

If someone has posted something that was posted elsewhere, resist the temptation to post something negative. or if a new poster makes a post and you have been around here for awhile, resist the temptation to act like this is your website and you must therefore somehow demean them or their opinion.

If someone is obviously trolling, email me...if there is a legit debate going on, enjoy it. But enough with the stuff lifted above. this isn't a commune closed off to the world..there are a few folks every day of the year who register for a new in real people and not trolls and bots. That will continue to be the case unless folks run newbies off...that's not something I am interested in. Thanks in advance for complying as well as for not responding to this post in a smart aleck fashion.
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Re: Decorm

If someone has posted something that was posted elsewhere, resist the temptation to post something negative. or if a new poster makes a post and you have been around here for awhile, resist the temptation to act like this is your website and you must therefore somehow demean them or their opinion.

I would hate to be a new poster to this website. They generally get attacked pretty aggressively. But it is due to the constant trolling by a handful of posters. Everyone just assumes that every new account is an alt/troll.

And BTW, I never knew "decorm" was a word. I always thought it was "decorum". Learned something. Who knew?
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I am definitely a newbie here; I've had zero issues with other posters. It has been quite refreshing to post here and not get attacked for my opinion. That doesn't mean there everyone agrees with each other; but its been respectful. I've spent years on HR and it is WAY worse over there. If you don't agree with the "Old Timers" or the Mods, you're gone...

I personally think you run a great site John.
It is pretty easy to tell a Newbie from an Alt. I like it when new posters post, as we always can use new opinions, as this is a message board. The Alts I can do without, as they are just trying to troll and stir the pot.
When I first joined I almost quit, got called a ****** after my first post so I try to be welcoming. Board is more fun with lots of users.
I think the problem is when n00bs (or anyone else) don't bring new opinions. Some of us are still Iowa fans and don't need to be told post after post, thread after thread that Ferentz, Davis, Rudock, etc. are no good. Heck, I even read that Ferentz deserves no credit for anything good that's happened with our program, that we were fooled into believing that he was ever a good coach.

I don't check a person's forum post count, but what they say. The problem is that there are too many Al Bundys on here that have a closed mind and feel like they know it all and will not listen to anyone that will try to tell them something new about the game. Some people here want to act like they know more than our coaches, yet don't know the difference between a check down and an audible, or a dig and a drag, a tunnel and a bubble, a hitch and a curl, an inside zone and an outside zone, just to mention a few that I've decided to let slide because you can't fix stupid. I'll let Foval continue to try, but actual football knowledge is what really gets shouted down here. Heck, I remember posting a video clip of one of our players making a junior high type mistake and I got shouted down (by you) telling me that it was ridiculous and, basically, that it didn't happen. My point is, no one is innocent. We all do it. We're human.

Jon, you say that n00bs get shouted down here, or whatever, but actually it's that you must agree with everyone that our coaches and players are terrible and that we have to throw long on every play, or you'll get blasted. You also have to change your opinions every week based on last week's outcome. From what I've seen, it's the n00bs that often do the shouting, because they haven't settled in and don't understand the forum decorum.

I try to deal with it, because I realize that it's not really a serious website, just a place to hang out, so I read their (the idiots, not the n00bs), chuckle or cuss or whatever, maybe throw out some sarcasm, and move on. Sometimes, though Jon, it's really difficult not to slam someone for what they've posted because it is so stupid, wrong, backward, etc. Stupid threads NEED to be hijacked if they're not going to be deleted by our mods or more stupidity will be posted.

More than 99% of the posters here are great and I'd like to slam some brews with them, but when you do get those that need to, in your words GTFO, why is it so bad to tell them that?
I think the problem is when n00bs (or anyone else) don't bring new opinions. Some of us are still Iowa fans and don't need to be told post after post, thread after thread that Ferentz, Davis, Rudock, etc. are no good. Heck, I even read that Ferentz deserves no credit for anything good that's happened with our program, that we were fooled into believing that he was ever a good coach.

I don't check a person's forum post count, but what they say. The problem is that there are too many Al Bundys on here that have a closed mind and feel like they know it all and will not listen to anyone that will try to tell them something new about the game. Some people here want to act like they know more than our coaches, yet don't know the difference between a check down and an audible, or a dig and a drag, a tunnel and a bubble, a hitch and a curl, an inside zone and an outside zone, just to mention a few that I've decided to let slide because you can't fix stupid. I'll let Foval continue to try, but actual football knowledge is what really gets shouted down here. Heck, I remember posting a video clip of one of our players making a junior high type mistake and I got shouted down (by you) telling me that it was ridiculous and, basically, that it didn't happen. My point is, no one is innocent. We all do it. We're human.

Jon, you say that n00bs get shouted down here, or whatever, but actually it's that you must agree with everyone that our coaches and players are terrible and that we have to throw long on every play, or you'll get blasted. You also have to change your opinions every week based on last week's outcome. From what I've seen, it's the n00bs that often do the shouting, because they haven't settled in and don't understand the forum decorum.

