So, Trump caught a hoax somehow?


Apparently, Pence's Pet wasn't taking any chances


That's no pet, it's Lucifer himself taking a nice long dump on Mike Pence's forehead.
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Last post in this thread. You went through 8 years of Obama and Biden...did the far left control their agenda? No.

Biden is a centritrist and he knows it's the only way he will be able to govern. It's hilarious to me that you are so concerned about the far left, but seem to be ok letting Trump dismantle the institutions of Democracy. That's ok? Using the Justice Department and the AG as his own personal attache'. Going after political enemies...pardoning convicted felons...and personal friends. Trump stood at a lectern with Putin and sided with Putin over our intelligence community. Think about that...Russia. Russia is a cold, calculated adversary and are actively sowing discord in this country. They are helping the Taliban kill Americans right now...fact. They benefited when Trump bailed on Syria. They want to disrupt America's status on the World stage and destroy our coalition with our allies. All Facts.

Trump is a fraud who, based on the tax information we have likely guilty of several crimes. And we don't even know who he owes money to yet. If you can't see that Trump is dangerous to our have issues. There have been 15 or so people who have left his administration and have said basically the same thing. He's unfit for the office. Just the way he's handled the his diagnosis..."Covid is nothing to worry about"...he's gotten the best new drugs and treatment. He's trampling on people who lost family members because they didn't have access to what he does. It's not's sick and disgusting.
First, where in my post did I say I support Trump? You're preaching to the choir. I've been quite candid regarding how I how feel about him, so fire away. My overall point is that all of our choices are bad, and none are anywhere near beyond reproach.

Second, this is not the centrist Joe Biden of 1980, or even the Biden of 10 years ago. He's now a pawn and a shell of his former self, that also happens to be showing the early signs of dementia; a politician with a finger to the wind on the one hand while holding hands with Sanders, Harris and AOC with the other. You know, the one who needs to answer voter questions with a teleprompter... It's actually kind of sad and pathetic, but also amusing when he makes obvious attempts to run or put a "spring in his step" whenever he is approaching a mic or stage. Classic political theater.

Are you voting for the Biden who has stated emphatically in the past that he will eliminate fossil fuels (also part of the Bernie manifesto on his website), or the one that stated emphatically yesterday "I am not, not, not banning fracking, period?" Or the one that gave a speech about the inappropriateness of stacking the Supreme Court, versus the one that obviously is planning on doing it now? Or, the one that stated he was for "reallocating" funds away from law enforcement (while turning a blind eye to the violence and looting for weeks), only to state, after polls and focus groups revealed that his stance was becoming a negative issue, that he wants to allocate more funds towards law enforcement (while finally issuing a statement against violence)? Or, the one who was in favor of being tougher on illegal immigration by driving legislation in 1996 to literally double the number of border patrol agents, or the one who recently put forth the "Biden-Sanders Unity Task Force Recommendations," that effectively eliminates effective border enforcement all-together? I could go on, but you get the point. I could easily pose similar questions of Hillary, Pelosi, Schumer, etc., or even Trump, Graham, Bush, etc.

And let me ask you this, how do you think the press would handle either of Trump's sons if it was determined that either had profited millions from Ukraine and China (with the only qualification being a prominent family connection), and that allegedly received 3.5 million dollars from the widow of a Moscow mayor? Oh, and was kicked out of the Navy for cocaine use, and married his brother's widow while impregnating a stripper? I'm not proposing that any network focus on family at all. It's distasteful and, unless illegal, should be off-limits, but anyone with any objectivity at all knows that if that was Don Jr. or Eric in that scenario, MSNBC and CNN would be falling all over themselves to discuss it. Hell, Chris Cuomo would probably use his emotional lather as fuel to improve his bench reps. I'm not pointing that out to support Trump, but one cannot deny the obvious media bias and double-standard here. It's laughably apparent.

Again, my point is that currently all of the prominent politicians on both sides are knee-deep in shit while claiming to smell like roses. I'm just trying to set aside my emotions and look at all of this through more of an objective rational lens, and the fact that we have no choice but to go down either road is frankly depressing.
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And then Biden's history with Jeffrey Epstein should also be questioned right? Oh was Trump who was buddies with know the convicted child molester. Convicted Child Molester...a good friend of our current President. There is film of when this picture was taken and the are ogling young girls. Trump knew what Epstein was doing...he commented on it several times. He did nothing to protect those girls.

