Disappointed in fans

If I lived anywhere close to Iowa City you couldn't keep me away from the games. For the last 20 years, we've spent $13,000 per year for MLB season tickets, and I'd trade that for going to Hawkeye football and basketball games anyday.

That being said, I realize it's entirely possible I feel this way simply because I don't have the option of going to the games often due to distance, and would feel differently if I lived closer.... but I doubt it.
If I lived anywhere close to Iowa City you couldn't keep me away from the games. For the last 20 years, we've spent $13,000 per year for MLB season tickets, and I'd trade that for going to Hawkeye football and basketball games anyday.

That being said, I realize it's entirely possible I feel this way simply because I don't have the option of going to the games often due to distance, and would feel differently if I lived closer.... but I doubt it.

You've spent a quarter mil on mlb tickets?

Holy **** I'm jealous.
To the folks that can't afford the escalating ticket prices and other costs, I am sorry. You are doing it right by staying home and supporting your Hawkeyes that way. To the folks that bailed because of tailgating restrictions, they have diminished to the point that you don't really notice it. To the folks who bailed out because the product on the field was too boring, the home slate is unexciting, the game has passed Ferentz by, maybe you made a HUGE effing mistake and you can suck it.
If I lived anywhere close to Iowa City you couldn't keep me away from the games. For the last 20 years, we've spent $13,000 per year for MLB season tickets, and I'd trade that for going to Hawkeye football and basketball games anyday.

That being said, I realize it's entirely possible I feel this way simply because I don't have the option of going to the games often due to distance, and would feel differently if I lived closer.... but I doubt it.

I don't mean this in a disparaging way at all, but $13,000 a year for sporting events is unfathomable for I'm going to say 99% of the fans and people on this board. Most of what drives people away from Kinnick is the cost. If Kinnick could hold 200,000 people and season tickets were $100/year for good seats you'd fill every one of them for every game. But that's not the case.

I think where most people have a gripe is that it's borderline doable financially for most people, and has been pushed past the tipping point in recent years with the tailgating sucking and the advent of 60" high def tvs & surround sound. I agree that if I had your income (wish I did) I would never miss a game, but the cost/benefit doesn't pencil out for more and more people every year.

By the way, 3rd generation die hard Braves fan here. Those sound like hellacious seats and if you ever want to sell a couple games to a fellow Hawk fan let me know and I'll book my flight.
I will be there. I have been going to Iowa games for over 40 years and I have never had season tickets. I always find a way. It's not that hard. I always pay regular price for ticket, park free at Hancher and take Cambus to Kinnick, go to pep rally and watch the band , have a hotdog, meet great fans, end it with a great Iowa City Pizza (Too many to name). Great fun. So proud to be a Hawkeye fan.
To the folks that can't afford the escalating ticket prices and other costs, I am sorry. You are doing it right by staying home and supporting your Hawkeyes that way. To the folks that bailed because of tailgating restrictions, they have diminished to the point that you don't really notice it. To the folks who bailed out because the product on the field was too boring, the home slate is unexciting, the game has passed Ferentz by, maybe you made a HUGE effing mistake and you can suck it.


To the people that love their TV's so much, you may want to get out and remember what it's like to have an actual life experience. I've got a nice theatre/surround sound system in my basement, but nothin' beats the real thing.
To the folks that can't afford the escalating ticket prices and other costs, I am sorry. You are doing it right by staying home and supporting your Hawkeyes that way. To the folks that bailed because of tailgating restrictions, they have diminished to the point that you don't really notice it. To the folks who bailed out because the product on the field was too boring, the home slate is unexciting, the game has passed Ferentz by, maybe you made a HUGE effing mistake and you can suck it.
I guess they aren't regretting their decision as much as you are. Or they'd be snapping up the remaining tickets. And it's the University that made the HUGE effing mistake when they took their customers for granted, while they jacked up ticket prices.
I bailed due to the tailgating crack down. I don't need to pay 10K a year to be harassed by the very people that cash my checks. It's been almost 5 seasons without them now and I've "adapted" quite well. I might go to the Bowl game. I'll use a ticket broker and arrange my own airfare and hotel. Or I may not.
This is a nationwide trend, Iowa is not alone. But it was amplified by driving away live customers via tailgate crackdowns, restrictive lot hours, less lots, price increases during a recession - even though partly rectified, it's much harder to get customers back once lost. Marketing 101 Fail.

The University viewed/views tailgating as a nuisance, instead of a huge asset drawing people to game days. People are social creatures.
I know I'm preaching to the choir. I always was proud that Iowa had one of the best/loudest fan bases in college sports. This is something I don't know if I can be proud of anymore. To hear that the Purdue game will most likely not sell out is unfathomable, UNFATHOMABLE! Think of all that may be on the line... A chance to play for the program's best start in school history (irregardless of what happens in the Minn. game), a chance to clinch a shot at the Big Ten championship, a chance to take another step closer towards a potential national championship. Not to mention Senior day. It is entirely possible that there may not be another chance to see an Iowa team with this much to play for this late in the season in your LIFETIME... This is the first time its happened in over 100 years and there is no guarantee that we'll be here again in a long while.

I've been living on the west coast for 15 years, lived in Iowa as a child and I've never had the opportunity to go to Kinnick. I considered spending dollars I don't have to fly out... Watching an Iowa game with empty seats for me is like a starving person watching a fat kid take a bite of a filet mignon and throwing the rest out. Ok, I'm overstating things a bit, but it does make me angry. Am I missing something? Say it ain't so Iowans!

