So, Trump caught a hoax somehow?

I'm guessing the committee would look back at a Bama loss with blinders on with Nick out. On the other hand if Georgia wins they'll forget entirely that Nick wasn't there.
Oooh....internet tough guy!

I'm probably among the 88%. Am I and the others to live underground for the rest of my life? Compared to Europe and the pacific rim countries we are fat, out of shape, and it's no one's fault but ours. But we don't hide and cower.

I never said Covid carried a zero mortality rate. I said Covid is seldom the primary cause of death. None of what I said was bullshit. It wasn't in May and it isn't now. You just don't happen to agree witn it.

Please send my regards to your friend. Here's hoping that he pulls through.
I could spend an hour providing facts with supporting links from actual reputable sources but you wouldn't understand or learn anything from it, so I'm not going to waste my time. The whole primary cause of death argument is bullshit. Because somebody had diabetes which they could live with for another 20 years and they die while infected after a few days, it wasn't COVID that killed them?? How can anyone defend this logic? It's like a guy with hypertension walking across the street and gets hit by a truck and dies, would you also argue that the truck didn't kill him? It's the dumbest argument I've ever seen people try to make.

My co-worker's perfectly healthy 20 year old daughter had mild COVID over month ago that she got through, now 4 weeks later she has pneumonia, heart palpitations and muscular pain due to clotting issues.

UIHC is currently at capacity and has been for weeks because of idiots that believe the crap they hear about the alleged lies about the seriousness of the disease. It's not the people from Johnson County that are filling it, I wonder why?

The biggest problem we face are the people who don't take this seriously until it hits them, their family or their loved ones - and they only find out one at a time. I hope you don't have to find out this way.

I don't care what you do personally - but I would prefer that you avoid spewing misinformation and talking points on one side of your mouth while at the same time trying to make this a political issue on the other. Here's a free tip - it's not.

Thanks for your concern, she's a strong person and I hope she gets better soon.
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I could spend an hour providing facts with supporting links from actual reputable sources but you wouldn't understand or learn anything from it, so I'm not going to waste my time. The whole primary cause of death argument is bullshit. Because somebody had diabetes which they could live with for another 20 years and they die while infected after a few days, it wasn't COVID that killed them?? How can anyone defend this logic? It's like a guy with hypertension walking across the street and gets hit by a truck and dies, would you also argue that the truck didn't kill him? It's the dumbest argument I've ever seen people try to make.

My co-worker's perfectly healthy 20 year old daughter had mild COVID over month ago that she got through, now 4 weeks later she has pneumonia, heart palpitations and muscular pain due to clotting issues.

UIHC is currently at capacity and has been for weeks because of idiots that believe the crap they hear about the alleged lies about the seriousness of the disease. It's not the people from Johnson County that are filling it, I wonder why?

The biggest problem we face are the people who don't take this seriously until it hits them, their family or their loved ones - and they only find out one at a time. I hope you don't have to find out this way.

I don't care what you do personally - but I would prefer that you avoid spewing misinformation and talking points on one side of your mouth while at the same time trying to make this a political issue on the other. Here's a free tip - it's not.

Thanks for your concern, she's a strong person and I hope she gets better soon.

Thx Reel. My daughter has a genetic condition that would cause clotting issues. She is 18 and I guess expendible.
Thx Reel. My daughter has a genetic condition that would cause clotting issues. She is 18 and I guess expendible.

Take all the precautions and don't taken unnecessary risks, unlike the orange idiot encourages. I have a cousin who came off a ventilator and his only pre-existing was being 57 and 20lbs overweight. He just got a heavy load from a coworker he worked closely with who didn't know he was infected. He survived, but he has issues. His life is no where near what it was before...he has lost weight though...because he still feels like shit 2 months later.

Keep your daughter wishes. I know that's not a comforting feeling knowing you have child that's vulnerable. It's still maddening to hear Trump and his supporters downplaying this thing. Trump got medicines that no one is getting right now...and he's either so callous or stupid to realize how demeaning it is to people who have lost love ones to Covid. Talk about tone deaf.
Take all the precautions and don't taken unnecessary risks, unlike the orange idiot encourages. I have a cousin who came off a ventilator and his only pre-existing was being 57 and 20lbs overweight. He just got a heavy load from a coworker he worked closely with who didn't know he was infected. He survived, but he has issues. His life is no where near what it was before...he has lost weight though...because he still feels like shit 2 months later.

Keep your daughter wishes. I know that's not a comforting feeling knowing you have child that's vulnerable. It's still maddening to hear Trump and his supporters downplaying this thing. Trump got medicines that no one is getting right now...and he's either so callous or stupid to realize how demeaning it is to people who have lost love ones to Covid. Talk about tone deaf.

