Doug Green Safety Director U of I is the problem


Well-Known Member
He is the one who is behind the crack down etc. He went way overboard from what he indicated to Sally/Gary. Tuesday and Wednesday there were meeetings all afternoon trying to sort this out. As of today he refuses to move citing Patriot act etc. He wants all booze/beer to be banned from U of Iowa lots.

I suggest if you email Sally/Gary inquire about him and how he can do this or what ever you think is appropriate.
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If this is true he needs to be removed from his job for overzealousness and gross stupidity.
He is the one who is behind the crack down etc. He went way overboard from what he indicated to Sally/Gary. Tuesday and Wednesday there were meeetings all afternoon trying to sort this out. As of today he refuses to move citing Patriot act etc. He wants all booze/beer to be banned from U of Iowa lots.

I suggest if you email Sally/Gary inquire about him and how he can do this or what ever you think is appropriate.

What does the Patriot Act have to do with drinking alcohol?
He is the one who is behind the crack down etc. He went way overboard from what he indicated to Sally/Gary. Tuesday and Wednesday there were meeetings all afternoon trying to sort this out. As of today he refuses to move citing Patriot act etc. He wants all booze/beer to be banned from U of Iowa lots.

I suggest if you email Sally/Gary inquire about him and how he can do this or what ever you think is appropriate.

It's Chuck Green; and FWIW, I think this is coming purely as a response to the 21-ordinance. All of the UI big-wigs, (KF included) have backed the ordinance to try and decrease the binge drinking on campus, whether you agree as to whether that is a solution to the problem or not is a moot point. Thusly, they look like hypocrites if they let things get out of control at football games, and they have been called out by the anti-21 group as such.

Finally, Chuck Green is a reverse-racist or whatever you want to call it. In 2003 or so, Snoop Dog and a few other rap artists were to play at the student union around halloween. Chuck Green, an african-american himself, banned the event citing the fact that "We don't want those type of people on our campus, and all that comes with it". He should have been fired back then but I have a feeling that was during the time that we were in between Mary Sue Coleman & the next president at UI.
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Finally, Chuck Green is a reverse-racist or whatever you want to call it. In 2003 or so, Snoop Dog and a few other rap artists were to play at the student union around halloween. Chuck Green, an african-american himself, banned the event citing the fact that "We don't want those type of people on our campus, and all that comes with it". He should have been fired back then but I have a feeling that was during the time that we were in between Mary Sue Coleman & the next president at UI.[/QUOTE]

Uh no. It's not all about skin color (despite the never ending efforts by some to inflame racial discord while claiming to fight against it)...ever consider the "behavior" angle? The fact that Green is african-american himself should make that pretty obvious. (and there's no such thing as "reverse racism")

As for the football crackdown, I like the confucious line "man should not remove fly from forehead with hatchet". Toss out the jerks, arrest the idiot drunks...leave the rest of us the hell alone.
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It's Chuck Green; and FWIW, I think this is coming purely as a response to the 21-ordinance. All of the UI big-wigs, (KF included) have backed the ordinance to try and decrease the binge drinking on campus, whether you agree as to whether that is a solution to the problem or not is a mute point. Thusly, they look like hypocrites if they let things get out of control at football games, and they have been called out by the anti-21 group as such.

Finally, Chuck Green is a reverse-racist or whatever you want to call it. In 2003 or so, Snoop Dog and a few other rap artists were to play at the student union around halloween. Chuck Green, an african-american himself, banned the event citing the fact that "We don't want those type of people on our campus, and all that comes with it". He should have been fired back then but I have a feeling that was during the time that we were in between Mary Sue Coleman & the next president at UI.

So what happens if the 21-ordinance is repealed?
Saturday was a disaster. This Saturday will be worse. The whole concept of "cracking down" on tailgating will not work. Only in Iowa city would this be attempted.

Do you really think any of this could happen in Lincoln, Ann Arbor or Columbus? No. They let the fans party and have a good time. That is the point of it all, anyway.
He is the one who is behind the crack down etc. He went way overboard from what he indicated to Sally/Gary. Tuesday and Wednesday there were meeetings all afternoon trying to sort this out. As of today he refuses to move citing Patriot act etc. He wants all booze/beer to be banned from U of Iowa lots.

I suggest if you email Sally/Gary inquire about him and how he can do this or what ever you think is appropriate.

you have no idea what you are talking about.
Like it or not, the days of the "what happens in the parking lot, STAYS in the parking lot" tailgating environment is over. You have to understand what a massive liability that type of environment is to the university. A ticking time bomb, really.

I know many of you drink responsibly and keep things under control. Unfortunately, many do not...and many of those go way over the top and have created this mess. If you want someone to lash out at, I would say it's those people.
Saturday was a disaster. This Saturday will be worse. The whole concept of "cracking down" on tailgating will not work. Only in Iowa city would this be attempted.