I know season tickets sales were down this year, but how are all these people not coming back?


I got news for you: the game day experience is less than a remnant of its former self.

Folks will show up for O$U, Michigan, et. al. A 2-7 Purdue the week before Thanksgiving is carte blanche to get Thanksgiving planning and Christmas/Hannukah/Kwanzaa shopping done.
Agreed. I was paying 5K for an RV spot right next to practice field/stadium. But we enjoyed it and it was cheaper than an OWI. We could spend the night in the lot and pack up Sunday or late Saturday night. Can't do that any more. Now they kick you out a few hours after the game and the IC cops get you at the road blocks.

So you do drink and drive then or would if there weren't traffic stops or you did in the past when there were not stops? That's pretty f-ing dumb. I don't think anyone should complain about the stops as you shouldn't be drinking and driving anyway. Get a flipping designated driver.
I used to love the November games. With heavy winter coats, there never was a problem getting a six-pack into the game. Then you would go out at half-time & bring in six more beers. The fans were great. When an usher, security or a cop started up or down an aisle the fans would start yelling "cop, cop, cop" etc. You just put the beer down. Even if the authorities caught you drinking a beer all they did was confiscate it.

Dude, ColoradoHawkeye shreds your accomplishment. He had a "12-pack minimum" requirement, I believe, or he wouldn't go in.

I won't tell you his secret for such blatant-but-rocking bravery, but he did, indeed, pull it off. No need to leave at halftime :)
So you do drink and drive then or would if there weren't traffic stops or you did in the past when there were not stops? That's pretty f-ing dumb. I don't think anyone should complain about the stops as you shouldn't be drinking and driving anyway. Get a flipping designated driver.
No. We stayed all night in my RV. Or, I would stop drinking at kick off and we would leave 8 or 9 hours later on Saturday evening. It's your reading comp that's pretty f-ing dumb.
SO glad I bought my Purdue tix long before catching the ire of ladouchable. Far be it from me to cause shame and disappointment for such pius fan.

So you do drink and drive then or would if there weren't traffic stops or you did in the past when there were not stops? That's pretty f-ing dumb. I don't think anyone should complain about the stops as you shouldn't be drinking and driving anyway. Get a flipping designated driver.

You're not too smart.
I'd like to see more students in the stands also but this generation of students lead a much more sedentary lifestyle that they just don't want to put out much physical effort for anything. It's everywhere. When I was in my 20's I go to my folks's place for holidays. After we'd eat a big meal I'd sit back and watch the grandparents lean back in their chairs and take a nap. Those of us who were younger would go out and play football. Now after a big meal it's the kids who sit back and take a nap. Nobody offers to help with dishes. It's pathetic. I don't mean to rail on younger people. There are certainly some young people who are really great people. When I was young there were some kids overweight but 90% were pretty fit. Parents have gotten lazy and it really started with my generation. Parents have let technology babysit their kids and to many parents are more concerened with being friends with their kids rather than being parents. We're not raising kids, we're raising adults and it's child abuse if you don't prepare your kids for adulthood. Sorry about going off but I just had to get it off my chest.

I agree with a majority of what your saying, and I touched on this somewhat in my prior post, but I'll expand here. To put this in perspective I was a student from 08-12. I may have a slight ax to grind here as well.

A huge problem with the Iowa students stems from the fact that we have nearly 50% of our kids coming from IL, specifically the Chicago area. These kids are not coming to Iowa because it's Iowa, like a Iowa resident would, they are coming because out out-of-state tuition is cheaper than Illinois' in-state. This leads to a ton of kids with no connection to the school, they are just coming for financial reasons. Iowan's are proud of Iowa and feel attached to the school, vs Chicago kids just see the #1 party ranking, show up with Daddy's credit card and checkbook, and wreak havoc. They are the reason rent has sky-rocketed in Iowa City, they are the reason (combined with 21+ bars) that there is a huge increase in Greek Life, (huge negative for Iowa City) and they are the reason the student section isn't full. Like I said earlier, they treat the game like a reason to party, rather than the party being because of the game. They go out to get drunk, show up late in the first quarter, and either leave at halftime because they lost their buzz, or are too drunk to stand and make noise. They are bringing a disgusting, loud, self-centered and entitled culture to nearly half of the student body of Iowa, and it's extremely disappointing to me as an alum.
No. We stayed all night in my RV. Or, I would stop drinking at kick off and we would leave 8 or 9 hours later on Saturday evening. It's your reading comp that's pretty f-ing dumb.

So what is your issue with the random traffic stops then? You like the drinking and driving? If you have a driver that hasn't been drinking then what's the issue wise ***?
So what is your issue with the random traffic stops then? You like the drinking and driving? If you have a driver that hasn't been drinking then what's the issue wise ***?

He said he was willing to pay $5k a year to be responsible and stay overnight at the parking spot. He was saying it is stupid to force people back onto the road 2 or 3 hours after the game.

Pretty simple, but you seem to just want to be a d1ck about a guy being responsible.
So what is your issue with the random traffic stops then? You like the drinking and driving? If you have a driver that hasn't been drinking then what's the issue wise ***?

My god your reading comprehension sucks.

His issue isn't with the traffic stops at all.
His issue is with the fact that they can longer stay Saturday night in the parking lot.
