OK4P is getting what he deserves

If past is prologue, HappyChef and I will be banned within 48 hours. Same thing happened when that moron Secret8/ChixWings joined the old board. The guy is a cancer. He makes my blood boil and, as you can see from my signature, JD ain't really a fan of me in the first instance.

I am not a cancer KOK, and you know it. I speak the truth. If I want you banned from this site, you will be. But too many people read your takes. Not because they like you- because you are like the car wreck on the side of the road that everyone slows down to stare at. That is really what this thread is- a long line of cars, backed up on I 80, looking at the wreckage of your car overturned in the ditch. Your sitting in a lawn chair, waiting for the tow truck, while your car is totalled, and you have no Iowa football tickets. The Chef drives by in a tow truck, passing all the cars lined up on the interstate, but doesn't stop to help. He honks at you and waves while smoking a big Cuban, laughing at your self-destruction.

The cars all slow down and stare at you, feeling sorry for you, but no one stops. Nobody.

My advice is forget the car. Just leave it. Hitchhike to Evanston and never look back. You are a DB. The chef and I will sit in your sits at RF every other year. For Free. And there is nothing you can do except watch.

Hello. Winning.
Sorry professor- you're sitting...

If you are the grammar cop on this board, you are probably a pretty busy little guy.

Hey Chix, Gravy is ok, he's just a little neurotic. For instance, he hate smileys.
Yeah I don't agree with stopping this. You stop this, we lose entertainment. If they get banned, we lose entertainment. BUT, if they get banned, you know they went out gunz' a' blazin', which is only going to add to that entertainment. Give it time...they will eventually stop (or Jon will stop them). But there ain't much goin on in Hawk country right now, so might as well let these 2 duke it out.

I agree. I hope this doesn't reach a distinguished prole jury, because I doubt prole court could contain this battle. However, I do have an invested interest in the outcome, as HappyChef has promised me and Mrs. 'Norm wicked awesome seats for Nebby in 2012. If only OK4P would offer something, it could sway courts decision if it gets that far...
I hope that everyone will take the time to read this thread so they can see how callous and uncaring Happy Chef really is.
I just wasted 10 minutes of my life reading four (4) pages of posts until I noticed this fight originated in 2011. WTF??? Why is Hawke drudging this up now? What did HappyChef do/say recently? Somebody has some explaining to do before I waste anymore time feeding my curiosity like a young girl.
I just wasted 10 minutes of my life reading four (4) pages of posts until I noticed this fight originated in 2011. WTF??? Why is Hawke drudging this up now? What did HappyChef do/say recently? Somebody has some explaining to do before I waste anymore time feeding my curiosity like a young girl.

He chimed in on the "OK4P?" thread which reminded me of this thread. I thought it important to remind others of what he is capable of.

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