But he barely knew the guy, just like he barely knows every other criminal around him.
I thought you were done with this thread. I will NOT be baited into responding further like I was in that fake depth chart thread. I'M DONE. THIS IS IT. RIGHT....NOW.

Yea I'm done with him. They guy is a part of the 10% radical left hack that won't open his eyes up to anything other than..............everything that happens bad = Trump, everything good = Democrats. Any election lost = Republicans cheated, etc...

It gets old. Ya can't even debate with those kinds of people because they can't let someone have an opinion. If they don't like your opinion, you are either racist or they start calling you names or they are going to hit you with a sock of batteries. So done with him.

I'm not even going to go back-in-forth with him anymore.
Voter/election fraud can not be accomplished at a level to actually affect the election. Ok, the example of a state that is won by 100 votes..sure...and the election comes down to that one state. Not happening in this election. Any larger concerted effort would be easier to spot.....but then of course he would be impeached and then the Democrat controlled Senate would.....oh yea, oops. Lol

Its truly sad when a human being says I am voting for someone that lies several dozen times a day directly to the American people and the response is..well the economy, or my hard earned white privilege existence is endangered....the price we pay for this mistake is voting for the better human being. Not a perfect human being. Sorry little Billy but it is ok to lie if you're the president. But don't you lie. Good luck with your feelings. Talk about it with your therapist someday.

Take your @ss whooping like big boys, re-group, and put out a better representative for the party in 4 yrs. Your choice in 2016 is gonna make you cry for at least the next 4-6 yrs when it costs control of the House, Senate and Executive branch. You make choices and you live with them.

View attachment 6891

Republican here FYI. Voting for Biden. No Republican platform. We didn't even put out a platform.. Really? Cult of Personality.
The worst president in our history. Threat to democracy. Leader of my party. Hell no.

And this horrible douche of a candidate didn't lose to Clinton in 2016 and looks to beat this Democrat ticket in 2020. What the hell does that tell you about the candidates.
Ok, this is my last post in this thread. Final one. ProudHawk...I commend you. Calling it like you see it and having conviction about electing someone with a moral compass...instead of a selfish, vindictive, narcissistic compass. Spoken like a man who puts Country before Party to me.

You agree with me so I luv you. Let's stick together guys.
At its core, this whole debate is basically pointless.

Look. It really all boils down to what a citizen feels is the proper role of government. Some believe in larger government with increased regulation, control and spending, and don't mind paying more taxes if they feel the money is being utilized to support their held ideals. The government should take care of its people, thereby maintaining a status quo by supporting those that are in need and preventing any conceived corruption of individual power.

Others believe in a smaller government with increased individual liberty, meaning less regulation, lower tax rates and the freedom to carve out their place in society. Government should be as hands-off as possible and focus more on defense and infrastructure, and leave the rest to the states and individuals. The populace benefits as a whole over time as a byproduct of rewarding and incentivizing hard work, motivation and achievement. A meritocracy.

Obviously, that's a simplification as there are numerous nuances. Regardless, both sides are right...and wrong. Debating core beliefs is like debating favorite colors. In this age of information at our fingertips, anyone can find data to support their arguments. By it's nature, it's a never-ending debate. In terms of the individual, it's also a continuum - pretty much all of us will have both conservative and liberal views. It's just a matter of where you land on the spectrum.

All I know - for better or worse - is that this election represents a monumental seminal moment for the U.S. I don't care for Trump at all. Never have. I see him as a rigid stubborn narcissist and didn't vote for him, but I have to admit the thought of a far left-wing take-over of the government is downright scary to me, and anyone who thinks that Biden is anything more than a Trojan Horse for Sanders, Harris, AOC, etc., is utterly deluding themselves. Once that train leaves the station, there may never be going back.

Yet, these are our choices. The results are almost certainly going to be depressing either way.

