Does Fran Now Have Clout In the BIG? Nationwide?


Well-Known Member
A few years ago, secondary to a few Fran antics, he would get blasted by opposing fans and even spoken to by Delaney. It seems he cost us some calls in games after an incident. Does he now have clout in the BIG where it's a positive influence on him and his team? It seems so. I think he has gained the respect of many opposing coaches, including Izzo.

This season will really open up eyes around the nation. Gaining coaching clout in the conference is huge. Fran has arrived.
He's done an incredible job reviving the Iowa program. We're miles ahead of where we were when he first arrived in Iowa City.
It was interesting in an interview he gave a few weeks ago, he talked about how he would approach the refs the first few years he was here.

Now, he doesn't have do throw those tantrums.

The guy had a plan from day one, even when it came to fighting for respect and how to compete in this league, give the guy serious credit.

The B1G is like the good ol' boys network in a lot of ways (see officiating during MSU games), Fran knew and had a plan to fight through that.

Does he have "clout" now? In the B1G he is definitely getting there, but STILL is not top dog. Nationally? No, not even close. In the national eyes, we are still crappy ol' Iowa, and we are just lucky we are having a season like this and will come back down to earth soon. Just like in football.

Have about 5 years in a row like this, and that might start to change.
I think Fran is now in the same league as Izzo as far as the BIG is concerned. Especially since Bo hung it up. He ceratinly has surpassed any other coach. Marylands coach is in there. Painter is hanging on by his fingernails. Purdue fans are getting restless.

I agree with another poster about the national perception of Iowa..We are lucky to have a once in a lifetime year. The only thing that could derail it would be for Fran to leave for some job he can't refuse.
I think Fran is now in the same league as Izzo as far as the BIG is concerned. Especially since Bo hung it up. He ceratinly has surpassed any other coach. Marylands coach is in there. Painter is hanging on by his fingernails. Purdue fans are getting restless.

I agree with another poster about the national perception of Iowa..We are lucky to have a once in a lifetime year. The only thing that could derail it would be for Fran to leave for some job he can't refuse.

I hope this year isn't a "once in a lifetime year." There is no reason that we can't be strong contenders most years..
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We'll fall back a little next year, but I still think we make the NCAAs. Year after that, we might have another special season.
Nationally I think we are another great year off, being as most expect a drop off next year. I think we will knock off a top ranked squad, which will give us some spotlight. 17-18 will bring us back to the top hopefully and the respect will be there.

But, when they talk about Iowa during the tournament this year. They will be talking about Fran taking Iowa out of the dumps to three NCAA tournaments in a row and an NIT championship runner up before that.

Its kind of started already.

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