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  1. jsmhawk

    Where does the buy out have to be before the big time boosters..............

    If you call being a snarky, sarcastic troll a legend....
  2. jsmhawk

    Last Dance For Ferentz?

    If you look at our 2013 schedule and you look at who we have coming back, 7-5 is a pipe dream. Add to the lack of returning talent a FIRST year starting QB with Zero game experience, sprinkled in with one of the WORST offensive coordinators in the Nation....5-7 will be a miracle next year. 3-9...
  3. jsmhawk

    Iowa's complete failure of an offense this year

    I think a lot needs to be said. Questions need to be asked and need to be answered. Like how the "he#$ are we going to fix this" and "how the he#$ did we let things get this bad" oh and here is a good one: Why would you coninue to play the same QB for every freaking snap all year long...
  4. jsmhawk

    Dantonio has a rvelation

    I wish it were not so, but I fear KF will never adapt and admit that he needs to change to keep up with the current schemes and landscape of college football. He has proven to be very stubborn and set in his ways. I hope he does make changes because if NOT, we will not be back to a bowl...
  5. jsmhawk

    interesting discussion

    JVB is the only D1 FBS QB to take every snap for his team this year. Our Media should be ALL over this stat and question KF on this issue until they get some decent answers. Our media needs to sack up. A lot of players are "gamers" and play a lot better and different in real game situations...
  6. jsmhawk

    KF’s buyout is NOT prohibitive; not really $23 Million!!!!

    Three more years with KF and we would be lucky to be upper level MAC. I say he should be gone after next year unless he makes MAJOR changes in how they recruit, new offensive coordinator with new offensive philosophy of scoring points and playing to win and not just playing not to lose...
  7. jsmhawk

    The 'It can get real bad at Iowa if they hire the wrong coach' thinking

    THIS X 1000!! AMEN AND KEEP PREACHING Brother! We have great facilities, a great fan base and lots of we just need a coach who knows how to win in the 2012 and beyond college football landscape. He**, Indiana and Purdue have more talent and better offensive schemes right now...
  8. jsmhawk

    Iowa has had

    A valid point if we were not still losing to PURDUE, CENTRAL MICHIGAN, INDIANA....There are way more issues and concerns that can not just be excused away because of injuries and players going to the NFL. You are right, IA is NOT Alabama, so why are we trying to run a pro style offense with...
  9. jsmhawk

    Small and Slow....

    This is very Sad but TRUE. Unless Captain Kirk decides to make big changes and join the rest of the country in scoring points and hiring real talent(unlike Greg Davis)....IA Football will continue to be irrelevant and continue this latest slide into bottom feeders of the BIG. Not cool...
  10. jsmhawk

    Iowa vs. Mich predictions...

    Unless our Defense can score 3 touchdowns, we lose badly. Michigan 31 - Iowa 10. We aint going bowling, thankfully this ugly season will be over after the azz kicking we take against Nebrasky.
  11. jsmhawk

    Something I hate about all fanbases

    KF has been very good for the U of I and is a good guy, but he is too stubborn and stuck in his ways. The "mob" can see how bad things are and how obvious it is that we need to make big changes, especially on offense, that is why the piling on is happening. Also, because of how arrogant KF...
  12. jsmhawk

    Time to cut out the distractions.

    This x 100. But we need a knew OC too. JVB was pretty good last year under KOK and this year Greg Davis has effing ruined him. And he has sent our offense into even further oblivion than I ever thought possible.
  13. jsmhawk

    Was KF quoted correctly about the last 4th and 3 against Purdue

    Not much common sense throughout this entire season when it comes to playcalling or coaching on either side of the ball. Good coaches put their players in the best possible situations and schmes for them to be successful. If things are not working, good coaches adapt and make changes until...
  14. jsmhawk

    Harty: Reboot proving to be a failure this season

    Not unless KF changes his offensive philosophy and defensive philosophy. Either change and adapt or KF and co better start recruiting elite talent. Elite talent is the only way IA will get back to 2002-2004 success unless KF realizes what Pat Fitz has done at Northwestern and what Bill...
  15. jsmhawk

    Name 1 positive thing about the 2012 FB season

    The only thing good that could come from this season is if KF wakes up and realizes he better make some drastic changes to his offensive philosophy. If he sees the big picture and how the college game has changed to a fast paced, wide open track meet, then maybe he will adjust and adapt...
  16. jsmhawk


    KF cares and is trying, the problem is he does not understand where the current game of college football is at. He is stuck in thinking that the same things that worked in 2002 will work now in 2012. He has not adapted to the major changes in the game. Teams have known exactly what we...
  17. jsmhawk

    Would a Dual Threat QB Solve our offensive woes???

    It would certainly help, but the main problem is the offensive philosophy of ultra conservative play. Too simple of formations, lack of inventiveness and trickery. Quality WR do not want to come to IA because we don't throw the ball enough. This season is obviously not going to help that...
  18. jsmhawk

    SIAP Kirk to team at half

    Agreed. Spot on here. KF can blame injuries, lack of effort or outstanding play by the other team, but bottom line is this: HIS Philosophy on Offense stinks and is not what works in the current football landscape. Unless you have a top 10 Defense, the college game is all about scoring...
  19. jsmhawk

    KF running program into ground.

    THIS. RIGHT ON THE MONEY HERE Des MoinesHawki. Well said.