Who will lead the Hawkeye Basketball team in scoring?


Active Member
Who does everyone think will lead the Hawks in scoring for bball next year? I am thinking gatens is gonna have a break out year... let me know your thoughts
May. Gatens can't finish around the basket. Everytime he drives he gets it stuffed as he releases the ball so low.(ie. no hops)
I don't think we have a "go to" scorer but I'd give Gatens or Payne the edge because of the experience & abilities. BUT I think we'll see a pretty balanced box score with the possibility of a different leading scorer in each game (with gatens, payne, may or basabe all in the mix). Which means we're sharing the rock & playing well as a team = a greater chance of winning.
I don't think we have a "go to" scorer but I'd give Gatens or Payne the edge because of the experience & abilities. BUT I think we'll see a pretty balanced box score with the possibility of a different leading scorer in each game (with gatens, payne, may or basabe all in the mix). Which means we're sharing the rock & playing well as a team = a greater chance of winning.

Gatens. With Fran helping him to attack the basket more and get the the foul line, more aspects of his game will open up along with his strong outside game. Basabe will be inconsistent, because he's a freshman, but a great scorer and in many games will be our leading scorer. Payne will be more focused on being a PG. May will be good in games where there's a lot of transition basketball and will lead in those games. All-around however, Gatens will lead the team in scoring average.

If Cully leads the team in scoring, it means that either he isn't doing his job, or the guys around him aren't doing theirs. His job is to start/run the offense and to be a distributor.

I'll go with Gatens or May, as the new offense should allow those two to use their athleticism in ways that they couldn't under Lickliter.
I am thinking Basabe bc of his high average in the PTL. I mean everybody knows that the PTL numbers directly correspond to B10 numbers....
May. Gatens can't finish around the basket. Everytime he drives he gets it stuffed as he releases the ball so low.(ie. no hops)

This statement is a complete joke. In one PTL game I saw (May v Gatens) Gatens did what he wanted, he even got a steal and threw it down over, OVER, May and another defender. The no hops comment is complete crap.

Gatens is a has been that never was.

Basabe 18.7 ppg
Marble 15.00 ppg
May 13.00 ppg
Brommer 10.00 ppg
Gatens 9 ppg
Cully 8.7 ppg
Cole 6.00 ppg
Actually... as we all know statistics can be very misleading. (Per ESPN stats) Last year the Hawkeyes averaged 60.5 PPG... however, individually...

Gatens 12.3
Tucker 11.9
Fuller 9.7
May 9.0
Payne 8.7
Cole 8.1
Cougill 4.0
Bawinkel 3.1
Lickliter 1.9
Brommer 1.7
Others .1

For a total of 70.5 PPG... you have to remember injuries and games where one of the players are unavailable increases the statistics on individual PPG over Team PPG. So realistically, could the Hawkeyes average 10 more ppg than last year? YES Could the individual stats equal 80 ppg? YES.

Just saying! Not impossible.

Gatens is a has been that never was.

Basabe 18.7 ppg
Marble 15.00 ppg
May 13.00 ppg
Brommer 10.00 ppg
Gatens 9 ppg
Cully 8.7 ppg
Cole 6.00 ppg

My over/under on this prediction..
Basabe > much less than 18.7, probably 8.7 ppg
Marble > 15 ppg for a B10 Freshman is tough.
May = he is solid and gives you all he is.
Brommer > Would be shocked to see Brommer avg 10 ppg.
Gatens < Will score much more than 9 ppg
Cully < good call, but I think he will score +9 in FT and 3 pt shots.
Cole < Cole will benefit from having Basabe around.

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