Damn nice post. Spot on.
Interesting take. Lots I agree with. If we were still a dominantly centrist country, I would not be so fearful about our political future. Sadly, we are not. My view, right or wrong or in between, is that starting with the tea party movement, the Republican establishment has become so far right wing that I hardly recognize them. As for a far left rebellion, I am not altogether worried, nor would I be surprised. It would clearly be a backlash, and probably deservedly so. With the primary goals of a single payer health care plan, a re-establishment of our relationships with traditional allies, a tax structure that is progressive, not regressive, I would not call the platform radical. Of course, there are other positions that are more controversial in nature. In the meantime, I have seen enough presidential ineffectiveness to support Biden, who would do well to be a calming force for a country that has been anything but for four years. Respectfully, Huck.

I don't agree with this at all. This is not your conservative party of old at all. This party has moved towards the middle more and more over the years, especially on many of the social issues. I now view the left as fart left with radical views.
First, where in my post did I say I support Trump? You're preaching to the choir. I've been quite candid regarding how I how feel about him, so fire away. My overall point is that all of our choices are bad, and none are anywhere near beyond reproach.

Second, this is not the centrist Joe Biden of 1980, or even the Biden of 10 years ago. He's now a pawn and a shell of his former self, that also happens to be showing the early signs of dementia; a politician with a finger to the wind on the one hand while holding hands with Sanders, Harris and AOC with the other. You know, the one who needs to answer voter questions with a teleprompter... It's actually kind of sad and pathetic, but also amusing when he makes obvious attempts to run or put a "spring in his step" whenever he is approaching a mic or stage. Classic political theater.

Are you voting for the Biden who has stated emphatically in the past that he will eliminate fossil fuels (also part of the Bernie manifesto on his website), or the one that stated emphatically yesterday "I am not, not, not banning fracking, period?" Or the one that gave a speech about the inappropriateness of stacking the Supreme Court, versus the one that obviously is planning on doing it now? Or, the one that stated he was for "reallocating" funds away from law enforcement (while turning a blind eye to the violence and looting for weeks), only to state, after polls and focus groups revealed that his stance was becoming a negative issue, that he wants to allocate more funds towards law enforcement (while finally issuing a statement against violence)? Or, the one who was in favor of being tougher on illegal immigration by driving legislation in 1996 to literally double the number of border patrol agents, or the one who recently put forth the "Biden-Sanders Unity Task Force Recommendations," that effectively eliminates effective border enforcement all-together? I could go on, but you get the point. I could easily pose similar questions of Hillary, Pelosi, Schumer, etc., or even Trump, Graham, Bush, etc.

And let me ask you this, how do you think the press would handle either of Trump's sons if it was determined that either had profited millions from Ukraine and China (with the only qualification being a prominent family connection), and that allegedly received 3.5 million dollars from the widow of a Moscow mayor? Oh, and was kicked out of the Navy for cocaine use, and married his brother's widow while impregnating a stripper? I'm not proposing that any network focus on family at all. It's distasteful and, unless illegal, should be off-limits, but anyone with any objectivity at all knows that if that was Don Jr. or Eric in that scenario, MSNBC and CNN would be falling all over themselves to discuss it. Hell, Chris Cuomo would probably use his emotional lather as fuel to improve his bench reps. I'm not pointing that out to support Trump, but one cannot deny the obvious media bias and double-standard here. It's laughably apparent.

Again, my point is that currently all of the prominent politicians on both sides are knee-deep in shit while claiming to smell like roses. I'm just trying to set aside my emotions and look at all of this through more of an objective rational lens, and the fact that we have no choice but to go down either road is frankly depressing.

