The Shadow on Coaching changes and Rumors

Do you really think that KF would take a job at an institution that just fired one of his best friends in coaching? Run back to the cocoon as your drink is waiting.

Who did Texas fire and who is this best friend of Kirk that you're speaking of? Not doubting you, just curious.
Do you really think that KF would take a job at an institution that just fired one of his best friends in coaching?

Run back to the cocoon as your drink is waiting.

Not even close to waht I said. I said he would choose the job at PSU before the one in Texas. My comment is suggesting KF is not leaving Iowa for PSU and especially Texas.

I did not say that. I relayed that Nick Saban supposedly had Kirk on a list of three top candidates. Remember that Saban and Ferentz worked together under Bill Bilichick at the Cleveland Browns.
Hey folks read the post clearly. It says Nick Saban recommended those three. If true, it shows how highly Kirk is regarded by one of his peers. Fans and posters can critique Kirk all they want but his peers know what kind of man and coach he is.
Saban and KF were on the Browns staff together. That may have had something to do with this so-called recommendation.
Lol ay this entire thread....but if there was even a shard of truth in it....kirk would win 10 games a year with elite talent throughout the program.....Texasx10000000>Iowa
Who did Texas fire and who is this best friend of Kirk that you're speaking of? Not doubting you, just curious.

Texas A&M fired Mike Sherman -- Mike Sherman is a very close personal friend of Kirk's.

I don't doubt that Saban would make a recommendation about KF -- I just find it laughable that anyone who is a real insider would think this was relevant to post because of Kirk's relationship with Sherman. This is kind of like posting that blackholes are things you should stay away from -- so obvious that that it doesn't need to be said out loud.
Texas A&M fired Mike Sherman -- Mike Sherman is a very close personal friend of Kirk's.

I don't doubt that Saban would make a recommendation about KF -- I just find it laughable that anyone who is a real insider would think this was relevant to post because of Kirk's relationship with Sherman. This is kind of like posting that blackholes are things you should stay away from -- so obvious that that it doesn't need to be said out loud.


Wait, we aren't talking about KF to A&M, but to Texas if Mack Brown moves to AD, so why does his friendship with Sherman have anything to do with this?
Texas A&M fired Mike Sherman -- Mike Sherman is a very close personal friend of Kirk's.

I don't doubt that Saban would make a recommendation about KF -- I just find it laughable that anyone who is a real insider would think this was relevant to post because of Kirk's relationship with Sherman. This is kind of like posting that blackholes are things you should stay away from -- so obvious that that it doesn't need to be said out loud.

This made me laugh.
I did not say that. I relayed that Nick Saban supposedly had Kirk on a list of three top candidates. Remember that Saban and Ferentz worked together under Bill Bilichick at the Cleveland Browns.

I don't understand the complete lack of reading comprehension on this board. Those of us who actually read things looking for insight, rather than some sort of internet skirmish, have always appreciated your shadow insights.
The "Kirk can do no wrong" crowd are the one's who are creepy. They're becoming more angry and bitter each day. Just look at them go into attack mode on the OP.
If he goes or even thinks of going, I am not going to worry about it. I have much more to worry about than whether a an average coach goes elsewhere...

Why would he leave Iowa? He is king and has all the power with his lifetime contract. The AD nor the University can do nothing about what he does at Iowa. He has complete control to do whatever he pleases. With his contract, Iowa is unable to fire him EVEN IF they wanted to...KF holds all the cards.
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Looking for the "shrugs" emoticon but that was left behind at HI.

Will opt for :cool: as in, "Whatever; cool!"
(On a positive note, he can still claim, "We don't have beaches to sell ..." in Austin.)

or, :confused: as in, "I'm confused over what anyone here cares about Nick Saban's recommendations."

I will have to keep this handy for posting in the multitude of speculative threads regarding NFL coaching openings that will, inevitably, occupy the majority of page 1 starting sometime after the Insight bowl.:rolleyes:
(and he finishes with a strong roll of the eyes!)
Texas A&M fired Mike Sherman -- Mike Sherman is a very close personal friend of Kirk's.

I don't doubt that Saban would make a recommendation about KF -- I just find it laughable that anyone who is a real insider would think this was relevant to post because of Kirk's relationship with Sherman. This is kind of like posting that blackholes are things you should stay away from -- so obvious that that it doesn't need to be said out loud.

Pooker, read the post. Saban talked about Ferentz for TEXAS not A&M where Sherman was employed.
I don't understand the complete lack of reading comprehension on this board. Those of us who actually read things looking for insight, rather than some sort of internet skirmish, have always appreciated your shadow insights.

My friend and I thank you.

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