Any updates on Gibson?

It's funny that both Hawks and Clones alike can agree on the stupidity of certain smiley-faced avatar-ed posters here.
"05-21-2011 07:49 PMCyChamp
Sounds like the Clones are next focusing on Kerwin Okoro, who has offers from Pitt and Arizona, among others. That would be another good get."

Perhaps take this to a cyclone site?
"05-21-2011 07:49 PMCyChamp
Sounds like the Clones are next focusing on Kerwin Okoro, who has offers from Pitt and Arizona, among others. That would be another good get."

Perhaps take this to a cyclone site?

I like keeping tabs on Hawkeye recruiting, thought some here might like the opposite.
How is this a win over Fran? He wasn't talking to any transfers/ex-commits. Fran said he was finished with this class and banking scholarship for all the talent in 2012.

Congrats though. Now if you don't win 30 games next year that will be a huge failure. No excuses, absolutely zero, why Iowa State shouldn't win conference championship and be a low seed in tourney.

No. That's just your over-inflated prediction, so that when we don't reach it, you can make fun of us.

We should be good, but we won't win 30.
I think it is great to get a talented player to commit to your school. It is a necessity to have talented players, that is obvious. But that is just one component to success. It is just as important if not more important to be able to put parts together and mold then into a unit where everyone fills their role. You also have to include player development into the equation. I think these are the two things that separate good from great. I like the kind of players that Fran is recruiting and signing. They look to be talented enough to compete at a high level and I believe in Fran and his staff to mold and develop. I think we will see that this year. Both the Hawks and Clones are assembling good talent. Only time will tell who can put it all together. Go Hawks!
I think this reveals something about the Cyclone brain.

Tempering of expectations means claiming it is possible a guy who's never played a second of college ball, might not make the NBA.

Good to keep expectations in check I guess. It is possible, certainly not probable, that the Clones won't make the sweet 16 this year.

Tim Grover said previously he thinks he'll be in the NBA. Like it or not it's not just ISU fans that think he'll be good. And I think he'll be decent this year but improve in the years to come... he hasn't played basketball for two years.
No. That's just your over-inflated prediction, so that when we don't reach it, you can make fun of us.

We should be good, but we won't win 30.

What are the current expectations by the masses in Cyclone Nation? Would 18 or 19 wins and an NIT bid be considered a success?
What are the current expectations by the masses in Cyclone Nation? Would 18 or 19 wins and an NIT bid be considered a success?
After the disaster that was McDermott, yes, I would consider NIT a success. No Cyclone fan can honestly say we are going to win 30 and win the Big 12. NO WAY. Some are saying NCAA. I would be ecstatic with that, and that would exceed my expectations... by far. If we still had a proven PG that was Garrett, this team would be dangerous. We have players, but we need to make sure they play together. I am expecting a winning record, both overall and Big 12, and some sort of post season play. I think most ISU fans would agree.
What are the current expectations by the masses in Cyclone Nation? Would 18 or 19 wins and an NIT bid be considered a success?

I think there are a lot of fans who think we will be around 23-25 wins, and sneak into the Dance. I think that's possible, but it's going to be really tough not playing NU and CU 4 times. Biggest question in PG, IMO. If we have solid play at PG, I could see us getting to 20-23 wins.
I'll take sneaking into the NCAA tournament any way possible as a success. I despise the NIT so even though it may be a success i won't view it that way. No NCAA = fail. Injuries change everything.
I think there are a lot of fans who think we will be around 23-25 wins, and sneak into the Dance. I think that's possible, but it's going to be really tough not playing NU and CU 4 times. Biggest question in PG, IMO. If we have solid play at PG, I could see us getting to 20-23 wins.

I agree with you but I think 23-25 wins is way to high to expect. 18-20 seems reasonable
What are the current expectations by the masses in Cyclone Nation? Would 18 or 19 wins and an NIT bid be considered a success?

