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    stanzi was so confident he liked to give the other team a 7 point lead.
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    What would you sell your tickets for?

    throw out "a night alone with" and everyone would probably cash them in. :)
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    O Captain, My Captain

    "they got like a high school stadium" The dude should have stayed in high school to take another English class
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    Starting Front Seven- 2011

    I think davis is a terrific run stopper...but my lose out over coverage skills. Our LB's have to run like the wind in Norm's scheme
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    LeBron James is a diva

    sad that we pay these thugs more than 50000 a year.
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    Who will lead the Hawkeye Basketball team in scoring?

    May. Gatens can't finish around the basket. Everytime he drives he gets it stuffed as he releases the ball so low.(ie. no hops)
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    Ferentz must fold his arms, kick back....

    they probably already paid his dad. lol
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    Would you pass on a 5 star recruit if he was interested...

    would not want that Off lineman from minny that signed with usc....bad daddy problems with that one
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    steve McCarty

    he is better than having no one --remember we had to play little lick last year!!!
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    How long before some faction in Iowa City says dont play Arizona

    all liberals are crazy, stupid, emotionally guilty about something or think they are smarter than everyone in the HISTORY of the human race.
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    So -- who has us 'circled' as the big game this fall?

    probably everyone except NW----they just put us in the easy win column
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    What Did Lick Do To Brust???

    maybe his aau coach and folks are pulling all the strings in this.
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    I thought Deace was out of line this morning

    deace is a pretty smart guy---why is he a clone fan???????
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    Hate to say this again but we could be better and win less games

    just about every season ,and every game, there are 5-10 plays that are either made,or not made ,that decide the outcome.
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    Should Bulaga have stayed?

    only if he could stretch his arms another six inches.
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    Carver Seating Plan

    I sat there for three years watching crap, in hopes of getting better and better seats each year: just in case they ever got good. Guess I will be going back to watching on TV.
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    Carver Seating Plan

    looks like this will be my last year of season tickets. You go watch the crappy teams for the last three years and now you have to pay a premium to get the same seats. It will be years and years before they fill carver again.
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    Stormin--Impressions on Brust

    you would think these recruits would be thrilled with the coaching change. We had to play the most boring ball in the country. If it weren't for the dogs racing at half time I would not even go. "Pass it around for 45 seconds and someone throw up a three" Once the shot goes up--sprint to the...
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    Stormin--Impressions on Brust

    I am thinking a couple of spoiled brats. So if they go somewhere and the coach gets fired after the first year...are they going to quit again? Man up guys and honor your loi as you will be stars at iowa
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    Stormin, what do you know?

    is gatens and his dad part of the problem? I find it suspicous that when fran brought a team out here a few years ago that Gatens was his host (did he stay with them too?) Maybe old man Gatens was the one that picked our coach?