Attention Ferentz doubters


Well-Known Member
If some fair weather fans got their way, Ferentz would be gone. Then what? It reminds me of Mr. Davis. He had a great program year after year. But people whined he wasn't "sexy" enough. He left. The BB team has yet to recover. Those fair weather fans were the first people who started whining about Dr. Toms replacements.

If you don't know or understand what a great coach we have in Ferentz, go root for the Cyclones!! We would suck just as bad as them.
Im not calling for KF's head, but to be "fair" about the Mr. Davis situation, SA did bring us 2 big ten titles and if we had semi-decent facilities to work with, he may have brought us another by now. I thought Alford was a dick just like everyone else, but the fact of the matter is, it wasnt his fault the program went to the dumps. It was already heading there.
If some fair weather fans got their way, Ferentz would be gone. Then what? It reminds me of Mr. Davis. He had a great program year after year. But people whined he wasn't "sexy" enough. He left. The BB team has yet to recover. Those fair weather fans were the first people who started whining about Dr. Toms replacements.

If you don't know or understand what a great coach we have in Ferentz, go root for the Cyclones!! We would suck just as bad as them.

I'm not sure we could call it "great" year after year. IMO I think many on these boards are making this issue black and white. You either believe we had a bad season and change is needed or we had a bad season and we should change nothing. Some are tired of seeing no change in our philosophy of the game and believe we have become predictible. However, this would change if we had one won those close games this year.

IMO we are only fillng these boards with banter because we are 7-5. We would have much less discussion about change, coaching, etc if we had a better record. I also believe as fans we have the right to be frustrated. We should not be held to any standard less then wanting our team to win each and everytime they take the field. Meaning, in a way, yes we all want the hawks to go undefeated. Many of us can hold real expectations and even I predicted we wouldn't. But how many predicted 7-5? How many has this upset? All of us. It is our rite, this team should be better. Certain things happened that now have us pointing fingers.

To my actual point though, we can't put blame on fans positions and asking realistic questions. Why? and How? In the end, as a former athlete, I prepared to try and win every competition and game. I expected myself to execute well enough to win. As a fan I expect no less. And I say to anyone that would set different expectations, why? The athletes themselves don't? Does anyone out here think our team takes the field just trying to keep it from being a blowout? No. we want to win. This year was even greater of that expectations becuase everything was seemingly in place. So 7-5 is frustrating. I hope and trust we don't see it again but it happens, I hope we can address some of the actual issues as a staff and team and move on. I hope we kick A in the bowl game.

Go Hawks!!
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This analogy is so old - why do people keep throwing this out like its some great new perspective.

Sure sure I get it and hey I really haven't seen many people saying Kirk should be fired or whatever.

So just because one time in one sport a coach was fired for whatever reason, then that should never happen again. Really it doesn't mean anything. You could have made the same argument about Hayden and we wouldn't have Ferentz...
To equate the accomplishments of Mr. Davis and KF is more than a bit of a stretch. A 7-5 year and a minor bowl game would be one of Mr. Davis's above average years. After his first year, you won't find top 10 finishes and anything better than an occasional Sweet 16. Ferentz took a bottom feeder, rebuilt it and has a number of top 10 finishes, big 10 championships and bowl victories. Some people are making the Mr. Davis era into a lot more than it really was. Very few people were against a change in basketball coaches; even less people would support a change in football coaches.
To equate the accomplishments of Mr. Davis and KF is more than a bit of a stretch. A 7-5 year and a minor bowl game would be one of Mr. Davis's above average years. After his first year, you won't find top 10 finishes and anything better than an occasional Sweet 16. Ferentz took a bottom feeder, rebuilt it and has a number of top 10 finishes, big 10 championships and bowl victories. Some people are making the Mr. Davis era into a lot more than it really was. Very few people were against a change in basketball coaches; even less people would support a change in football coaches.

Excellent post.

To the last point; I think it would be interesting to have a poll of season ticket holders as to whether they would fire the coach. I would bet that VERY FEW of said holders would want KF gone.
The Ferentz is God mantra is growing very old. If fans question his decision making on a message board it doesn't make them any less of a fan than you are.
This analogy is so old - why do people keep throwing this out like its some great new perspective.

Sure sure I get it and hey I really haven't seen many people saying Kirk should be fired or whatever.

So just because one time in one sport a coach was fired for whatever reason, then that should never happen again. Really it doesn't mean anything. You could have made the same argument about Hayden and we wouldn't have Ferentz...
Bigtenchump When's the last time you posted something, instead of blasting people who do??
I'm not sure we could call it "great" year after year. IMO I think many on these boards are making this issue black and white. You either believe we had a bad season and change is needed or we had a bad season and we should change nothing. Some are tired of seeing no change in our philosophy of the game and believe we have become predictible. However, this would change if we had one won those close games this year.

