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Big programs can go up and down.

In the 1990's, USC won just six more games than did Iowa, and the 1990's was not a great decade for Iowa football.

Iowa won more games in the 1990's than did Oklahoma. Texas A&M had the 9th best winning percentage in the 1990's and they are an afterthought right now. Same for ND (13th) and Washington (14th).

Clemson had the 5th best winning percentage in the 1980's and UCLA was 11th.

In the 2000's, Iowa had one fewer win than Michigan, more than Penn State (a 70's, 80's and 90's power and has beaten them 7 of 8 times), and 22 more wins than Alabama, an all time power.

Many of those 'power outages' you see stemmed from NCAA sanctions.

Ohio State has been in the top 11 or so in winning percentage in the 70's, 80's, 90's and 2000's...they however are not immune to a down cycle, respective to their past success.

Good points. Nebraska outpaced Iowa from the 60's thru 2000. But in the last 10 years I think Iowa has more wins, and I know they have more bowl wins and conference titles. I read somewhere Iowa has more wins that Tenn - Florida State - Notre Dame and Michigan in this century. Someone can check the stats if they like, I'm too busy reading the latest stories on OSU.
John, I appreciate your reply, but the numbers from your link are actually more favorable toward Iowa than Stassen is reporting. Here's an example of what I am referring to: Laziness=CFDW much better info supplier.

Your link goes to USC's wins and loss page from stassen. Not sure if that was what you meant to link. I showed the wins for some programs since 2000. Wins are wins, no way to tilt those numbers one way or another. Someone asked about other programs, and I provided them.
Your link goes to USC's wins and loss page from stassen. Not sure if that was what you meant to link. I showed the wins for some programs since 2000. Wins are wins, no way to tilt those numbers one way or another. Someone asked about other programs, and I provided them.

In the link I provided, stassen mentions (in bold red letters) they haven't updated the info regarding USC vacated wins. It makes me question their methodology
Bottom line, USC, despite the sanctions, had a recruiting class this year in the top five. Does anyone really think the penalties handed down for their transgressions will keep them down long? It wll be the same for OSU.
Bottom line, USC, despite the sanctions, had a recruiting class this year in the top five. Does anyone really think the penalties handed down for their transgressions will keep them down long? It wll be the same for OSU.
You are so right my friend. Hopefully the NCAA will learn from the paltry sanctions against SC and mulitply them by 10 for the mobsters.

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