Eric Washpun.....


Well-Known Member
So what's the deal with this guy? He went to City High so that's a plus already in my book, but the guy has been killing PTL also. I know he's a samller guy, but isn't he a legit walk-on at the least??

I haven't seen him play too much, but I went to the first PTL game, and the second I walked in the door, he drained back to back 3's. He also could get to the rim...
I'm guessing you're talking about Wes Washpun from CR Wash. Eric Washpun graduated from City High a couple years ago. Wes signed with Tennessee in the Spring fairly soon after receiving a late offer from Fran.
I'm guessing you're talking about Wes Washpun from CR Wash. Eric Washpun graduated from City High a couple years ago. Wes signed with Tennessee in the Spring fairly soon after receiving a late offer from Fran.

No, he is asking about Eric. Local kid, didn't go to college, is related to Wes somehow.
Eric Washpun went to City High and graduated in 1989. He started for the City High team that won the 4A state championship his Sr. yr. That team included a PG named Jeff Burke who I believe went on to play like D3 ball but there was a better PG on the team but due to politics he never saw the floor; Brian Kueter who played D1 at SW Mizzo St, Byron ? that went on to play at UNI and several other kids including Michael Roane who was an All Big 10 TE at Wisky, Shad Flynn that was the QB at one of the Iowa private colleges and a shooter that could light it up from anywhere on the court. Probably one of the best teams that has ever been put together in Iowa history. Brian's younger brother Scott was a Freshman and he played a little bit iirc too. Sic team.

Eric was one hell of a baller but had some grade issues. Not sure what happened to him after HS though but it sounds like he hung around IC area.
No, he is asking about Eric. Local kid, didn't go to college, is related to Wes somehow.

He is cousins with the CR Washpun. He was supposed to go to Kirkwood but I am not sure what happened with that. He is not someone you want around this Iowa program.
12345. you are referring to Kevin washpun who grad from city in 89. Eric played football at city in the 07 season. don't know about bb.
Wow, a thread dedicated to the high school graduation dates of the members of the Washpun family.

Is this why they call it the dog days of summer? -- Iowa

Scroll down and you will see Eric's name.

The Eric Washpun that I knew graduated from City in '89 and was one of the starting five on the state championship team. There clearly is another Eric Washpun that played at City that was also a top flight hoops player and whos grades also sucked.

The odds of that happening are pretty slim.
so basically Wes is the first decent student. too bad, they have all been talented. I watched Kevin play when I was a kid. loved watching Byron young on that team too.
Yep, I was a 6th grader in Iowa City when that '89 team rolled. The City High gym was electric.

To set the record straight, the '89 team that won had Eric Washpun as a senior. He was a very good athlete, worthy of at least a lower D1 scholarship, and was part of a team that included several other division 1 athletes, including Roan, who played tight end for Wisconsin in the Rose Bowl.

However, the 91/92 team was even better, in my opinion. It featured Kevin Washpun, Eric's younger brother, as a dynamic slasher and probably the best scorer in the state. The key though, was Dave Kruse, a versatile 6'7" forward who often brought the ball up the court and could shoot threes. Great, great passer. He went on to star at Mankato State and played overseas for years. A while back, I believe he was the first overall pick in the PTL.

I always wondered what he could have done in Tom Davis' system.

Talk about athletes, that team had role players like Jason House (future starting d-end for the Hawkeyes) and Chris Hamdorf (future starting Northwestern QB) coming off the bench as juniors. I believe C.J. Thieleke (future Big Ten freshman of the year in baseball and drafted by the Twins) started at point guard.

They were ranked #1, and right before the tourney started, Washpun got drunk and beat up somebody with a pipe or baseball bat. He was kicked off the team and City High lost in the opening round or two.

That team probably would have beat Licklighter's last squad.

I think there was also an Eric Washpun that graduated just a few years back. Not sure how he was related to the older Eric or Kevin.
The 91/92 team was pretty solid. Don't forget about Scott Kueter. He and his older brother Brian should have played football but their parents were very risk averse and didn't want them to get hurt. Brian could have been a starting O-Lineman with his size and speed and Scotty could have easily played TE.

That years baseball team was stacked. Kueter played 1st base and hit with a bunch of power. My little bro played on that team and iirc he finished with some conference recognition along with several of the other starters.
Eric Washpun went to City High and graduated in 1989. He started for the City High team that won the 4A state championship his Sr. yr. That team included a PG named Jeff Burke who I believe went on to play like D3 ball but there was a better PG on the team but due to politics he never saw the floor; Brian Kueter who played D1 at SW Mizzo St, Byron ? that went on to play at UNI and several other kids including Michael Roane who was an All Big 10 TE at Wisky, Shad Flynn that was the QB at one of the Iowa private colleges and a shooter that could light it up from anywhere on the court. Probably one of the best teams that has ever been put together in Iowa history. Brian's younger brother Scott was a Freshman and he played a little bit iirc too. Sic team.

I'd put the '76, '78 and '79 Iowa City Regina teams led by Mark Gannon as the best. During '79, Gannon's senior season, IC Regina went undefeated and during the course of their regular season beat 3A state qualifiers (Dubuque Senior and CR Kennedy) and the eventual 2A state champs (Cedar Rapids Regis). They pretty much rolled over everyone they played, and this was when they played in the conference with the other IC schools as well as CR schools and Dubuque schools. They beat Adair-Casey in the 1A Championship 83-48. And if memory serves, the top six players of the '79 team all went on to play college basketball. It's hard to find a better team than that '79 team in the history of Iowa high school basketball.

Oh, and Shad Flynn played QB for Central College and is their second all-time leading passer - took them into the DIII football playoffs twice.

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