Damn right they would be. Good point. Hell of a post. I'm actually more Libertarian. Maybe I should vote for whoever that candidate is.
I don't agree with this at all. This is not your conservative party of old at all. This party has moved towards the middle more and more over the years, especially on many of the social issues. I now view the left as fart left with radical views.
So the Southern Strategy and the courting of the Dixiecrats pushed the party to the center? What is far left? Even Bernie's ideas are for the most part those of an Eisenhower Republican. The GOP of today is not anything I recognize, even after having supported Nixon and Reagan.
Interesting take. Lots I agree with. If we were still a dominantly centrist country, I would not be so fearful about our political future. Sadly, we are not. My view, right or wrong or in between, is that starting with the tea party movement, the Republican establishment has become so far right wing that I hardly recognize them. As for a far left rebellion, I am not altogether worried, nor would I be surprised. It would clearly be a backlash, and probably deservedly so. With the primary goals of a single payer health care plan, a re-establishment of our relationships with traditional allies, a tax structure that is progressive, not regressive, I would not call the platform radical. Of course, there are other positions that are more controversial in nature. In the meantime, I have seen enough presidential ineffectiveness to support Biden, who would do well to be a calming force for a country that has been anything but for four years. Respectfully, Huck.
Yes, most if not all of these "radical" ideas have the support of the majority of the American people, who's the actual radicals in this country?
OK. We are ten pages into this thread and i have decided to jump in. Unfortunately for many of you my views have not changed.

  • The Media are still scaring the living piss out of gulllible people. Peeps, this virus has little chance of killing you and anyone who warns about long term effects is talking heresay. You don't know that, and neither do I, because doctors and scientists have yet to develop conclusive evidence. I would have been much, much more frightened of the polio crisis of the 1950's had I been alive in that decade. That fucked up a lot of young kids, some for life. THAT was worth being scared of. And it took seven years to nail an effective vaccine.
  • Case counts are meaningless if recovery numbers aren't stated. We have had seven million confirmed cases since this whole crisis began and you wouldn't believe how many believe all those cases are currently active. Generally speaking only about 20% of them are, and some locally are a lot less than that.
  • Just because over 200,000 have died doesn't mean Covid was the primary cause of death in all of them. In fact it seldom is. Our local coroner explained this, and how death certificates have area's to list multiple secondary causes of death. Many of those people were going to die soon from the primary cause. But dont expect the media to point this out. If Covid was anywhere on the death certificate, then according to them Covid and Covid alone caused the death
  • Schools, which are sort of important for kids and teenagers for a multitude of reasons, continue to come under fire and now they're attacking bars and restaurants again. But not one single event of protesting, anywhere, peaceful or violent, has ever been blamed for spreading one outbreak. Some even try to spread the ridiculous stories that protesters were protected by some diety on high, or something, from getting the virus and people believe it.
  • Now the WHO is coming out with stories that locking down was a bad idea, and that there "strong indicators" that the pandemic may end sooner than expected. They are correct. It will end about ten seconds after Biden is elected. If he wins. And the WHO and accompanying New York Times study are already trying to do Biden's dirty work for him.
  • Biden in the long run, if he wins, won't tackle this pandemic too much differently than his predecessor did. He might call for a national mask mandate. But he will be praised for how he handles it whereas his predecessor was vilified. The only way he may handle it differently is, you guessed it, by trying to conjure as much fear as possible.
Save yourself the aggravation. Don't buy into it. You have a life to live.
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OK. We are ten pages into this thread and i have decided to jump in. Unfortunately for many of you my views have not changed.

  • The Media are still scaring the living piss out of gulllible people. Peeps, this virus has little chance of killing you and anyone who warns about long term effects is talking heresay. You don't know that, and neither do I, because doctors and scientists have yet to develop conclusive evidence. I would have been much, much more frightened of the polio crisis of the 1950's had I been alive in that decade. That fucked up a lot of young kids, some for life. THAT was worth being scared of. And it took seven years to nail an effective vaccine.
  • Case counts are meaningless if recovery numbers aren't stated. We have had seven million confirmed cases since this whole crisis began and you wouldn't believe how many believe all those cases are currently active. Generally speaking only about 20% of them are, and some locally are a lot less than that.
  • Just because over 200,000 have died doesn't mean Covid was the primary cause of death in all of them. In fact it seldom is. Our local coroner explained this, and how death certificates have area's to list multiple secondary causes of death. Many of those people were going to die soon from the primary cause. But dont expect the media to point this out. If Covid was anywhere on the death certificate, then according to them Covid and Covid alone caused the death
  • Schools, which are sort of important for kids and teenagers for a multitude of reasons, continue to come under fire and now they're attacking bars and restaurants again. But not one single event of protesting, anywhere, peaceful or violent, has ever been blamed for spreading one outbreak. Some even try to spread the ridiculous stories that protesters were protected by some diety on high, or something, from getting the virus and people believe it.
  • Now the WHO is coming out with stories that locking down was a bad idea, and that there "strong indicators" that the pandemic may end sooner than expected. They are correct. It will end about ten seconds after Biden is elected. If he wins. And the WHO and accompanying New York Times study are already trying to do Biden's dirty work for him.
  • Biden in the long run, if he wins, won't tackle this pandemic too much differently than his predecessor did. He might call for a national mask mandate. But he will be praised for how he handles it whereas his predecessor was vilified. The only way he may handle it differently is, you guessed it, by trying to conjure as much fear as possible.
Save yourself the aggravation. Don't buy into it. You have a life to live.
Not that I care that your views have not changed, but you still haven't learned a thing. I have a 36 year old friend on a ventilator right now, so you can F right off with your bullshit, herd immunity plan and attempts to continually downplay and politicize this.