There's nothing better than listening to people who've never contracted an illness or had a very mild case of it tell you that it's over rated or that everything is fine. I'd put it right up there with me giving golf advice after going once my entire life.

And like you said...It takes one hell of an idiot to stick their chest out and make a mockery out of it, in front of those that have lost friends or loved ones to the illness. And that wasn't only aimed at the President, because it applies to every other piece of shit out there that would do something similar.
I tested positive for COVID earlier this week. Started having symptoms last Saturday as I was exposed to someone at work last week.

I am 35 with no known preexisting conditions other than being about 15 pounds overweight. It is currently kicking my ass. I felt significant better on Tuesday but then the headache kicked in yesterday and I haven't been able to shake it since. I was very congested in my chest and now head but I am not having any breathing issues (as of now at least). I've had body aches on and off.

My point is that it ain't nothing to F around with. Take it seriously, please. I will probably survive (gosh I hope so) but have no idea how it'll affect me in the long-term, but I'm hoping not too adversely. Everyone be safe and take care of yourself and your loves ones.
I tested positive for COVID earlier this week. Started having symptoms last Saturday as I was exposed to someone at work last week.

I am 35 with no known preexisting conditions other than being about 15 pounds overweight. It is currently kicking my ass. I felt significant better on Tuesday but then the headache kicked in yesterday and I haven't been able to shake it since. I was very congested in my chest and now head but I am not having any breathing issues (as of now at least). I've had body aches on and off.

My point is that it ain't nothing to F around with. Take it seriously, please. I will probably survive (gosh I hope so) but have no idea how it'll affect me in the long-term, but I'm hoping not too adversely. Everyone be safe and take care of yourself and your loves ones.
Sorry to hear that you got the bug. Wishing you a full and speedy recovery!
The school where I teach "highly recommends" masks, which means that we have about 6 or 8 kids that actually wear them. We haven't had a single cases so far this year. My brother teaches at a school where masks are required (live in their personal bubble in his words) and they have a lot of cases and have a lot in quarantine. He said it's a revolving door.

I'm not advocating either way, but it is interesting that the numbers at our schools are what they are.
I could spend an hour providing facts with supporting links from actual reputable sources but you wouldn't understand or learn anything from it, so I'm not going to waste my time. The whole primary cause of death argument is bullshit. Because somebody had diabetes which they could live with for another 20 years and they die while infected after a few days, it wasn't COVID that killed them?? How can anyone defend this logic? It's like a guy with hypertension walking across the street and gets hit by a truck and dies, would you also argue that the truck didn't kill him? It's the dumbest argument I've ever seen people try to make.

My co-worker's perfectly healthy 20 year old daughter had mild COVID over month ago that she got through, now 4 weeks later she has pneumonia, heart palpitations and muscular pain due to clotting issues.

UIHC is currently at capacity and has been for weeks because of idiots that believe the crap they hear about the alleged lies about the seriousness of the disease. It's not the people from Johnson County that are filling it, I wonder why?

The biggest problem we face are the people who don't take this seriously until it hits them, their family or their loved ones - and they only find out one at a time. I hope you don't have to find out this way.

I don't care what you do personally - but I would prefer that you avoid spewing misinformation and talking points on one side of your mouth while at the same time trying to make this a political issue on the other. Here's a free tip - it's not.

Thanks for your concern, she's a strong person and I hope she gets better soon.
You are correct my friend. Spot on.

I probably wouldn't understand, or even read, the links from your actual reputable sources because they are probably versed in spreading more fear.

So let's deal with what you did give us, your 88% comorbidity rate. And let's apply it to the CDC's latest data.

Number of confirmed cases: 7,916,100
Number of deaths: 216,872

Okay, let's multiply the cases by .88. This means that stastically 6,966,168 people who have tested positive also have cormobidity. Divide deaths into that number. That gives you a mortlity rate of 3.11% for people considered the most vulnerable. And if you consider that Covid is only a contributing cause in many cases the number is probably lower than that.

The fact that 88% of us are comorbid is our fault, not Covid's. But there has never been a move to eliminate fried food for those who have high cholesterol or heart disease. The don't outlaw tobacco products for people on the verge of emphysema of COPD. Having millions of people on the verge of type two diabetes doesn't eliminate sugary soft drinks from the shelves. But lets stick it to people who have mental health issues by telling them they have to social distance. Let's damage or potentially ruin our children's eyesight by exposing them to computer blue light with all this blasted virtual learning. Let's continue to sweep under the rug and underreported issues that will be with us long after this pandemic is a memory.

