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  1. K

    Iowa program similar to Tenn??

    I am not saying that the style of play is the same, but their identity as a program. I was listening to ESPN radio a couple of weeks back and they were discussing the decline of the Tennessee football program. Phillip Fullmer, who had more success than Ferentz, was run out of town because...
  2. K

    12th Man vs. MSU???

    i watched this on tv and did notice the crowd. However, it was because it was pathetically quiet. I think it is louder watching golf on TV versus today's game. Smh.
  3. K

    Iowa looking like a Bowl Team today

    Iowa's passing game is still not very good. I am worried that we are going to be screwed on games that we get down early in and have to pass. Minnesota isn't even that good so if we lose to them we are in big trouble. We beat a really bad team today, but i am still happy with the W.
  4. K

    Oklahoma St Scandal

    Don't act like ya'll don't know this stuff goes on. The ESPN radio people are acting like they are shocked. Wow, probably the same people that were shocked to find out certain athletes were/are taking PEDs. Lol! Heck, they probably don't think that some high school athletes are taking PEDs. Some...
  5. K


    What is Lomax's status?
  6. K

    Canzeri transfer rumblings????

    He isn't that good anyway. Show him the door cause we only need players that really want to be there.
  7. K

    Coach White on Twitter

    Wow, sounds like someone is drinking the kool-aid. Good laugh though. lol
  8. K

    Do we need to worry about Marble going pro now?

    SMH at my fellow hawk fans even thinking that Marble would leave after this year. Please, don't be that person. First of all, he is not good enough to make it in the league and if you think he is at this point then you are one of those people. The same type of person that talked about Vince...
  9. K

    Is there an above avg QB and defense ready for return to 8-4 to 10-2

    That's right. You can't have one bad season at Texas when you have that talent. He can't and isn't doing it anymore. We will just see who is right after this coming year. Now go back to your ma's basement and play with your beanie baby collection. Get good scrub.
  10. K

    Is there an above avg QB and defense ready for return to 8-4 to 10-2

    Total O stats at Texas over last several years 2004- 11th 2005- 2nd 2006- 26th 2007- 13th 2008- 11th 2009- 11th 2010- 74th GD fired 2011- 50th 2012- 37th Thanks for helping me prove my point. I said "anymore". He couldn't do it anymore. Hey uihawk82, how did GD's offense pan out last year...
  11. K

    Vandenberg Invited to Combine...

    I would have been shocked if JVB wasn't invited to the combine. He has a live arm and is very smart. GD made his season a bust not JVB. As for KD, you have to be able to get of the ball and create separation in the NFL. He struggled to do it in the B10. Just saying.
  12. K

    Whar Wisconsiiiiiiin Prediction Thread?

    My prediction is that a bunch of losers will post threads trashing players and/or coaches if Iowa loses. Losing brings out the losers on this forum. Get good noobs. :)
  13. K

    Is there an above avg QB and defense ready for return to 8-4 to 10-2

    I know it is tough for many of you bird brains to figure out, but I will try to explain this to you again. If GD implements the same offense as last year then you will see similar results. He couldn't do it anymore at Texas with 5 star players so what makes you kool-aid drinkers think that it...
  14. K

    Anyone know how many Johnny Football rating as a recruit?

    It is all about how a player and his or her skills fit into a system. It may be that the system makes the player look good. I am not saying Matt Cassel is a good QB, but in NE he played well in a good system and that is how he got big money in the FA market. Same with Kevin Kolb and Matt...
  15. K

    What was the message?

    You're right, Fran was the one not playing defense! That is a stupid statement ghost. What today came down to was a young team playing on the road against the NUMBER 2 team in the whole country. I expected it to be a blowout. Maybe your expectations at this point in the B10 schedule are too...
  16. K

    Iowa's best quarterback the last 2 years

    Thank you. Finally someone who says something smart on this forum. Most of you can't figure this out. Good **** calculator!
  17. K

    Enough of the negativity

    Most of the posters on here are not very knowledgeable when it comes to the game of football. With that said, I usually come on here to get a good laugh reading some of the whiny posts. It is nice to know there are bigger losers out there than me. lmao!
  18. K

    Serious Question about Johnny Manziel

    The answer is no because he doesn't fit GD's system and GD obviously doesn't adjust anything according to his players abilities.
  19. K

    "Another Year With GD's Playbook = Improvement?"

    The problem with GD is not just the playbook itself, but his inability to make adjustments if something isn't working. JVB and the wrs seemed to struggle with the passing schemes that GD incorporated. Our wrs couldn't get separation, which is huge when trying to complete a quick slant...
  20. K

    Stanzi to start against Colts?

    JVB has a better pro arm than Stanzi does. I can throw a 15 yrd. out with more zip than Stanzi.