Search results

  1. RobKong

    B1G Money, Small Spenders?

    BB was just on Mike and Mike and said it was asst coach salaries.
  2. RobKong

    I miss Ed Hinkel

    I don't miss Ed Hinkel. He fit me for my knee brace. I hate my knee brace...
  3. RobKong

    Ferentz touring I-Club circuit; Getting lots of questions about new staff

    he's not coming to Burlington this year. But Norm is, the DMC I Club banquet is tomorrow night.
  4. RobKong

    Ugliest basketball floor

    I like it :)
  5. RobKong

    Officials this afternoon

    I was only able to see parts of the game, and I missed something it seems. I saw at halftime the ESPN talking heads were discussing Valentine being something of a showboat and Fran not liking some call. What happened?
  6. RobKong

    Are there any advantages to a pay site for Hawkeye sports?

    I used to belong to a pay site, and the forums were a lot lighter on the mindless banter that you see in free sites. Access to info seems to be just as solid here, and its worth ignoring a lot of what goes on in the forums to save that money :)
  7. RobKong

    Jess Settles Head Coaching Job

    Bring respect? They were ranked 15th and Magnani was the winningest coach in school history. He was fired because he didn't support them moving from NAIA to DIII, not because he didn't bring respect to the program. Far from it, actually.
  8. RobKong

    Heard Tom Bradley was in Ia City?!?!?

    I heard Shawn Bradley is in town.
  9. RobKong

    US Army Game babies

    I bet they did. You just weren't talented enough for your immaturity to be displayed on a national stage :)
  10. RobKong

    Thought this was interesting

    long time coming...
  11. RobKong

    OT board no longer accessible through Android app

    I don't. I don't see how the political board has anything to do with the OT forum. I assume you're referring to me? Crying? I don't read any of the OT or political board stuff. I really don't care. I was only saying its a minor annoyance when I'm on my phone looking for Hawk related...
  12. RobKong

    OT board no longer accessible through Android app

    I prefer it that way; my phone isn't littered with the vintagehawkeye retiring garbage and such...
  13. RobKong

    The Shadow on Coaching changes and Rumors

    I don't understand the complete lack of reading comprehension on this board. Those of us who actually read things looking for insight, rather than some sort of internet skirmish, have always appreciated your shadow insights.
  14. RobKong

    Former PSU players donating to Sandusky defense

    you should probably rephrase that.
  15. RobKong

    Hawkeye could lead team onto field

    One of the original articles I saw regarding his death said he loved "his Iowa Hawkeyes."
  16. RobKong

    Kinnick just got a whole lot unsafer.

  17. RobKong

    Sweetest Iowa Autograph You Have?

    Hayden Fry gave my dad an autographed football. Dad then gave it to me. I'm not big on autographs, but that one is pretty awesome to me.
  18. RobKong

    Mitch King

    he missed some practice with heart issues, I hope it doesn't impact his chances of making the roster.... The Hawk Eye He really is a neat guy to be around.
  19. RobKong

    Todd Blythe has rrom to talk?

    I'm the toughest dude on the internet. Here's proof; this is me driving to work yesterday.
  20. RobKong

    Lance Armstrong: Innocent?

    I find it funny that everybody who has come forward to say they saw him do it or they know he did it are guys who actually have been caught. The guys who finished 2nd and 3rd to him got caught. His teammates got caught. Why didn't he get caught? Is it because he is just a better cheater? Or...