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  1. djwoody98

    my thoughts (read:overreactions) after exhibition

    Connor had 11 assists but he was "bad". LOL. I thought for an exhibition game the Hawks didn't look bad at all. Actually the starters played very well and I'm encouraged by Toussaint and Patrick.
  2. djwoody98

    State Tourney: Updates

    Weiskamp is a stud. And McCaffery had 17 points and 9 boards last night and actually plays on a team with more than one good player. Both will be excellent college players.
  3. djwoody98

    Tyler Cook

    These kids are told how great they are from the time they are 8 years old and when they face adversity, they don't always know how to handle it. I expect a few kids will leave the program and that's OK, but I also expect the ones that stay will put in the work in the off-season to be a better...
  4. djwoody98

    Much Blame Should Go To Administration.

    I truly think the athletic department doesn't think there's a problem. THAT's the problem.
  5. djwoody98

    Buyout Barta Responds To Iowa Media

    Barta is a dope. I like both Fran and Kirk, but neither deserved long extensions. A bunch of fat cats sitting in the athletic department high-fiving each other while Carver sits half empty. Great job!
  6. djwoody98

    Iowa basketball deserves better

    Airing of grievances: 1--Fire Gary Barta. He should've been fired after the lawsuits. 2--Have a come to Jesus meeting w/the coaches and players. Rip the scabs off. There's clearly something dysfunctional here far beyond lack of athletic ability. Puke on the table boys. Stop this...
  7. djwoody98

    Do you want Fran fired?

    No, but we'd better see assistant changes and roster changes before next season. Whatever "this" is is unacceptable.
  8. djwoody98

    Miller in full apologist mode on Twitter (again)

    What a bunch of crybabies. The past 3 years in B1G conference play only Wisconsin and Michigan State have more conference wins. Are we taking a step back this year? Clearly. But to suggest Fran and his staff are now clueless is ignorant.
  9. djwoody98

    We're killing ourselves....

    It's a thin line between 6 wins and 12, especially with the KF style of play.
  10. djwoody98

    Simulation of the 2016-2017 Hawkeyes season!

    Yee haw y'all!
  11. djwoody98

    So What are the expectations of the Iowa Program?

    Iowa is a 20-10/7 seed program. It's who we are. Occasionally better, occasionally Lickliter'd.
  12. djwoody98

    Fran's postgame

    They don't hand out January championship trophies folks.
  13. djwoody98


    Given Wonder Boy's career path he'll likely coach the Lakers next.
  14. djwoody98

    Mike Gesell is the problem

    My biggest problem with MG last night was his lack of composure in running the team. When he goes into "OH S**T" mode, the whole team follows. For a veteran team at home you would expect them to settle down and get things under control.
  15. djwoody98


    This is an excellent Iowa team. They've only lost 2 games in 2 months. STEP OFF THE LEDGE! Now was the moment a little too big for the bench last night? Yes. Did Iowa get steamrolled at the start of the game? Yes. Will they destroy Minnesota on Sunday? Yes.
  16. djwoody98

    Does Fran Now Have Clout In the BIG? Nationwide?

    He's done an incredible job reviving the Iowa program. We're miles ahead of where we were when he first arrived in Iowa City.
  17. djwoody98


    Next year while we might take a step back, will be very interesting to watch. Playing time will be up for grabs big time, the off-season jockeying for position should be intense.
  18. djwoody98

    Mike Gesell's play

    Mike isn't just an excellent player, he's a great kid, incredibly intelligent, and they type of guy you love to have representing the University of Iowa.
  19. djwoody98

    Fran wants Fans

    Iowa wins next Tuesday night and I will be there.
  20. djwoody98

    Iowa's bench

    Looks like someone follows @irrationalhawk on Twitter.