The Season Died at the Palestra

I'll be honest, all though I did notice Kriener was noticeably gassed, there were so many stoppages in play last night - either TV timeouts or what not, I get why coaches don't feel the need to use TO's like crazy. It seemed like we were breaking constantly and from Iowa's standpoint, they could never get in a flow.

You can use timeouts if players are noticeably winded. But it's not going to help with losing your legs. The guys on the post game show even talked about how hard on the players the travel is. I'll say it again that this game was the perfect storm of bad luck and I wish we would have just played a game we already had chalked up as a loss.
I'm not gonna sit here and roast Fran or anyone else for all the injuries that have happened. There's no way it can't put a dent in this team. So I'm not gonna go there. Not this year. Not in this case.

But.. As a guy that's been watching and rooting for Iowa hoops for about as long as I can remember, since the mid 80's, I've gotta tell ya: IT'S ALWAYS SOMETHING.

Every time we're having a promising season with a chance to do something special, something seemingly always comes along to derail it. Some of it can be said to be self-inflicted, some of it not at all. Going back to the late 80's, things that come to mind: Ray Thompson, Chris Street, Luke Recker's knee, Pierre Pierce, February/March meltdowns (looking at you Fran and Steve Alford). Northwestern State.

This year's injuries are the latest example. So, it's looking like yet another lost season. This program would have no luck at all if not for the bad.

Sure, NCAA 2nd round last year. That's all well and good, but it also seems to be the ceiling. At least the football program has won a couple Big 10 titles this century, won an Orange Bowl, has had some Top 10 finishes. This year, double digit wins and a Top 15 finish. I need the basketball program to give me something similar. Whatever the basketball equivalent is. It's time.

If it sounds like I'm feeling sorry for myself, it's because I am. I'm totally jaded now when it comes to Iowa hoops. Give me something. That said, it won't honestly take all that much to bring me back into the fold, but I'm losing faith that it's going to happen any time soon.

Jaded - made dull, apathetic, or cynical by experience or by having or seeing too much of something.
It's not even so much the production we are losing from the guys who are out as much as what we lose having to play the guys that should be on the end of the bench. Pemsl just makes me so mad. The other guys just aren't very good so they try to provide decent minutes without hurting the team. But Pemsl comes in and tries to be a point forward and make miracle passes every time he touches the ball. He absolutely kills us by trying to play outside his talent level.
Yeah I've seen about enough of Pemsl… Rebound set screens play D. I would be really happy if he never has the ball at the offensive end of the floor. His basketball IQ isn't very good (which is always disappointing with an upper classman) and he's hardly got any skills. When our 2nd (3rd in all actuality) unit is in we have like 3 guys on the floor who are not threats to score. It's pretty frustrating and now teams are adjusting how they play us. Only making it tougher..
I'm not gonna sit here and roast Fran or anyone else for all the injuries that have happened. There's no way it can't put a dent in this team. So I'm not gonna go there. Not this year. Not in this case.

But.. As a guy that's been watching and rooting for Iowa hoops for about as long as I can remember, since the mid 80's, I've gotta tell ya: IT'S ALWAYS SOMETHING.

Every time we're having a promising season with a chance to do something special, something seemingly always comes along to derail it. Some of it can be said to be self-inflicted, some of it not at all. Going back to the late 80's, things that come to mind: Ray Thompson, Chris Street, Luke Recker's knee, Pierre Pierce, February/March meltdowns (looking at you Fran and Steve Alford). Northwestern State.

This year's injuries are the latest example. So, it's looking like yet another lost season. This program would have no luck at all if not for the bad.

Sure, NCAA 2nd round last year. That's all well and good, but it also seems to be the ceiling. At least the football program has won a couple Big 10 titles this century, won an Orange Bowl, has had some Top 10 finishes. This year, double digit wins and a Top 15 finish. I need the basketball program to give me something similar. Whatever the basketball equivalent is. It's time.

If it sounds like I'm feeling sorry for myself, it's because I am. I'm totally jaded now when it comes to Iowa hoops. Give me something. That said, it won't honestly take all that much to bring me back into the fold, but I'm losing faith that it's going to happen any time soon.

Jaded - made dull, apathetic, or cynical by experience or by having or seeing too much of something.

You ain't kidding it's always something. You can add to the list UNLV and Lester. I'm already thinking of things that will happen to ruin what could be a really good year next year. We will probably lose 1 game in the conference but MSU will go undefeated. Then we will lose first round as a 2 seed because the career day guy goes 12 for 12 from 3 and hits a 3/4 court shot at the buzzer to win be 1.
Yeah I've seen about enough of Pemsl… Rebound set screens play D. I would be really happy if he never has the ball at the offensive end of the floor. His basketball IQ isn't very good (which is always disappointing with an upper classman) and he's hardly got any skills. When our 2nd (3rd in all actuality) unit is in we have like 3 guys on the floor who are not threats to score. It's pretty frustrating and now teams are adjusting how they play us. Only making it tougher..