Look, I realize in a country of 330 million people you are going to have tragedies, and my heart goes out to any fellow posters who have been adversely affected. My dad is COPD and on oxygen. My mother had surgery for a perforated ulcer a year ago. They are vulnerable.

As for me, I had my DOT physical in August and I was 5'9, 228 lbs. My BMI was 28.5. 30 is considered obese. My neck size is one inch away from the threshold that my physician uses to send patients for sleep apnea testing. I also had a basil cell carcenoma removed from my sternum in September. It was large enough to require over twenty stitches and leave a two inch scar.

So I respect Covid. But I refuse to fear it. I see in my line of work people already trying to stock up on toilet paper and cleaning supplies. All over again.

Why? For God sakes why?
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I totally see where your coming from but here's how I see it. My 9 to 5 career I work for the County and it is mandated that if I leave my office and interact with the public then I'm masked. It's also in that same policy that if I'm exposed to it or come down with it that I'm missing a minimum of 10 days and using PTO to cover those hours.

My other job as we've talked about in the past, is that I coach club sports. Where we are not mandated but "highly encouraged" to wear masks which is an absolute pain in the ass, yet I comply. My wife has to wear them for work 8 hours a two oldest kids have to wear them all day everyday while in class. Everyone in my family has to wear one with the exception of my 10 month old who would probably be mandated to be wearing one as well if there was a chance in hell he would keep it on.

Everywhere we look there are individuals that are mandated by private policies or state/federal policies telling us we need to be doing this if not for our safety but for the safety as others. So I totally agree that your not going to stop a virus being passed around by asymptomatic individuals, but at the same time if I (as well as my family) am having to go through all this then I find it absolutely inexcusable that the face of our nation who downplayed the severity of virus, isn't holding himself to the same guidelines that the rest of have to.
You asked what we wanted Big Brother to do about it. If what you advocate is a public policy around letting the virus runs its course while advising the elderly/at-risk to stay home, that's fine. But that's not what Big Brother has done (at least at the federal level). There has been no coherent strategy along those lines. And in fact, there's been other messaging from Big Brother that dangerously undercuts the policy you seem to be advocating for. Thus my opinion that if Big Brother isn't going to take a position of leadership (and I think you could defend any number of positions around opening schools/economy vs. closures), then it should at least stay out of the way.

Liberals did a great job with the virus control in New York and California, didn' they? In the end, we all have control over our own actions. I will not sit here and blame either Biden or Trump if I get this virus. Freedom and personal responsibility.
Yes...all I have to do is roll over and kiss the ring. thanks. I'll let history be the judge of Trump's lunacy, corruption, and stupidity. It's all on tape and everything has a paper trail...even the tax return evasion. You just have to have an ability to reason to see it. I didn't realize to be a Republican had to have your balls removed. Was that in the fine print somewhere. I was hoping all the black Republican Senators would at least stand up to him...oh wait...there is only one...unfortunately...he votes "old white dude" too.

You are too funny..Biden's son has become a millionaire accepting money from whomever wanted access to the most corrupt administration in our country's history (Obama) His qualifications? Former drug addict. Go ahead and ignore that.

Much better to go down the Liberal path of:
defunding police
ignoring crime
open borders
keeping Blacks down on the welfare plantation.
legalizing drugs
Killing innocent children in the womb out of convenience
Good schools are always in play when it comes to an educated community, lifetime income, job satisfaction, good child rearing skills, charity support, health, political involvement, in other words, what anDemocracy needs to be successful. If you don’t get this, you are really out of touch with reality.
and Democrats have done a great job keeping poor kids in the worst schools with no options. (in Teacher's Union pocket is what that is called.)
You are correct my friend. Spot on.

I probably wouldn't understand, or even read, the links from your actual reputable sources because they are probably versed in spreading more fear.

So let's deal with what you did give us, your 88% comorbidity rate. And let's apply it to the CDC's latest data.

Number of confirmed cases: 7,916,100
Number of deaths: 216,872

Okay, let's multiply the cases by .88. This means that stastically 6,966,168 people who have tested positive also have cormobidity. Divide deaths into that number. That gives you a mortlity rate of 3.11% for people considered the most vulnerable. And if you consider that Covid is only a contributing cause in many cases the number is probably lower than that.

