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  1. J

    Try to remember today...

    Finally Springsteen is back with the voice of reason.
  2. J

    Did Alford ever lose to Nebraska at home?

    Ok4prez, lol! Nice post, you've done it again.
  3. J

    Time for Barta to pull the plug on Bluder

    I'm really worried about the womens softball team too, if they don't win an NCAA championship in the next couple years I'm returning my season tickets and they need to fire the coach.
  4. J

    Indiana makes OSU 3-3 in the conference

    This is classic! Post of the year.
  5. J

    It's almost Tebow time!!!

    I'm a little out of the loop, but what happened to Kaldenberg? Haven't heard from him lately. I was looking for some predictions.
  6. J

    Fran has to be ranked up there with

    Ok4p, you've done it again! Masterful.
  7. J

    How about Dana Holgorsen coming home to Iowa?

    Not only are you a d-bag, but you are also wrong. WV to Iowa is not a lateral move. Moving from an above average Big East team to a top tier or even middle tier big ten school is definitely a move up, why don't you look up coaches salaries, football attendance and athletic budgets for the top...
  8. J

    How about Dana Holgorsen coming home to Iowa?

    Just watching the Orange Bowl and can't help but be impressed with Holgorsen. He's only 41 and could be a great replacement for KF down the road. Plus he would bring the up beat exciting offense and energy we all want. He also grew up in Mt Pleasant and graduated from Mt. Pleasant High School...
  9. J

    The rose bowl is NOT on network TV?

    What a bunch of proles!!! It's 2012 get cable already, ESPN has only been on air for 30 years! I watch more ESPN than all the basic networks combined.
  10. J

    Best poster of the year

    I'm a little late to this thread, because of Christmas etc. however the poster of the year in my eyes is ok4p. Consistently entertaining. However the poster I find myself agreeing with the most is Springsteen. He says what is on my mind everyday.
  11. J

    Give me 5 reasons why a recruit choses Iowa.

    I grew up in Mt. Pleasant, so all I've ever known is Iowa football, so I understand why an Iowa high school football player wants to play for Iowa. However if you are a 3 or 4 star recruit from out of state and you have a few offers from BCS schools including Iowa, what incentives does Iowa...
  12. J

    LSU yesterday, Alabama today, Iowa?

    I watched Iowa play one of the most depressing games of my life yesterday, and then watched LSU v Arkansas and am watching Alabama today. LSU and Alabama are arguably the two best teams in college football right now. The level of intensity, skill and fire they play with are a foreign concept to...
  13. J

    Everyone needs to relax (Because it might be time to panic)

    Bruce, once again you hit it right on the head. You have expressed my thoughts perfectly....
  14. J

    Miller & Deace: Tressel Reax, Gene Smith Watch & more

    Excellent Garth Brooks references!
  15. J

    Hlas: Reason DJK was suspended

    I agree with Hlas completely. I also feel the same way about the importance of this. I would have loved to see DJK as a pro bowler with a long and prosperous career, however that's not the case and I'm ready for the next reciever. I hope it's not the end for him, but if it is, I'm over it.
  16. J

    Who woulda thought the Chiz would get to National Title before the Capt.

    0% surprised Chizik before Ferentz.
  17. J

    Insight bowl passes on Neb????

    Iowa vs. Missouri. Snooze. Plus it's on late east coast time. For the first time ever I'm actually going to TiVo or record an Iowa bowl game to watch later. Plus when is the last time Iowa actually won a game on the west coast?
  18. J

    Why I Want the Insight Bowl

    I win over Florida in the state of Florida would be a small recruiting victory in a year that was a nightmare for recruiting. The state of Florida will always be king for recruiting.
  19. J

    KOK interested in the Indiana job?!

    At first glance KOK to Indiana seems great. However Iowa already has enough problems with Indiana. The last thing I want to see is Iowa playing Indiana with an insider as their head coach. Seeing the Hawks get beat every year by a KOK as head coach would be more than my fragile Iowa brain could...
  20. J

    Attention Ferentz doubters

    This Tom Davis/Kirk Ferentz analogy is worthless and irrelevant. Mr. Davis has been gone since 1999, the standards for football and basketball are different. This football program falling apart talk without Ferentz makes no sense to me. Tom Davis was no Kirk Ferentz. Never did any NBA teams...