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  1. C

    McNutt, the Nebraska defense

    I sat with the Chef. You would not be happy with him. We were sitting in some pretty good seats where the player families were seated. When we clocked the ball at the end of the first half, the Chef yelled out "nice job O'Keefe!" An old man with head phones on 2 rows in front of us turned...
  2. C

    Ferentz, O'Keefe and Parker and expectations

    I think that most rational Iowa fans agree with UP's thesis. Most have been said at one point or another. The bottom line for me is this- NOTHING EVER CHANGES. - Our defense last year with 6 to 8 NFL players can't get off the field, nothing changes. - Our special teams blows- don't...
  3. C

    McNutt, the Nebraska defense

    I was there Friday. If you weren't, it was worse live than on tv. I agree with GameFilm that the schemes were not good on offense. Nebraska beat us basically playing our own defense against us. And played it better than we play it. Their speed at linebacker was a killer all day. Not...
  4. C

    Big test for Vandy

    Good quarterbacks have to find a way to win on the road. I believe in JV, but you don't want to head into your last year having not won on the road. You know Purdue will be loading up the box. Do you think he will step up and lead us to a win?
  5. C

    Isn't OSU in the Drivers seat in the Leaders (East) Division

    Can anyone tell me what the Stross thread is all about? I am too lazy to open it.
  6. C

    Joe Pa didn't do the **** molesting

    I find your posts to be of the worst quality on this board. Read the Grand Jury report and see if this post makes any sense.
  7. C

    After a few days to cool off....

    I agree on all fronts. And no, changes won't be made, but no way he leaves unless he wants to. He will always mix in a 9 win season just in time to save himself and his assistants.
  8. C

    KF- developing coaching talent

    I agree. I think that KF's philosophy has served KF VERY well. But I think it has cost us some wins over the years. As one of the highest paid coaches in the country, I think the job is bigger than just trying to get to a bowl every year so the fans and press stay off your back. I would hope...
  9. C

    KF- developing coaching talent

    Every other Saturday or so, during a college footabll game they will show one of those old photos of an Iowa team where Hayden is coaching the Hawks and all the various future head coaches are on his staff. KF included and all the others everyone knows and talks about. Many are formal Iowa...
  10. C

    OK4P owes this Board an apology

    For giving up on the Hawks against NW in this series. This lack of trust in the Captain led him to buy season tickets to NW games. Fitz will no longer dominate Kirk. Out of the next 4 games, the Hawks win at least 2. Please sell the purple seats and tell the Board you are sorry you bag.
  11. C

    "Green" out game...

    What is Greenwood's status these days?
  12. C

    If I were Kirk Ferentz....

    True Duff, but JoshClark would have never let the 1:17 go down without trying to take a few shots deep down the field...
  13. C

    Stop calling Kirk conservative. He's not.

    He runs the reverse to set up the fake reverse later in games. But since they only run it late in games for large losses, they never get a chance to set up the fake later...
  14. C

    My Big Ten Power Ratings Week 2 & schedule note

    50% of the time, KOK is right 100% of the time...
  15. C

    colin cowherd talking kinnick flyover

    Duff- what did he say?
  16. C

    OK4P is getting what he deserves

    Ok Vintage, I will cut him some slack. I hate smileys too. They are for little girls text messaging.
  17. C

    OK4P is getting what he deserves

    Sorry professor- you're sitting... If you are the grammar cop on this board, you are probably a pretty busy little guy.
  18. C

    OK4P is getting what he deserves

    I am not a cancer KOK, and you know it. I speak the truth. If I want you banned from this site, you will be. But too many people read your takes. Not because they like you- because you are like the car wreck on the side of the road that everyone slows down to stare at. That is really what this...
  19. C

    OK4P is getting what he deserves

    Not a bad analogy, but I think a more fitting one is going back to Karate Kid and KOK as Daniel. The Chef and I are sporting our Cobra Kai body suits and have Daniel up against the fence and are beating him to death. The only difference is there is no Miyagi to come to little Daniel's rescue...