Last Dance For Ferentz?


I say last dance for Kirk because of this thought. He is going to try and make this program a winner again three to four years again. Meaning a run at a BCS bowl game. Does he recruit to load up a team for three to four years down the road that "hopefully" finishes 10-2, 11-1, then retire? That would give him 17 to 19 years at Iowa then hand it off to someone to continue the success. I am sure he doesn't to hand it off to someone like Fry did.

I hope he can build this thing back up before he retires...I'll add this. I also hope that between he and GB they have a transition plan. Get someone on staff to groom and take it over while things are in good shape.........
I hope he can build this thing back up before he retires...I'll add this. I also hope that between he and GB they have a transition plan. Get someone on staff to groom and take it over while things are in good shape.........

After all the chatter about Kirk's "style" do we really want to promote within? When Kirk is gone we need a fresh start- not a continuation of the last three years.
Not saying it should come within but more curious if Kirk is thinking in terms of ending his own career on a high note.
Maybe I should have said last run or going out on top. Which would give him 3-5 years to turn this around. We are going to be, what 7-5 or 8-4 at best next year or the next two years? Then sneak a 10-2 season in and then leave?

Its kinda like the Cubs signing an older player passed his prime and getting one or two more good years and then retiring.
You really think Kurt has been sandbagging it and laying low, planning things out so he can go out with a couple good years at the end? Seems ridiculous. Haven't you heard about the famous trend? Kurt has no control over it. The next 3 years are going to be awesome even if he didn't want them to be.
I think he plans and hopes that when he is ready to retire.. Brian is at a place in his career where he can take over. I hope that it works out as well. I am angry with KF how he has let this program slip to an after thought. But I believe he truly loves Iowa and wants what is best for it. That doesn't mean lifetime employment however. He needs to uphold his end of the bargain and earn it. Frankly he has not for the last 3 years.
I say last dance for Kirk because of this thought. He is going to try and make this program a winner again three to four years again. Meaning a run at a BCS bowl game. Does he recruit to load up a team for three to four years down the road that "hopefully" finishes 10-2, 11-1, then retire? That would give him 17 to 19 years at Iowa then hand it off to someone to continue the success. I am sure he doesn't to hand it off to someone like Fry did.


I really hope it ends up that way. I'd rather see the program in good shape when Ferentz retires, so that the program is far more attractive to whoever the next coach would be. The alternative is a program that is winning 2 games a year, KF is fired, and the AD has to go out and find someone who is willing to come and try to rebuild everything from scratch.

That said, if KF is planning to try and recruit whatever is needed to win in 3 or 4 years, then he'd better get it in gear. Like, right NOW. Or take a page out of Bill Snyder's playbook and starting getting some good Juco talent.
Maybe I should have said last run or going out on top. Which would give him 3-5 years to turn this around. We are going to be, what 7-5 or 8-4 at best next year or the next two years? Then sneak a 10-2 season in and then leave?

Its kinda like the Cubs signing an older player passed his prime and getting one or two more good years and then retiring.

If you look at our 2013 schedule and you look at who we have coming back, 7-5 is a pipe dream. Add to the lack of returning talent a FIRST year starting QB with Zero game experience, sprinkled in with one of the WORST offensive coordinators in the Nation....5-7 will be a miracle next year. 3-9 or 4-8 is where I would put my money on.

Stop drinking the coolaid and wake up to reality for anybody who thinks things are going to improve next season with GD and KF running this show in 2013.
More importantly, DwayneTwill has the best siggy on this thread.

(now quoting for benefit of social researchers and forensic analysts years from now)

"Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in [path]/includes/functions.php(8579) : eval()'d code on line 37" –, 9/12/2012

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