The fact that 88% of us are comorbid is our fault, not Covid's. But there has never been a move to eliminate fried food for those who have high cholesterol or heart disease. The don't outlaw tobacco products for people on the verge of emphysema of COPD. Having millions of people on the verge of type two diabetes doesn't eliminate sugary soft drinks from the shelves. But lets stick it to people who have mental health issues by telling them they have to social distance. Let's damage or potentially ruin our children's eyesight by exposing them to computer blue light with all this blasted virtual learning. Let's continue to sweep under the rug and underreported issues that will be with us long after this pandemic is a memory.

Look, I realize in a country of 330 million people you are going to have tragedies, and my heart goes out to any fellow posters who have been adversely affected. My dad is COPD and on oxygen. My mother had surgery for a perforated ulcer a year ago. They are vulnerable.

As for me, I had my DOT physical in August and I was 5'9, 228 lbs. My BMI was 28.5. 30 is considered obese. My neck size is one inch away from the threshold that my physician uses to send patients for sleep apnea testing. I also had a basil cell carcenoma removed from my sternum in September. It was large enough to require over twenty stitches and leave a two inch scar.

So I respect Covid. But I refuse to fear it. I see in my line of work people already trying to stock up on toilet paper and cleaning supplies. All over again.

Why? For God sakes why?

Your BMI is 33 btw.
I tested positive for COVID earlier this week. Started having symptoms last Saturday as I was exposed to someone at work last week.

I am 35 with no known preexisting conditions other than being about 15 pounds overweight. It is currently kicking my ass. I felt significant better on Tuesday but then the headache kicked in yesterday and I haven't been able to shake it since. I was very congested in my chest and now head but I am not having any breathing issues (as of now at least). I've had body aches on and off.

My point is that it ain't nothing to F around with. Take it seriously, please. I will probably survive (gosh I hope so) but have no idea how it'll affect me in the long-term, but I'm hoping not too adversely. Everyone be safe and take care of yourself and your loves ones.
I hope you get through this ok with no lasting effects. Hang in there, I'll be thinking of you.
Liberals did a great job with the virus control in New York and California, didn' they? In the end, we all have control over our own actions. I will not sit here and blame either Biden or Trump if I get this virus. Freedom and personal responsibility.

I think you totally missed the point of my post that you quoted. It wasn't about democrats or republicans, but rather why rules apply to some and not others. But feel free to pick apart the democrats, because the republicans have done much better job. You want my honest opinion...both political parties are equally a joke and worthless. Politics has become about nothing more than a glorified contest to get their party members in office while election after election the voters get the shaft.

Democrat...Republican...makes no difference to me. I vote for the candidates that I tend to agree with, but so hard to these days because rather than knowing what they stand for the focus is driven by attempts to personally attack the opposition and dig up dirt from their past.

But I agree that it's not a political figures fault if we get sick, but with that said, they are responsible with how they present themselves. Regardless of political affiliation, I find it disgusting and an insult to all American's the way Trump is minimizing the virus while lives are being lost. I just think we'd be better off he knew what compassion and humility were and actually thought about what he said before he opened his mouth. People don't dislike the guy because he's a republican or feel that anything his name is attached to is wrong or bad..they simply dislike him because he's an asshole.
The school where I teach "highly recommends" masks, which means that we have about 6 or 8 kids that actually wear them. We haven't had a single cases so far this year. My brother teaches at a school where masks are required (live in their personal bubble in his words) and they have a lot of cases and have a lot in quarantine. He said it's a revolving door.

I'm not advocating either way, but it is interesting that the numbers at our schools are what they are.

I think you've got a great point here. I wonder if it has anything to do with the fact that groups of people wearing masks are more likely to ignore social distancing practices because of a heightened sense of security or simply because they're letting their guard down.
I tested positive for COVID earlier this week. Started having symptoms last Saturday as I was exposed to someone at work last week.

I am 35 with no known preexisting conditions other than being about 15 pounds overweight. It is currently kicking my ass. I felt significant better on Tuesday but then the headache kicked in yesterday and I haven't been able to shake it since. I was very congested in my chest and now head but I am not having any breathing issues (as of now at least). I've had body aches on and off.

My point is that it ain't nothing to F around with. Take it seriously, please. I will probably survive (gosh I hope so) but have no idea how it'll affect me in the long-term, but I'm hoping not too adversely. Everyone be safe and take care of yourself and your loves ones.

Take care GoHawks. I manage a number of staff. Unfortunately I lost one of them in May secondary to COVID. Never got out of the hospital. I thought they were in decent shape but I don't know the individual's history. May of had a couple comorbids. I now have another that was Dx'ed about 1 1/2 weeks ago now. This person spent 3 days in the hospital but now home battling with SOB. I know of an acquaintance from my boys' sports teams who had it this summer. He still doesn't have his taste or smell back at 100%.