After a few days to cool off....


Well-Known Member
No, Ferentz should not be fired.

Ferentz has been here I think 12 years? In that time, he has had 3 very good teams (B10 title or BCS game).

Iowa, can't, and I think most rationale fans don't, expect Iowa to compete for B10 titles every single year, like an Ohio St does. We should, and most fans do, expect Iowa to have a very good season every 3 or 4 years. Again, by very good season, I consider that a B10 title or BCS bowl game.
Ferentz has done that.

Has he overachieved at Iowa? No, I don't think so. Is he one of the top coaches in the country? Again, no, his results don't show that. Nor should his salary reflect that.

However, if this season does not improve, and next season goes about the same way, than I think we can easily say that KF is not coaching Iowa to reasonable expecations.
If KF would just beat the teams he's supposed to beat, the teams that are clearly inferior to Iowa, none of this would even be talked about. He did that the first half of his tenure but no longer does.
I hope he makes some adjustments/changes but I doubt he does and that will ultimately lead to his demise.
I agree on all fronts. And no, changes won't be made, but no way he leaves unless he wants to. He will always mix in a 9 win season just in time to save himself and his assistants.

If KF would just beat the teams he's supposed to beat, the teams that are clearly inferior to Iowa, none of this would even be talked about. He did that the first half of his tenure but no longer does.
I hope he makes some adjustments/changes but I doubt he does and that will ultimately lead to his demise.
that 19-9 stat is what is so frustrating!! However, I just dont see us losing both this week and next. might even get them both. and that is the contrast that keeps the argument in check for now (as well as the intangibles).
I agree with most of the OP's comments, except that we've had four pretty good teams! not three!
How many times will this subject be brought up, in one way or another???
My vote is 2,000,000.

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