I don't even think it's a basketball IQ thing as much as he somehow got it in his head that he's an extraordinary passer so he anyways wants to show off his talents. Maybe he and Joe T get in passing duels in practice or something. I don't know, but it sucks to watch. It's to the point where when he actually does make a good pass, it's actually worse because it will just encourage him to try more.
You ain't kidding it's always something. You can add to the list UNLV and Lester. I'm already thinking of things that will happen to ruin what could be a really good year next year. We will probably lose 1 game in the conference but MSU will go undefeated. Then we will lose first round as a 2 seed because the career day guy goes 12 for 12 from 3 and hits a 3/4 court shot at the buzzer to win be 1.

Yep. I thought of UNLV too, but the only reason I didn't mention that one was because that team won 30 games and made the Elite 8. Losing to the #1 seed by 3 points.. No shame there. But, that's the ultimate "the one that got away" game and is my all-time most painful loss. Ugh.

Ronnie Lester - before my time (at least what I can remember) but that's another example. Iowa just might have won it all otherwise.
You ain't kidding it's always something. You can add to the list UNLV and Lester. I'm already thinking of things that will happen to ruin what could be a really good year next year. We will probably lose 1 game in the conference but MSU will go undefeated. Then we will lose first round as a 2 seed because the career day guy goes 12 for 12 from 3 and hits a 3/4 court shot at the buzzer to win be 1.

And wasn't it one year with Fran where we were on a roll, and were scheduled to play @Indiana and then some beams start falling in Assembly Hall, and the game ended up rescheduled? Maybe there's nothing to this one, but it seemed that whole situation seemed to break up some positive mo that the team had, and a slide started. I forget what year that was. But unbelievable.
It is always something.... 100%. We haven't had much luck in this program. We've been pretty blessed with no injuries over the years, this year the "something" is fairly easily explained and I don't think it's fair to pin this one on Fran. IMO, the roster he put together to start the season seemed pretty formidable. You wanna hang him for something else I am cool with that tho. I also think we played much better D over all the last 2 seasons comparable to 2 seasons ago. I think Fran is a good coach in a not so great situation at Iowa from a lot of variables. Any coach that loses that much is gonna struggle. I am still gonna enjoy this season watching Joe T and the big 2 & see what they can make happen.
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And wasn't it one year with Fran where we were on a roll, and were scheduled to play @Indiana and then some beams start falling in Assembly Hall, and the game ended up rescheduled? Maybe there's nothing to this one, but it seemed that whole situation seemed to break up some positive mo that the team had, and a slide started. I forget what year that was. But unbelievable.

yeah that happened.
And wasn't it one year with Fran where we were on a roll, and were scheduled to play @Indiana and then some beams start falling in Assembly Hall, and the game ended up rescheduled? Maybe there's nothing to this one, but it seemed that whole situation seemed to break up some positive mo that the team had, and a slide started. I forget what year that was. But unbelievable.
That was Marble's senior year and started the first late season collapse. We were rolling really good at that time and already traveled there. Ended up with a really long layoff, then playing a few games really close together. Like you said, it could have been nothing. But it could have been everything too. Momentum is huge in basketball and we had a lot of it, then we had none of it. Get a few more wins that year and keep momentum, it could have been an elite 8 type team.
I don't even think it's a basketball IQ thing as much as he somehow got it in his head that he's an extraordinary passer so he anyways wants to show off his talents. Maybe he and Joe T get in passing duels in practice or something. I don't know, but it sucks to watch. It's to the point where when he actually does make a good pass, it's actually worse because it will just encourage him to try more.
Yeah I'm with ya. A pet peeve of mine is sometimes we not just him either try feeding the post with strait line passes from the top of the key. I really wish we'd try getting away from that and do it from the wing to the block. It's too congested and that angle is just asking for a defender to get a hand on them.
That was Marble's senior year and started the first late season collapse. We were rolling really good at that time and already traveled there. Ended up with a really long layoff, then playing a few games really close together. Like you said, it could have been nothing. But it could have been everything too. Momentum is huge in basketball and we had a lot of it, then we had none of it. Get a few more wins that year and keep momentum, it could have been an elite 8 type team.

OK, thanks. Yeah I remember that year, Clark Kellogg saying that Iowa looked like at least a Sweet 16 team, maybe better, when they won @OSU on national TV. Ended up losing in the First Four instead.

That Indiana beam thing was just such an "Iowa" thing to have had happen. And I do also believe that was about when the PMac cancer situation was happening if memory serves, too.

It's hard to quantify how much effect these things have had on the on-court product, but add this stuff to the list as far as I'm concerned.
When the Joes are taking more shots than the all-American post ... When C-Mac is firing up 7 hideous 3's ... not many opportunities for the other team to foul.

The three that went in didn't look hideous. But aside from a couple of in and outs from Wieskamp, about 25 of the 30 misses from 3 looked hideous.
Bad shooting nights are going to happen. I can live with that.

But, there is no excuse for the utterly terrible on-ball defense this team plays, and has played during Fran's entire tenure. None.

