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  1. H

    Does Jon or anyone close to the program have any CJB practice details?

    Then again you have to remember that T Kakert is the worlds biggest homer.. Any report from HR is viewed through black and gold glasses. The big question is did #15 look very sharp once they took the red jersey off? IMHO it's very difficult to judge a QB in practice; there is no fear of getting...
  2. H

    Miller: Beathard's Go All In

    Do you really believe this? It has been said so many times it's laughable. KF will do what KF wants; he has his mind made up already. He will not replace his boy for any reason except injury.
  3. H

    Ferentz Could Learn a Lot from Urban Meyer

    Nonsensical garbage is not calling out KF for the sub-par offensive units he has put on the field for quite some time.
  4. H

    Ask Kirk Ferentz

    Just one quick question Coach: With all of the "cleaning up" that has been done, has half the playbook been scrubbed away?
  5. H

    Ferentz Could Learn a Lot from Urban Meyer

    This is very true; the trick is creating a game plan that takes advantage of the talent that is available when you don't have a roster full of blue chippers. The lesser the talent level the more important it is to have a plan to keep the other team off balance. Going nose to nose with a more...
  6. H

    Ferentz Could Learn a Lot from Urban Meyer

    I didn't get that finesse football was the entire premise of the article. I think it has more to do with finding creative ways to get the ball into the play maker's hands. The section on Garmon running the same plays as MW is a telling piece. It's really no different than running the stretch...
  7. H


    I posted this on another sight; but it kinda fits in this conversation as well. IMHO the difference between the 1st half and 2nd half is nothing more than pressure. In the first half JR played tight because there was something to lose(possible B10 Championship). In the 2nd half, down by 16 and...
  8. H

    Worse record than last year? You're the Athletic Director

    None, he would already be gone.
  9. H

    Honorary Captain Should Be...Three Words

    Isn't Matt Roth two words? Sorry OP, just had to bust your chops. Matt is one of my all time favorite Hawks; the dude had anger issues and I loved every minute of it. The Gator Chomp after sacking Chris Leak(if my memory is correct) is still one of my faves.
  10. H

    Matte finish helmets?

    I'm partial to the traditional look; that being said, kids these days love the "flash" and the "Look at me" that these pro combat unis and other bring. I really isn't about the fans in my opinion. I've been told in other posts "The kids don't care about the unis" I thinks that's a short sighted...
  11. H


    I am definitely a newbie here; I've had zero issues with other posters. It has been quite refreshing to post here and not get attacked for my opinion. That doesn't mean there everyone agrees with each other; but its been respectful. I've spent years on HR and it is WAY worse over there. If you...
  12. H

    Final 3 games

    Yeah but Wisconsin beat Illinois and Illinois beat Minnesota; then Minnesota destroyed Iowa. Doesn't sound too promising to me.
  13. H

    Final 3 games

    I went back a got the entire sample from 1999 thru now. Currently Iowa is 26-27 in the month of November. 2000 thru 2005 were solid years at 16 -5. I assume that is where the premise of the KF teams improving as the year went on; in this case it is true. The overall picture is a bit different...
  14. H

    My take on Ferentz

    Spot on Drummer, "IF" Iowa beat the teams they should beat, that percentage would be much higher. You're correct; "the playing not to lose" mentality drives me insane personally. Good/Great teams don't take their foot off the gas; they beat you and do it impressively. In today's world of college...
  15. H

    Final 3 games

    You are spot on. There are no cake walks right now. I think caulking this one up as a win is a bit premature. I hope I'm wrong; but my guy feel is it will be a dog fight.
  16. H

    Final 3 games

    I actually got lazy and didn't go back any farther then 2006; but I figured that was a decent sample size going forward. I agree, it did seem as though the teams did improve as the year went on. I want to believe that was the case in the first 6-7 years or so. But after that, it's on a downward...
  17. H

    Final 3 games

    I like your optimism, but I'm afraid that the premise of the KF teams getting better later in the year is somewhat misguided. If my quick math is correct; Iowa is 10-19 in the month of November since 2006. So in all actuality they get worse; at least in the last 8 years.
  18. H

    Final 3 games

    Not as hopeful here: 5% chance of 3-0 30% chance of 2-1 45% chance of 1-2 20% chance of 0-3
  19. H

    My take on Ferentz

    I believe it's actually closer to 6.8 wins per year; he has an overall winning percentage of right at 58%. 8 wins a season should be considered an "Ok" season given the non-conference match ups. That would be 4-4 in the B10, which still isn't that good given the strength of the west division.
  20. H

    I would like to hear Ferentz say this just once.....

    There is a big difference between mentioning it in a presser and actually doing something about it. If anyone really believes he will change his ways going forward; I think you're setting yourself up for disappointment.