McCaffrey - Two Recruits Likely but Not Three

Fran has a plan and I trust him, maybe Hubbard this yr to help Bryce and then Gesell starts as a freshman. Genius!
Marble may not have Bryce's ball-handling and driving to the hoop skills but there were times last year when it was an advantage to have his size and length at the point. With some more experience and strength, he could be a solid back-up at that position.
Is it possible that Fran may have been doing a little disinformation? Between Cezar, Pierre Jackson, Glover, etc it's obvious that he once thought that getting a point guard was important, maybe even as recently as this week. Now, all of a sudden, it's not? Now, Hubbard can do it? Or Marble? I guess I don't see the logic. I could see giving up on a PG maybe after Cezar rejected him, because he was pretty highly thought of and it was still pretty early, but this seems awfully late in the game to just decide that you don't need one. Is it possible he was taking liberty with the truth?
Is it possible that Fran may have been doing a little disinformation? Between Cezar, Pierre Jackson, Glover, etc it's obvious that he once thought that getting a point guard was important, maybe even as recently as this week. Now, all of a sudden, it's not? Now, Hubbard can do it? Or Marble? I guess I don't see the logic. I could see giving up on a PG maybe after Cezar rejected him, because he was pretty highly thought of and it was still pretty early, but this seems awfully late in the game to just decide that you don't need one. Is it possible he was taking liberty with the truth?

We never offered or brought Glover or Jackson in for a visit. We've offered two point guards--Washpun and Guerrero. Fran is obviously being particular with this position. Everyone looks prettier in the spring - but maybe Glover, Stokes, ect... just aren't really that great of player and Fran doesn't want to tie-up scholarships with them.
Marble may not have Bryce's ball-handling and driving to the hoop skills but there were times last year when it was an advantage to have his size and length at the point. With some more experience and strength, he could be a solid back-up at that position.

This. It's not his position, but he was serviceable. I'd prefer him to not play that role again, as it hurts his long-term development at the wing. But he's capable of giving us decent minutes at the point.
I'd rather bank it if we can't get a quality player. How many schollies does this give us for next year?

We have three we can give this year to cap at 13 for next season. Three players graduating. So if we only sign two more that would be four schollies for next recruiting class, but Kyle Meyer has one already.

I agree. Everyone is all crazy about saying we'll blow if Carter gets injured. But you can't turn around a program in one season. Sometimes you have to take risk rather then grab a safe but not high quality recruit.

Pretty sure Hubbard has better handles than Marble, for how our offense is I would be alright with him as a back up.

Get Gessell along with Meyer, then grab a stud center some where, and last one can be a wildcard.
Hubbard wanted be the only guard brought in that was the deal.
We get a big sweet. Gessell wanted no morePG brought in! i am getting this from the sources! Just like I was the one who Broke the Tyler Sash news! i loves this! We will be ok. Gessell I cant spell and woodbury will be hawks!
Banking scholarships = failure.

Fran has said numerous times he won't bring kids in just to fill a roster spot, or as a project. If he is banking a scholarship, big deal. When is the last time Iowa has had 12 scholarship players even on the team? I'm guessing that means he is VERY confident that he can get an even better player in the 2012 class with that scholarship.
I like the fact Fran's priority is bringing in players who can immediately compete, not just warm bodies to fill a roster. And if that means banking a scholarship for a year, so be it. Just one more opportunity to pursue excellence over the next year.

That should always be the approach.
I hope we can get 1 that we actually know of. I bet we get 1 known name then some rando from who knows where
With Hubbard, Cartwright, and a more matrue Marble we will be much stronger at the point this year than last. We have 5 able bodies (adding Gatens and May) to play 2 positions which is fine.
Fran said last year that he's not going to take on a player just to fill a spot. I don't think there is a pg left that he thinks is worth the scholly so he is going to bank it. The nice thing about that is it will be a lot easier to sell a top pg next year on playing time because it will immediately open up the PG spot for a freshman to possibly step in and start.

I like that Fran has the ba!!s to bank a scholly at this point rather than fill it with a mediocre player or someone who has questionable character issues.
Everyone is greatly assuming we will get Hubbard. What happens IF he does not choose Iowa? At this point no one is a "lock".
The two additions will be a pg and Hubbard. If you have watched the video notice the comment he said about 2012 sounds like he has some kids he really likes.
12 scholarship players is probably the most we have starting a season in over 10 years. I am not too concerned that you have to use all 13. Plus Stokes is a guy that may get some PT and help in practice.

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