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  • Farm Bureau, State Farm, Nationwide will usually take care of you well with a good agent in your corner. Auto rates are increasing for all companies due to several factors. More claims and higher costs. Side mirror years ago cost $50. Now costs $1300 with sensor/camera. Biggest difference in companies shows up more with property claims. I'm an insurance agent in Iowa if you wanted to talk more.
    Thank you so much Hawk23. I currently have Amica which I've had for about 15 yrs with great luck.
    Thanks. That is what I was going to try & use. Either that or construction calk. I wasn't afraid to use it after gluing it as the glue would be dry & not touch the food. Once it would have ample time to dry, I would presume it would not be toxic. Thanks again.
    If you spatula is stainless steel with a composite handle (I have a Pampered Chef spatula too) use Super Glue, I see no reason why it would give off fumes in use, as the glue would be inside the handle. I've had mine for years, and I agree with you, hate to part with an old friend.
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