Time to cut out the distractions.


No more Silver helmets
No more throwbacks
No more Chicago games
No more facebook
No more twitter

Just get back to the basics

Game planning
Developing walk ons

The things the grow and strengthen a program

The stuff at the top of the list is just fluff.
No more bonus
No more free dinners at Carlos Okellys
No more one hundred year extentions
No more coach cruises

Damn distractions anyways......did I miss any? Lol
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The way this team is playing, I say the more distractions the better.
More silver helmets
More ugly throwbacks
More away games
More social media
More fireworks
More cheerleaders
More low flying jets
More alcohol before and during games.....
No more pencils
No more books
No more GarBar's dirty looks
I would settle just for finding a QB.............dual threat, mobile, short, tall, whatever, someone who can consistently get the ball down the field with his legs, arm, at this point I really don't care how.
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No more pencils
No more books
No more GarBar's dirty looks


I would settle just for finding a QB.............dual threat, mobile, short, tall, whatever, someone who can consistently get the ball down the field with his legs, arm, at this I really don't care how.

And open up the offense; go 4 or 5 wide with 1 back ; and see what happens. Can't be any worse. Oh we could go from 105th offense to 120th offense!!!!!
No more bonus
No more free dinners at Carlos Okellys
No more one hundred year extentions
No more coach cruises
Damn distractions anyways......did I miss any? Lol

Are you on or off the boat?

BTW. Clean up your provocative stuffed animal avitar. :)
All of those things are the reasons recruiting is better. How about an OC that doesn't blow and we'd be okay.
I would settle just for finding a QB.............dual threat, mobile, short, tall, whatever, someone who can consistently get the ball down the field with his legs, arm, at this point I really don't care how.

This x 100. But we need a knew OC too. JVB was pretty good last year under KOK and this year Greg Davis has effing ruined him. And he has sent our offense into even further oblivion than I ever thought possible.

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