My take on Ferentz

Well, there's no reason this team or the next two or three teams have to be 7-8 win teams.

Since 2002, when Kirk established everything we've had the more talented team on the field in almost every occasion except a few.

2002--more talented than ISU, but less than USC
2003--more talented than MSU, Purdue, less than OSU
2004--more talented than ASU, less than Mich
2005--more talented than ISU, Mich, NW, Florida, and less than OSU (the Mich and Florida refereeing were atrocious, but the Mich game should not have been close enough to let refs determine the outcome)
2006--more talented than Indiana, NW, Wisky, MN, less than OSU and Mich
2007--more talented than ISU, Indiana, Purdue, and Western Michigan, Wisky is a push, less talented than PSU
2008--more talented than Pitt, Illinois, NW, and MSU, less talented than PSU
2009--more talented than NW, less than OSU
2010--more talented than Arizona and Wisky (especially given their injury situation).

If Kirk just wins the games he's suppose to win (based on having better talent) and loses the games to the superior talent here are our regular season records:

2002: 12-0
2003: 11-1
2004: 10-1
2005: 10-1
2006: 10-2
2007: 10-1-1
2008: 11-1
2009: 11-1
2010: 7-0

This is not pie-in-the-sky, it's what SHOULD have happened based on comparative talent. The discrepancy between what should be the record and what is the record is due to the deficiencies of the coaching staff.

It's my hope they take a look at this and accept the reality for what it is, and not try to down-sell the program to lower expectations for contract renewals and fan demands.

When Kirk says, you are what your record says you are, he is right. I think we fans get duped into thinking we have more talent than what we actually do. The consistency of this "underachievement" leads me to believe we are overestimating our talent level.
When Kirk says, you are what your record says you are, he is right. I think we fans get duped into thinking we have more talent than what we actually do. The consistency of this "underachievement" leads me to believe we are overestimating our talent level.

You may very well be right in an overall sense, and yet we have placed many in the NFL, solo....however, this year, it is well documented that we have some of the fastest wr 's we've had in sometime, we have what is supposed to be a potential top 10 OL draft pick, we have a qb with a cannon and quick trigger that sits, we have some (when healthy) very shifty and quick rbs when put in the game.

I understand it takes 22+, but we've certainly done more with less over the years...and at least showed some capacity to have the ability to remain competitive, and resilient, and entertaining. I believe the underachieving falls more on our coaching decisions, especially this season...although, we've seen some pretty sloppy tackling this year as well.

Interesting how the opinions of our talent and coaching AND potential are somewhat similar four years ago as they are today....PRIOR to us being .500 and unranked for more than several years in a row now.
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When did I ever say I expected 10-11 win seasons? I fully realize Kirk averages around 8 wins a year. My issue is we pay the guy a comparable salary to the coaches that average 9-10 wins.

I believe it's actually closer to 6.8 wins per year; he has an overall winning percentage of right at 58%. 8 wins a season should be considered an "Ok" season given the non-conference match ups. That would be 4-4 in the B10, which still isn't that good given the strength of the west division.
I believe it's actually closer to 6.8 wins per year; he has an overall winning percentage of right at 58%. 8 wins a season should be considered an "Ok" season given the non-conference match ups. That would be 4-4 in the B10, which still isn't that good given the strength of the west division.

Correct. KFz is currently at 58.16% , that equates to just under 7-5 in a 12 game slate. (6.97 wins)

But I would suggest that it's not the number that bugs so many's the why and how. ie: losing to teams like ISU, "playing not to lose", that drives people nuts with KFz.
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With Iowa's income potential we can land a fine coach and can improve the program from where it is currently. All the posts that say we can only expect what we have today and should be happy with what we have cause it's the best we can ever get is simply untrue and a loser's mentality. The next coach could do one of three things, up down or the same. We have the money, the facilities and the fan backing - it can be done!
It just shows you how bad of a gameday coach Kirk is when you have so many players make NFL rosters. You should beat ISU every year with all of the talent in the NFL. No excuses
Correct. KFz is currently at 58.16% , that equates to just under 7-5 in a 12 game slate. (6.97 wins)

But I would suggest that it's not the number that bugs so many's the why and how. ie: losing to teams like ISU, "playing not to lose", that drives people nuts with KFz.

Spot on Drummer,
"IF" Iowa beat the teams they should beat, that percentage would be much higher. You're correct; "the playing not to lose" mentality drives me insane personally. Good/Great teams don't take their foot off the gas; they beat you and do it impressively. In today's world of college ball, "STYLE" points matter.
Spot on Drummer,
"IF" Iowa beat the teams they should beat, that percentage would be much higher. You're correct; "the playing not to lose" mentality drives me insane personally. Good/Great teams don't take their foot off the gas; they beat you and do it impressively. In today's world of college ball, "STYLE" points matter.

Hayden understood that 30 years ago. His student must not have been paying attention to that particular lesson.
When Kirk says, you are what your record says you are, he is right. I think we fans get duped into thinking we have more talent than what we actually do. The consistency of this "underachievement" leads me to believe we are overestimating our talent level.

I've been saying this for the entire year!
When Kirk says, you are what your record says you are, he is right. I think we fans get duped into thinking we have more talent than what we actually do. The consistency of this "underachievement" leads me to believe we are overestimating our talent level.

Our talent isn’t outstanding, but its good enough to beat ISU at home, Maryland, and stay within 36 of Minny.