No it would not be a success to ISU fans. The ISU fans that are on here saying it would be a success, IMO, are saying that b/c of what happened 2 years ago. Craig Brackins returned for his junior year, we brought in Gilstrap, Dendy, and Colvin. People expected us to be a bubble team and we blew expectations and stunk. So I think ISU fans are very gun shy about predicting us to have a good season and rightfully so to a point.

That season was a failure and I think not making the NCAA tourney this year would be a failure as well. Fans are just afraid of letting the excitement of high expectations crash down on them again.

I can't guess a W/L total as I have not seen our schedule yet but I will guess low 20's.
Personally, I think any season that doesn't end in the NCAAs is somewhat of a failure.

However, if expectations are low and a team overachieves and gets to the NIT, that's a small success. This year's team will not have low expectations.
I have to admit, I'm a little envious. I think Fran's done a good job recruiting and certainly things are better in that regard compared to the Lick era but I'd have to say that Fred's done a little better, at least on paper. Course, things can change in a hurry.
No it would not be a success to ISU fans. The ISU fans that are on here saying it would be a success, IMO, are saying that b/c of what happened 2 years ago. Craig Brackins returned for his junior year, we brought in Gilstrap, Dendy, and Colvin. People expected us to be a bubble team and we blew expectations and stunk. So I think ISU fans are very gun shy about predicting us to have a good season and rightfully so to a point.

That season was a failure and I think not making the NCAA tourney this year would be a failure as well. Fans are just afraid of letting the excitement of high expectations crash down on them again.

I can't guess a W/L total as I have not seen our schedule yet but I will guess low 20's.

Where do you see ISU finishing in the B12? Top 4?
I don't see a top 4 finish at all. 5th or 6th would be nice and if it's 6th hope like hell for a break with the NCAA tournament committee.

I think it comes down to winning all but maybe 1-2 conference home games and winning about 2-3 on the road. Nebraska and Colorado will be missed. The new Big 12 and the home-and-home conference schedule is hard to figure until we go through it once.

It hasn't been this way since the Big 8. I'm pumped to see every team in the conference at least once at Hilton.
No it would not be a success to ISU fans. The ISU fans that are on here saying it would be a success, IMO, are saying that b/c of what happened 2 years ago. Craig Brackins returned for his junior year, we brought in Gilstrap, Dendy, and Colvin. People expected us to be a bubble team and we blew expectations and stunk. So I think ISU fans are very gun shy about predicting us to have a good season and rightfully so to a point.

That season was a failure and I think not making the NCAA tourney this year would be a failure as well. Fans are just afraid of letting the excitement of high expectations crash down on them again.

I can't guess a W/L total as I have not seen our schedule yet but I will guess low 20's.

If Lutz was still around, I would probably agree with you. And while I'm confident that Fred's game coaching ability has improved by leaps and bounds since he first arrived, the loss of a guy like Lutz is going to be felt, and expectations have to be tempered slightly, to the tune of a couple of would be wins, that are now losses, hence the difference between a 22-23 win season and and NCAA berth and a 19-20 win season with a NIT bid.
Where do you see ISU finishing in the B12? Top 4?

Good question. I"m not really sure. I feel comfortable saying we will be better than TT, Oklahoma, K State, and OSU.

TT, OU, A&M, and Mizzou are all breaking in new coaches. Some are very good coaches but it's still a new regime.

Kansas loses 6 guys that played major minutes. Still Kansas but will be the weakest Kansas team since Bill Self has been there.

Texas, Baylor, Mizzou, and A&M will return a ton of talent.

In the end I see us anywhere from 3rd-6th. Yep I am drinking the koolaid so to speak but what I keep coming back to is that all our guys will be 3 years older than most the guys they are playing against. I think that is huge. Allen will be a 5th yr senior. Babb a 4th year junior. White will be 21. Etc. I think that will play a major role in this team and the fact that they have had a year of playing together where as most teams bringing in new players only have a couple months

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