

Well-Known Member
What does it take for a program to go from 11-2 and BCS Bowl Game victory, to 4-8, in two years? It takes a contract that ensures the coach a retirement so that he doesn't even need, or even have to care any more.
AQsk Virginia Tech. They have gone to back to back BCS bowls, and now they're 4-6 too.

Except VT has been consistently good.. Until this year.

Iowa has been consistently average.. Until this year. Now they are just plain bad. Yeah I know, 2009. But that's just one year out of the past 8. Just tell me why I should think at this point that the 2002-04 type teams are about to return?
Except VT has been consistently good.. Until this year.

Iowa has been consistently average.. Until this year. Now they are just plain bad. Yeah I know, 2009. But that's just one year out of the past 8.

No, Iowa has been occasionally great, and now just plain bad.

That belies the point. The OP asked how does a team fall like this from a recent BCS game, and my point is that it is not a unique situation.
Yeah, I bet KF mustered up those tears at the end of the MSU game to make it look like he cares. He must be using part of his salary to pay for acting classes.
Yes, let's reference other teams and their situations. That makes our situation all that much better.

Believe me when I say I'm no KF apologist, but:

subjective: judging your situation based on your feelings
objective: judging your situation by comparing it to common experience

This is exactly what people mean when they tell the extreme KF haters to show some objectivity. No one will dispute you if you say "I find Iowa football very frustrating to watch." But when someone like the OP says "how can a team go from 11-2 to 4-8 in two years?," the obvious reply is, "just like how dozens of other teams have had similar drop-offs."
What does it take for a program to go from 11-2 and BCS Bowl Game victory, to 4-8, in two years?


That's football. Snort.
Believe me when I say I'm no KF apologist, but:

subjective: judging your situation based on your feelings
objective: judging your situation by comparing it to common experience

This is exactly what people mean when they tell the extreme KF haters to show some objectivity. No one will dispute you if you say "I find Iowa football very frustrating to watch." But when someone like the OP says "how can a team go from 11-2 to 4-8 in two years?," the obvious reply is, "just like how dozens of other teams have had similar drop-offs."

Lol, please provide these dozens of examples. Let's keep it within the past 5 years since anything before that is irrelevant. I don't care if a team went from 11-2 to 4-8 in the 80's. I'll be waiting.
Auburn is 2-7 on the season after winning the NT in 2010 with a 14-0 record, with their wins coming against La- Monroe and New Mexico St. hows that for recent history, in 2 season Auburn went from a undeafed NT to being 2-7 and possibly going winless in the SEC but they will probably get one more with them playing Alabama A&M before they play Alabama, you think its bad here just think how they feel in Georgia

yit happens deal with it
Lol, please provide these dozens of examples. Let's keep it within the past 5 years since anything before that is irrelevant. I don't care if a team went from 11-2 to 4-8 in the 80's. I'll be waiting.

Cool your jets, man. I've been sour on Kirk for a long time. I'm not going to take the time to look up every single example. Just to give a taste though: Kansas won 11 or 12 games in 2007. Texas Tech won 11 games in 2008 and were terrible last year. Michigan State from last year to this year. Michigan from 2006 to Dick Rod. Georgia Tech, our esteemed opponent from 2009, is 5-5 this year. Texas went from 13-1 in 2009 to 5-7 in 2010.

I am in the camp that says these examples provide no excuse for Iowa. But please, for the sake of our arguments, let's stay within ourselves and not pretend like we are the only program trending downward. FBS football is literally a zero-sum game (excepting games against FCS teams, which Kirk has never lost). For each team you see stepping up in life out there, another team is turning into a shitburger.

The last two weeks were pretty bad losses, but if we're limiting the zero-sum game to the BCS level, then I would say our only true inexcusable loss was to Central Michigan. That said, we've lost to CMU-type teams far too much.
What does it take for a program to go from 11-2 and BCS Bowl Game victory, to 4-8, in two years? It takes a contract that ensures the coach a retirement so that he doesn't even need, or even have to care any more.

Its actually been three years of terrible football since the OB.

Iowa has only won more than 7 games twice in 8 years.
Yeah, I bet KF mustered up those tears at the end of the MSU game to make it look like he cares. He must be using part of his salary to pay for acting classes.

KF cares and is trying, the problem is he does not understand where the current game of college football is at. He is stuck in thinking that the same things that worked in 2002 will work now in 2012. He has not adapted to the major changes in the game. Teams have known exactly what we are going to do on offense the last 3 years. If you are not creative and giving multiple looks and vary your scheme on offense, you are going to have a hard time scoring points....unless you have elite talent all around. Vanilla Offense and Vanilla defense = losing in todays college landscape.

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