I try to deal with it, because I realize that it's not really a serious website, just a place to hang out, so I read their (the idiots, not the n00bs), chuckle or cuss or whatever, maybe throw out some sarcasm, and move on. Sometimes, though Jon, it's really difficult not to slam someone for what they've posted because it is so stupid, wrong, backward, etc. Stupid threads NEED to be hijacked if they're not going to be deleted by our mods or more stupidity will be posted.

More than 99% of the posters here are great and I'd like to slam some brews with them, but when you do get those that need to, in your words GTFO, why is it so bad to tell them that?

There's only 1 Al Bundy.
never understood the premise that someone with just a couple of posts on the forum somehow is less informed about football. They may also be quite familiar with the forum's narrative if they are lurking. Just never got the labeling of a newbie.

The only thing people need to do around here is to Learn the Game.
It's like when we were kids and we went to the golf, those old f**ks thought they owned the course....kind of like that around here sometimes....:p
Let's put this to the test Jon. Look at HumorMe and let us know if he is an innocent new poster, or an old alt troll coming around to take advantage of this very Thread of yours.
I think the problem is when n00bs (or anyone else) don't bring new opinions.

I try to welcome all the new posters. On this point above, I just wanted to let you know that the opinions around Iowa football are for the most part binary. Should Kurt be fired - yes or no. Is Davis the worst offensive coordinator ever? Well, that one is obviously yes. Should we recruit juco LBs - yes or no. Sure, there are nuanced reasons for reaching every opinion, but everything is pretty much binary so "new" opinions are pretty hard to come by.
I try to welcome all the new posters. On this point above, I just wanted to let you know that the opinions around Iowa football are for the most part binary. Should Kurt be fired - yes or no. Is Davis the worst offensive coordinator ever? Well, that one is obviously yes. Should we recruit juco LBs - yes or no. Sure, there are nuanced reasons for reaching every opinion, but everything is pretty much binary so "new" opinions are pretty hard to come by.

I can see your point here, but I don't fully agree with it. People come from different backgrounds. Personally, I live in Ames, so I feel like I come from a different perspective. I also know that I travel a lot of business, and I see Iowa fans everywhere around the country. I was in Seattle a long time ago and someone stopped me because they saw my Hawkeye tattoo on my leg and asked if I was from Iowa. He then showed me his tattoo as well.

Just because we haven't posted on this site before, doesn't mean we don't offer anything new. And maybe I am just posting a ton on here today because I don't have anything better to do at work today. :)
I can see your point here, but I don't fully agree with it. People come from different backgrounds. Personally, I live in Ames, so I feel like I come from a different perspective. I also know that I travel a lot of business, and I see Iowa fans everywhere around the country. I was in Seattle a long time ago and someone stopped me because they saw my Hawkeye tattoo on my leg and asked if I was from Iowa. He then showed me his tattoo as well.

Just because we haven't posted on this site before, doesn't mean we don't offer anything new. And maybe I am just posting a ton on here today because I don't have anything better to do at work today. :)

Welcome to the board. I look forward to reading your stunning insights in the next 72 hours. Can you please post a picture of your hawk tattoo next to today's newspaper? I am looking to get some ink and if yours is awesome as it sounds, I would like info on who did it for you so they can do mine. Thanks.
I can see your point here, but I don't fully agree with it. People come from different backgrounds. Personally, I live in Ames, so I feel like I come from a different perspective. I also know that I travel a lot of business, and I see Iowa fans everywhere around the country. I was in Seattle a long time ago and someone stopped me because they saw my Hawkeye tattoo on my leg and asked if I was from Iowa. He then showed me his tattoo as well.

Just because we haven't posted on this site before, doesn't mean we don't offer anything new. And maybe I am just posting a ton on here today because I don't have anything better to do at work today. :)

Bert? Is that you?

I know it's been a a challenge fer yer Hogs but LSU is strugglin, too. You might want to put in some effort and get that first conference dubya.

Then again, maybe you've been hearin all your mention 'round here this season, came to check out how warm the welcome might be, heard there could be an openin (a guy can dream, can't he?) and are lookin to get a little nudge out the door by sluffin off.

One thing ... you and that dude showing each other your tats ... I ain't judgin but there's some things that should be kept behind closed doors;)
I never understood the attitude that a high post count somehow correlates to knowledge.. I post here all the time but don't consider myself to be a football/hoops guru.. Just an Iowa sports fan who knows "something" about sports, but I'll readily admit there are those who know far more about X's and O's, etc. than I do.

I post because I'm passionate, not because I feel the need to hear myself talk (or see myself type) and prove how smart I am or somehow dominate the forum and be one of the good ole boys club.

Some people have lives and/or don't work in front of a PC where they can post all day while at the office. It doesn't mean they're clueless.

Yes, there are trolls, but it's pretty easy to spot those.