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  1. J

    Looking for 3 - Iowa vs Illinois 10/11

    Iowa fan looking for 3 tickets to the Iowa Illinois game on Oct. 11. jjfhoover @
  2. J

    Most important...Win, graduate, or do things the right way?

    Things like this survey are the reason stopped getting season tickets this year. The athletic department is completely tone deaf. Its like your giving the middle finger to the fans. It seems like they are trying to make us feel bad because we want to watch our team win. The whole survey seems...
  3. J

    ISU offers $99 mini-pack IOWA, UNI, game of choice

    Seems odd to offer two of your biggest drawing games as part of a mini package. Maybe ticket sales aren't going as well over there as some are saying. Might be a good opportunity for Hawk fans to get tickets.
  4. J

    Losing to Western Michigan

    you're clearly doing it wrong.
  5. J

    Anyone else a Hawk fan who goes/went to ISU?

    Went to state for two years then transferred to Iowa. It was the best decision of my life.
  6. J

    UNI confidence poll

    at least we can get a quality draft pick then :)
  7. J

    Front Row roll call

    Their new bar, Jimmy's Big10 is really nice. TONS of tvs, good cheep food, great outdoor space. If you dont like the packed crowd at Front Row i'd suggest checking out the new place.
  8. J

    isu billboard in cf

    explain to me how this is a dig at iowa or how it promotes iowa as the cyclone state. i dont get it.
  9. J

    who on here actually went to UI?

    this is a stupid thread.
  10. J

    Tracking Football Season Ticket Requests

    New ticket request or adding seats? - adding How many? - 1 What donation section? - $0 Priority points to date? - 19 Annual donation (optional)? - $0 Request approved or dened? - denied Other pertinent info. current seats are in the north endzone 5th row. this is the second year in a row i...
  11. J

    Tailgating spots

    im in the market for a car spot -
  12. J

    Myrtle Lot

    I walked through the Myrtal lot at about 7:15am and there were less than 10 cars parked there, it was a shame.
  13. J

    Best places to tailgate in Iowa City

    Anyone know what time the shuttle from Hancher starts running?
  14. J

    Kinnick seat upgrades?

    just got a call. i was offered sec. 133 row 42. decided to keep my current seats sec. 136 row 8. i like being down close to the field.
  15. J

    Season Tickets

    i requested one additional ticket, got denied today: Due to the large demand for Hawkeye Season Football Tickets this year, we will be unable to fill your request for additional tickets. Requests for additional tickets were reviewed based upon the number of tickets currently held by the...
  16. J

    7pm parking at Myrtle?

    it was full on friday night for the iowa state game this year so take it for what its worth.
  17. J

    7pm parking at Myrtle?

    it fills up immediately and the lines to get in are baked up starting at 6:30ish.
  18. J

    Doug Green Safety Director U of I is the problem

    you have no idea what you are talking about.
  19. J

    Email from ticket office

    just got an email, got my 3 - section 136, row 5.
  20. J

    Email from ticket office

    my third payment got taken out this morning. things are looking good.