players, preparing them for the NFL and running a great program....however his game day coaching and conservative nature leave something to be desired. Biels is a gambler and a pretty good game day coach, but his maturity level and ability to actually build/rebuild a program is certainly up for debate.

Like most things in life...there's pluses and minuses to both men....
Lol if Ferentz is coaching that Arkansas team, they lose by 30. Ferentz couldn't even beat ISU at home, you think he's taking the 6th ranked team in the country to to on the road?

A Ferentz team would not lose by 30 to anyone. They would lose to a lot of teams in the SEC, but not by 30. Ferentz keeps games close against superior and inferior opponents.
Leave it to Iowa fans to completely eat their own.

Why does one have to be awesome and the other has to suck? Theyre both great coaches in their own right. KF can hold his own with any coach in the country in developing players, preparing them for the NFL and running a great program....however his game day coaching and conservative nature leave something to be desired. Biels is a gambler and a pretty good game day coach, but his maturity level and ability to actually build/rebuild a program is certainly up for debate.

Like most things in life...there's pluses and minuses to both men....

Bielema didn't build anything at Wisconsin. He inherited a great team from Alvarez that was 10-3 the year before he took over. So far rebuilding Arkansas has proven to be difficult. Not saying he can't do it.
Remember, Ferentz screwed up because he told AJ Derby he couldn't play QB.

Burt Bielema is a superior coach because he told AJ Derby he couldn't play QB.
Four TEs he coached at Wisconsin are currently in the NFL, he hasn't done too badly at that position.

While I agree on him putting them in the NFL, unless I've missed something I don't think they've set the world on fire. They may be blocking tight ends which would render my opinion useless.
The last one was 2012 when Badgers finished third in Legends because OSU and PSU were both ineligible because of sanctions so that one was kind of dubious. I'm not saying Bielema is a bad coach, I just don't believe he is really any better than Kirk. And let's face it he had Alvarez as AD which is way better than Barta.

LOL when Bielema took over Wisconsin, Iowa and Wisconsin were on the same level, Iowa was probably even ahead. When Bielema left he had won three straight B10 titles and Ferentz was 19-19 over the same span.
The last one was 2012 when Badgers finished third in Legends because OSU and PSU were both ineligible because of sanctions so that one was kind of dubious. I'm not saying Bielema is a bad coach, I just don't believe he is really any better than Kirk. And let's face it he had Alvarez as AD which is way better than Barta.

It seems like a stretch to me to say that the AD has any impact on who the better coach is. Nice try.

It seems funny to me that there are a couple of things that a lot of people complain about in how KF runs the program. Not beating teams by as many points as you should, in order to show people how good you are, is one of them. BB does that quite well. Recruiting has been called into question with Iowa and BB at Wisconsin is always the program they look at when they complain about that.

i really don't see, if you are comparing these two coaches at this point in time, how BB is not considered the better coach. It wouldn't be a question if he were still at Wisconsin. His record on a slight rebuilding project in the first year an start of the second year, is the only thing that puts the question in doubt. But had he stayed at Wisconsin there would be no question.
But he didn't stay at Wisconsin, he got butthurt or upset about something and left. He wrote some kind of love letter to the AD at Arkansas and got out of town before a bowl game. The fans were happy when he did.
It seems like a stretch to me to say that the AD has any impact on who the better coach is. Nice try.

It seems funny to me that there are a couple of things that a lot of people complain about in how KF runs the program. Not beating teams by as many points as you should, in order to show people how good you are, is one of them. BB does that quite well. Recruiting has been called into question with Iowa and BB at Wisconsin is always the program they look at when they complain about that.

i really don't see, if you are comparing these two coaches at this point in time, how BB is not considered the better coach. It wouldn't be a question if he were still at Wisconsin. His record on a slight rebuilding project in the first year an start of the second year, is the only thing that puts the question in doubt. But had he stayed at Wisconsin there would be no question.

Support for your premise: Dan Guerrero may be the dumbest AD in the history of college sports, yet Jimmy Mora is killing it at UCLA.
OK. I am lost. How did a thread about AJ Derby's TD catch turn into a hate fest about KF? Oh, yeah. The usual suspects.
Nice TD by Derby. Alabama gettin' tested here by Bielema and Co. I predict a fake punt coming:)
Kids from the Big Ten just can't matchup physically or compete with the speed of the game in the SEC. This is big boy football.

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