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  1. S

    How many points will Iowa score?

    0 and I'll put money on it.
  2. S

    A Cruel Joke...This is the End

    lol WHAT? 9-3 and 6-6 isn't that big of a difference? Last time I checked we should have been 7-0 coming into this weekend. You're telling me 7-0 and 5-2 isn't that big of a difference? Remember, those losses are to an FCS team and Northwestern. We were #11 in the country at the time. Now, we...
  3. S

    End of Season Conclusions

    I think this is due to us not having an elite level point guard. Look at every team in the sweet 16, they have a guard that can drive, make his own space, and actually make lay-ups. We don't have that. We're playing this style of offense because we have to, we don't have a guy who can create, so...
  4. S

    UNI just blew a 12 pt lead with :55 to go after they took a timeout

    Refs gave that one to A&M. It was close, but never should have gone to OT. That and 1 they gave to get it within 2 was the worst call of the tournament.
  5. S

    NCAA Tickets

    This is absolutely ridiculous. If Iowa is in Des Moines, the atmosphere will essentially be a home game. Des Moines has no traffic compared to Chicago, everything costs half as much, and you'll be surrounded by Iowa people and fans, instead of Chicago ******. Des Moines is a perfect venue for...
  6. S

    Is Sparty Falling Apart?

    Same thing that happened to the football team is happening to the basketball team. Schedule is making them look better than they are. MSU is ranked on name only. Maryland will be a real test for this team. We beat them, and we're real. Until then, we're no different than the 12-0 football team...
  7. S

    Will I be able to listen to Gary Dolpin & Ed Podolak in Indeanapolis

    What station on iHeart radio? Every one I've tried turns the game off when listening on the app, something to do with licensing rules.
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    Gotta say-I liked the uniforms and I am not big one changing unis

    Agreed, loved the uniforms, nice to the the program get a dose of the times. Not to say you need to change it permanently, but when you do 1-2 alternates a year it makes wearing them special, and it makes you appreciate the tradition we have in the classics.
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    The uniforms were awesome, hopefully the feedback the Athletic Department is getting is good. Two small changes, I wish the helmet was matte and I wish the numbers were a little smaller. Still, huge success compared to our alternates from the past. I do have to say something though. All of you...
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    Disappointed in fans

    I agree with a majority of what your saying, and I touched on this somewhat in my prior post, but I'll expand here. To put this in perspective I was a student from 08-12. I may have a slight ax to grind here as well. A huge problem with the Iowa students stems from the fact that we have nearly...
  11. S

    Some SEC dude on ESPN radio just said...

    Agreed. Not just because of the SEC stuff, but ESPN has gone to hell in general. How is it possible that they ruined Sportscenter? Just show highlights and give sarcastic commentary! That's it! Yet they change the set, make it all just top ten garbage lists, try to change the anchors to people...
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    Disappointed in fans

    The problem started roughly around the same time the bars switched to 21 in Iowa City, I think it was 2009-2010. Instead of the police keeping the peace during tailgating, they started actively looking to get people in trouble. They realized writing PAULA tickets and Public Intox tickets can...
  13. S

    What is the best format for determining the national champion?

    You mean like last year?
  14. S

    Don't fight Iowa hate with hate

    I agree with the rest of your post but this first paragraph is just wrong. We DO control our own destiny because we will play the winner of OSU/MSU in the B1GCG. So if we win, we give them the loss you mention. That win in the B1GCG will jump us over the other teams because that will be a win...
  15. S

    Nice pickup today for Hawks out of Fla !!

    King has said multiple times that a degree is very important to him.
  16. S

    If you've seen the video of Joe talking to his kids about Iowa...

    Good video, wish he made more real points rather than jokes though. It will get laughed at rather than taken seriously.