Do you really think any of this could happen in Lincoln, Ann Arbor or Columbus? No. They let the fans party and have a good time. That is the point of it all, anyway.

I ask this being dead serious...why was Saturday a disaster? I only saw a few people being cited and those seemed well deserved. I have not ready any of the threads i could be out of the loop and just missed alot.
Saturday was a disaster. This Saturday will be worse. The whole concept of "cracking down" on tailgating will not work. Only in Iowa city would this be attempted.

Do you really think any of this could happen in Lincoln, Ann Arbor or Columbus? No. They let the fans party and have a good time. That is the point of it all, anyway.

chosen - they are modeling after lincoln.
Green is an idiot. He's been there a while. He was suppressing student led activities in the late 90's as well.
Like it or not, the days of the "what happens in the parking lot, STAYS in the parking lot" tailgating environment is over. You have to understand what a massive liability that type of environment is to the university. A ticking time bomb, really.

I know many of you drink responsibly and keep things under control. Unfortunately, many do not...and many of those go way over the top and have created this mess. If you want someone to lash out at, I would say it's those people.

Tailgating today is at best 1/10 as bad (or good ;) ) today as it was just 10 years ago.
So what happens if the 21-ordinance is repealed?

Good question, because it's almost certainly going to happen. Non-presidential election turnouts, even in the liberal-utopia of Iowa City are pathetic at best. So all it takes is a few thousand students to get rilled up, and game over. I also think once the storm dies down, people will come to terms with the fact that this shouldn't significantly deter from their tailgating experience; there's many many loopholes in these rules.

If you want to make a difference come saturday (even thought I am indifferent to the situation), join me in walking around with a can of non-alcoholic soda in a couzee. A few hundred people, not being a$$holes, will divert enough attention away from the idiots with open containers on Melrose, that the UI can't brag about increasing ticket numbers.
I know many of you drink responsibly and keep things under control. Unfortunately, many do not...and many of those go way over the top and have created this mess. If you want someone to lash out at, I would say it's those people.

Significantly fewer than 0.15% of people within the vicinity of Kinnick Stadium were directly influenced by enforcing pre-existing laws within the Iowa Code. So I would say that the vast majority of people that visit Kinnick Stadium on Saturdays drink responsibly. It's the knuckleheads that just can't figure it out.
Significantly fewer than 0.15% of people within the vicinity of Kinnick Stadium were directly influenced (ticketed) by enforcing pre-existing laws within the Iowa Code. So I would say that the vast majority of people that visit Kinnick Stadium on Saturdays drink responsibly. It's the knuckleheads that just can't figure it out.

Fixed it. Just because you didn't receive a ticket doesn't mean you were not influenced.
Finally, Chuck Green is a reverse-racist or whatever you want to call it. In 2003 or so, Snoop Dog and a few other rap artists were to play at the student union around halloween. Chuck Green, an african-american himself, banned the event citing the fact that "We don't want those type of people on our campus, and all that comes with it". He should have been fired back then but I have a feeling that was during the time that we were in between Mary Sue Coleman & the next president at UI.

Uh no. It's not all about skin color (despite the never ending efforts by some to inflame racial discord while claiming to fight against it)...ever consider the "behavior" angle? The fact that Green is african-american himself should make that pretty obvious. (and there's no such thing as "reverse racism")

As for the football crackdown, I like the confucious line "man should not remove fly from forehead with hatchet". Toss out the jerks, arrest the idiot drunks...leave the rest of us the hell alone.[/QUOTE]

I don't know, nothing wrong with a little Darwinism in action.
Fixed it. Just because you didn't receive a ticket doesn't mean you were not influenced.

That's why I qualified the statement by saying "directly influenced". I knew your day was ruined because you were "indirectly influenced" by the UI enforcing state code.

Maybe it's a sign you should lay off the booze? I finally did before it became a problem.
Lets clarify here Check Green is not behind the crackdown - he is, probably, the one behind the over zelous enforcement of the new tailgating rules. I can attest that he and some of those that work with him are idiots. After the smoking ban went into effect on campus he had his officers spent countless hours harassing people who were smoking on city (not U of I) property. Finally it came down to a confrontation with several people showing maps to them. They had to look at the maps and discuss it for (I swear I am not kidding) 15 min. before they could even figure out what street were on. To their credit they did admitt they were wrong and left.
Like it or not, the days of the "what happens in the parking lot, STAYS in the parking lot" tailgating environment is over. You have to understand what a massive liability that type of environment is to the university. A ticking time bomb, really.

I know many of you drink responsibly and keep things under control. Unfortunately, many do not...and many of those go way over the top and have created this mess. If you want someone to lash out at, I would say it's those people.

Could you provide us with a list of names?
Maybe a few suggestions on what lashing out pertains to

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