Nebraska realized that they could score at will by letting the shot clock wind down, then penetrating with ease (drawing the interior defender) and dishing it off for an easy layup or wide open three. Even without penetration, Iowa's perimeter players are constantly on their heels making the shooters completely comfortable lining up the shot.

Our only player that has any lateral quickness at all is Toussaint, but he's prone to head fakes and crossovers, essentially negating whatever athletic ability he has.

This team had exceeded my expectations, but at the end of the day, is quite possibly is the least athletic team in the B1G. If the outside shot is not falling to balance out that lack of athleticism, this team won't have an answer.

wow. You sure do not know much about basketball.
Obviously, good teams lose. At the end of the day, it's about odds and probability.

Teams with a good mix of athleticism and skill level will always have better odds of winning, assuming equal coaching. If you assemble a roster that is almost completely reliant upon outside shooting and is almost devoid of twitchy athletes, and is never drilled on good defensive fundamentals, you're never going to win consistently.

Oh good God. “Completely reliant on outside shooting.” We have one of the best centers in the nation, who also has a good backup. We have a young guard who shows great ability to go to the basket. We have JW, who is one of the best inside/outside threats in the BT. When our other wing was healthy, opposing defenses were between a rock and a hard place.
We have a swing man in McCaffrey who sees the floor as well as anyone, and he has an assist to turnover record that is stellar. When you are in a hole, Die Hard, stop digging.
A season which showed so much promise ended in one of the most historic gyms in college basketball. Many folks said they were proud of Iowa’s effort in a game Iowa gave away. Wins come at such a premium in this league and that one is going to end up costing us big time. The cumulative effect of that one along with the Fredrick injury led to the loss tonight.

Fredrick is now in a boot so likely out for at least awhile, who really knows. Without Fredrick this team is exposed as Nebraska did tonight. Even if we get him back in a few weeks it’s too little too late as the end of year schedule is just too much.

Obviously a lot of this is out of our control but that collapse at the Palestra I think was the beginning of the end for our NCAA hopes. I think we get to 7-8 wins in the league and miss the dance.

The season died at the Palestra. Let’s hope it’s not our last year with Garza and / or Wieskamp in hawkeye jerseys.

Yep, two sharpshooters down and that's hard to overcome. Put you most athletic or best defending guard on Wieskamp and double-team Garza. Iowa's consistency is neutralized. Sucks!
The bad thing about Nebraska is they made it all but impossible to do anything but shoot a bunch of 3s. They shut Garza down as well as you can and he still put up 16 and 18. If CJ is back and other teams want to try that plan (which is probably a good idea) they are really rolling the dice on not getting lit up from 3.
The bad thing about Nebraska is they made it all but impossible to do anything but shoot a bunch of 3s. They shut Garza down as well as you can and he still put up 16 and 18. If CJ is back and other teams want to try that plan (which is probably a good idea) they are really rolling the dice on not getting lit up from 3.
If anything it just got Iowa out of their rhythm. I thought some of the threes we shot were dumb ones (Evelyn not set air ball in the 1H, Kriener forced one when he had it close 2H, Pemsl?) and we also passed up some good shots. Connor was about the only guy taking good shots. Evelyn stopped looking at the hoop. Wieskamp should have pulled a few more when he was open actually.
If anything it just got Iowa out of their rhythm. I thought some of the threes we shot were dumb ones (Evelyn not set air ball in the 1H, Kriener forced one when he had it close 2H, Pemsl?) and we also passed up some good shots. Connor was about the only guy taking good shots. Evelyn stopped looking at the hoop. Wieskamp should have pulled a few more when he was open actually.

Yea I was fairly happy with Connor. Everyone else was terrible shooting. I agree Wieskamp should have shot a few more he passed up on. All of his shots were look looks. Most of them weren't even that close to going in either. Unfortunate.
wow. You sure do not know much about basketball.
Oh good God. “Completely reliant on outside shooting.” We have one of the best centers in the nation, who also has a good backup. We have a young guard who shows great ability to go to the basket. We have JW, who is one of the best inside/outside threats in the BT. When our other wing was healthy, opposing defenses were between a rock and a hard place.
We have a swing man in McCaffrey who sees the floor as well as anyone, and he has an assist to turnover record that is stellar. When you are in a hole, Die Hard, stop digging.
I played for years, so anytime you want to compare basketball knowledge, let me know.

And if you could follow along genius, you'll see I answered the question about being "reliant." I was referring to when Garza was double and triple-teamed.

Just because CMac and Weiskamp get an occasional layup, and Toussaint can occasionally drive to the rim without turning it over doesn't necessarily imply that we have much of an inside game outside of Garza. Of course some players are going to score in other ways depending upon the game being played. You're taking the statement way too literally.

What we saw last night was a team that had almost no answers when Garza was double and triple-teamed outside of throwing up threes that weren't going in. That's a fact. Were there contributing factors, such as two of our best shooters not being available? Sure, but, either way, last night this team primarily resorted to attempting threes as the strategy, and showed almost no ability to adjust (more of an indictment of the coaches than the players). To argue otherwise is delusional, but, feel free to regale us with your unrivaled basketball knowledge about how that isn't true.

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