IMO we are only fillng these boards with banter because we are 7-5. We would have much less discussion about change, coaching, etc if we had a better record. I also believe as fans we have the right to be frustrated. We should not be held to any standard less then wanting our team to win each and everytime they take the field. Meaning, in a way, yes we all want the hawks to go undefeated. Many of us can hold real expectations and even I predicted we wouldn't. But how many predicted 7-5? How many has this upset? All of us. It is our rite, this team should be better. Certain things happened that now have us pointing fingers.

To my actual point though, we can't put blame on fans positions and asking realistic questions. Why? and How? In the end, as a former athlete, I prepared to try and win every competition and game. I expected myself to execute well enough to win. As a fan I expect no less. And I say to anyone that would set different expectations, why? The athletes themselves don't? Does anyone out here think our team takes the field just trying to keep it from being a blowout? No. we want to win. This year was even greater of that expectations becuase everything was seemingly in place. So 7-5 is frustrating. I hope and trust we don't see it again but it happens, I hope we can address some of the actual issues as a staff and team and move on. I hope we kick A in the bowl game.

Go Hawks!!

+1... the term great is not used correctly by the op.
Im not calling for KF's head, but to be "fair" about the Mr. Davis situation, SA did bring us 2 big ten titles and if we had semi-decent facilities to work with, he may have brought us another by now. I thought Alford was a dick just like everyone else, but the fact of the matter is, it wasnt his fault the program went to the dumps. It was already heading there.

2 Big 10 Tournament Titles. There is a HUGE difference. Alford was an under-achiever in regular season Big 10 play.
If some fair weather fans got their way, Ferentz would be gone. Then what? It reminds me of Mr. Davis. He had a great program year after year. But people whined he wasn't "sexy" enough. He left. The BB team has yet to recover. Those fair weather fans were the first people who started whining about Dr. Toms replacements.

If you don't know or understand what a great coach we have in Ferentz, go root for the Cyclones!! We would suck just as bad as them.

Sorry I don't want KF gone, but he is not a GREAT coach....

Great coaches make changes and new game plans for different teams and make changes when things are not going good...KF just keeps going the same old, same old especially when it is not working.
Sorry I don't want KF gone, but he is not a GREAT coach....

Great coaches make changes and new game plans for different teams and make changes when things are not going good...KF just keeps going the same old, same old especially when it is not working.

Yes, and nothing will change. KF and KOK aren't going anywhere. Iowa will go 7-5, 8-4, 9-3 and an occasional 10-2(once every 5 years or so go to a BCS game) and he will get $3 mil/year to do it. That's what we have. It will be ok for most and not for some.
Bigtenchump When's the last time you posted something, instead of blasting people who do??

I'm blasting this old stale stance that I've seen out of countless people - if you are going to take it personal I can't help you.

I'm just really sick of the Tom Davis analogy - I don't think its a good one.
This Tom Davis/Kirk Ferentz analogy is worthless and irrelevant. Mr. Davis has been gone since 1999, the standards for football and basketball are different. This football program falling apart talk without Ferentz makes no sense to me. Tom Davis was no Kirk Ferentz. Never did any NBA teams allegedly want Tom Davis. Tom Davis in the later years of his tenure never sniffed the final four. The problem was not Mr. Davis leaving, the problem was poor hiring following Mr. Davis.

I'm not saying I want Ferentz gone, I still love Ferentz and want him around for a long time. I just want him to change a few things which have been discussed ad nauseum on this board over the last few weeks.
2 Big 10 Tournament Titles. There is a HUGE difference. Alford was an under-achiever in regular season Big 10 play.

Who cares if they were tourney titles. IMO tourney titles mean more. Who cares if you have the best record during the regular season. They dont crown the NCAA champ b4 the tourney is played so why should the big10 title matter if it was won in the season or tourney?
Mr. Davis underachieved too...he took the all world talent from Raveling....blew one of the biggest leads in Iowa BBall history in the tournament and didn't get to the final four. The next year with his nucleus back he got dumped in the 2nd round by NC State. He never did anything after that.
Mr. Davis underachieved too...he took the all world talent from Raveling....blew one of the biggest leads in Iowa BBall history in the tournament and didn't get to the final four. The next year with his nucleus back he got dumped in the 2nd round by NC State. He never did anything after that.

Actually, just to correct the record, Mr. Davis's 2nd team made the Sweet 16 and lost to Arizona (after blowing out UNLV and somewhat avenging the loss from the previous year). It was his 3rd team, with the Big 3 as seniors, that he lost in the 2nd round to NC State led by Fire & Ice.

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