Hate to break it to you, but 88% of this country have existing comorbidities.
Not that I care that your views have not changed, but you still haven't learned a thing. I have a 36 year old friend on a ventilator right now, so you can F right off with your bullshit, herd immunity plan and attempts to continually downplay and politicize this.

Hate to break it to you, but 88% of this country have existing comorbidities.

"but 88% of this country have existing comorbidities." the reason for this is what we need to focus on improving. our nation is so unhealthy
Not that I care that your views have not changed, but you still haven't learned a thing. I have a 36 year old friend on a ventilator right now, so you can F right off with your bullshit, herd immunity plan and attempts to continually downplay and politicize this.

Hate to break it to you, but 88% of this country have existing comorbidities.
Oooh....internet tough guy!

I'm probably among the 88%. Am I and the others to live underground for the rest of my life? Compared to Europe and the pacific rim countries we are fat, out of shape, and it's no one's fault but ours. But we don't hide and cower.

I never said Covid carried a zero mortality rate. I said Covid is seldom the primary cause of death. None of what I said was bullshit. It wasn't in May and it isn't now. You just don't happen to agree witn it.

Please send my regards to your friend. Here's hoping that he pulls through.
OK. We are ten pages into this thread and i have decided to jump in. Unfortunately for many of you my views have not changed.

  • The Media are still scaring the living piss out of gulllible people. Peeps, this virus has little chance of killing you and anyone who warns about long term effects is talking heresay. You don't know that, and neither do I, because doctors and scientists have yet to develop conclusive evidence. I would have been much, much more frightened of the polio crisis of the 1950's had I been alive in that decade. That fucked up a lot of young kids, some for life. THAT was worth being scared of. And it took seven years to nail an effective vaccine.
  • Case counts are meaningless if recovery numbers aren't stated. We have had seven million confirmed cases since this whole crisis began and you wouldn't believe how many believe all those cases are currently active. Generally speaking only about 20% of them are, and some locally are a lot less than that.
  • Just because over 200,000 have died doesn't mean Covid was the primary cause of death in all of them. In fact it seldom is. Our local coroner explained this, and how death certificates have area's to list multiple secondary causes of death. Many of those people were going to die soon from the primary cause. But dont expect the media to point this out. If Covid was anywhere on the death certificate, then according to them Covid and Covid alone caused the death
  • Schools, which are sort of important for kids and teenagers for a multitude of reasons, continue to come under fire and now they're attacking bars and restaurants again. But not one single event of protesting, anywhere, peaceful or violent, has ever been blamed for spreading one outbreak. Some even try to spread the ridiculous stories that protesters were protected by some diety on high, or something, from getting the virus and people believe it.
  • Now the WHO is coming out with stories that locking down was a bad idea, and that there "strong indicators" that the pandemic may end sooner than expected. They are correct. It will end about ten seconds after Biden is elected. If he wins. And the WHO and accompanying New York Times study are already trying to do Biden's dirty work for him.
  • Biden in the long run, if he wins, won't tackle this pandemic too much differently than his predecessor did. He might call for a national mask mandate. But he will be praised for how he handles it whereas his predecessor was vilified. The only way he may handle it differently is, you guessed it, by trying to conjure as much fear as possible.
Save yourself the aggravation. Don't buy into it. You have a life to live.

Never figured you for MAGA.

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