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    This is a case of your perception not being reality, Jon. In reality, sacks are pretty stagnant. For the past 5 years, the average sacks per team, for FBS teams, was as follows 2008- 24.6 2009- 25.6 2010- 25.5 2011- 25.5 2012- 26.0 sacks aren't withering EDIT: I realize you're suppressing...
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    Iowa a #3 Seed in NIT..

    no it's not.
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    p-diddy's son

    I wonder if Diddy is looking to get a building named after him?
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    Eric Washpun.....

    What, if any, is his relationship to Wes?
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    Per Woodbury's interview yesterday, sounds like recruiting is wide open (top 5)

    no, man. You're embarrassing the rest of us ISU fans. ISU has potential, but nothing concrete to offer, especially compared to the KU's and OSU's of the world. I'm excited about ISU, too, but put down the Kool-Aid
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    Any updates on Gibson?

    If Lutz was still around, I would probably agree with you. And while I'm confident that Fred's game coaching ability has improved by leaps and bounds since he first arrived, the loss of a guy like Lutz is going to be felt, and expectations have to be tempered slightly, to the tune of a couple...
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    Any updates on Gibson?

    I'd like to see 20 wins, but I could be happy with that.
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    New nickname idea

    As a Clown fan, I love to make fun of Hawk players' names, but not like that, man.... not like that. Plus, why would you waste a god-awful nickname like that on White, when Vandenberg is a far, far better target.
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    Any updates on Gibson?

    I can't speak for anyone else, but posts like this are exactly why I come here. No one has quite the same combination of ego, hubris, and misplaced elitism than some Hawk fans. It's like Green Acres meets Jersey Shore. Might as well just rename this guy "Snerkie" Please continue.
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    Georges Niang Update

    I guess Fred just must be that much better of a recruiter than Fran, if Georges picked the cesspool that is Iowa State over that stalwart of basketball greatness that Fran has built at Iowa.
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    Sat draft thread

    Ricky to KC
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    Edit: JK, Hubbard to IOWA

    Re: Hubbard to Nebraska I think you guys got him. Good job!
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    im a little worried...

    If they can play, it doesn't matter when you get them, but in the spring the talent pool is a lot shallower, especially for a team who has hit "rock bottom" as you said. Finding a guy like Cartwright is fantastic. He was a great find. However, counting on your coach to find game changers this...
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    im a little worried...

    Basabe isn't your typical spring signing, though. He committed to Fran in November of 2009 and followed him to Iowa. Not the same thing as a guy like Cartwright who Fran first showed interest to in the spring. It's nice to be able to pick up impact players late, and you might do it from...
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    Eli Carter commits to Rutgers

    This. They have recruited very well in recent years.
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    Eli Carter commits to Rutgers

    Rutgers may not have great fan support, but they consistently pull in much better recruits than Iowa. 9 4-star commits since 2005 according to Rivals.
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    McCaffrey - Two Recruits Likely but Not Three

    Is it possible that Fran may have been doing a little disinformation? Between Cezar, Pierre Jackson, Glover, etc it's obvious that he once thought that getting a point guard was important, maybe even as recently as this week. Now, all of a sudden, it's not? Now, Hubbard can do it? Or Marble...
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    Iowa in with Percy Gibson per Rob Howe

    It's a legit question. Fran has shown he's an emotional guy on the court. I wonder if it translates to recruiting, or does he keep the fire under control? Recruiting is a frustrating business. I imagine he gets pretty steamed dealing with these kids who change their minds at the drop of a hat.
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    Iowa in with Percy Gibson per Rob Howe

    Do you think he makes the "Fran Face" when these kids are taking too much time?
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    Van Coleman Interview

    I thought you said it was Van Coleman.