isu billboard in cf

Because Iowa State's athletic department is self-sufficient now. Not on state funds...

I find it funny that you guys get so wound up over a billboard...

Successful troll is successful.

I actually don't give a crap about the billboard and will likely never see it I was just wondering a loud about the justifiability of a state employee spending the funds of a state institution in such a frivolous and pointless way.

BTW Successful troll? Really? This stunt does nothing but make Pollard and ISU look stupid. You are aware that most Iowa fans do not like Bowlsby for the numerous stupid things he did while AD here, right? He's your comish now - congrats.:rolleyes:
Doesn't look like all ISU fans are amused.

I think it is hilarious!

Gets under the skin of some but I think it keeps things fun between the 2 schools. It is supposed to be fun right?

I don't get it either. Why is it fun? Is it supposed to be a dig at Iowa in someway?

He was one of the most hated figures in Iowa sports history when he left. I'm glad he left, and I don't see how he's "back" at all.
Jamie Pollard has an inferiority complex like you wouldn't believe. The sad part is Iowa State football has no where to go but up, and with Missouri, Texas A&M, and Nebraska being replaced with TCU and WVU... the Big 12 has gotten a tad bit easier. I hope they have 3-4 years of stagnant football and no bowl births. Pollard won't survive.

WVU and TCU have been better than NU, A&M, and Mizzou for the last decade.
Bowlsby was born in Waterloo as well, which probably has as much to do with the "welcome home" message as anything else.
It's a play on the "It's a Cyclone State' billboard in Cedar Rapids that got you guys so worked up several years ago. I have it on good authority that Jamie Pollard (who was new at the time) had no idea that all of you would be so darn insulted by an Iowa State billboard 20 miles away from Iowa City. If the reaction hadn't quite been so extreme by Iowa fans, Pollard probably wouldn't have put up another one.

It's fun for those of us who live in Eastern Iowa who have to put up with Iowa fans on a regular basis. And it is fun for those of us who had to listen to most of the media in this state GLEEFULLY talk about the demise of Iowa State athletics if the Big 12 disolved.
Saying something stupid and then having people call it stupid on a medium that you'll never read is not really successful trolling. It's just stupid.

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