Something I hate about all fanbases

every team has a couple bad years, but when I showed some of these teams all I got excuses for why they were having bad seasons, Auburn is 0-7 in conference play this year 2 years after going 14-0 and wining the NC, but I get this crap response that Cam Newton is Gone, so what Stanzi is gone but that is no excuse, Iowa is supposed to keep winning 10 games every year no matter who leaves.
this fan base is getting worse than ND fans, with their over bloated sense of entitlement
He’s the highest paid employee in the state - how dare he be asked tough questions!

Anyone working in the public eye needs to realize they will face scrutiny.
I really wish that as a fanbase (and this is NOT UNIQUE AT ALL to Iowa) we could keep an even keel about our coach as it relates to non football related items.

Kirk is having a disappointing year and in many ways has had a disappointing second half of his career. But the nonsense that happened today, the attitudes of the reporters and the attitudes of the fans piling on would be totally different if we were in Wisconsin's position coming off two straight Rose Bowl's and our tickets punched to Indy.

This has nothing to do with the validity of questions being asked, but more the glee in getting a negative reaction to them out of Kirk.

If we want to fire the coach because he sucks at coaching, than that's great. But I hate the mob approach to a guy who has been nothing short of a great ambassador to the U.


KF has been very good for the U of I and is a good guy, but he is too stubborn and stuck in his ways. The "mob" can see how bad things are and how obvious it is that we need to make big changes, especially on offense, that is why the piling on is happening. Also, because of how arrogant KF still seems to be and his "how dare you question me attitude". Kirk, this spread offense thing is NOT just a passing fancy or a fart in the wind.....adapt and join the party that is scoring lots of points in todays college game!

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