Honorary Captain Should Be...Three Words

Man do i miss those days. The best Iowa teams under Kirk Ferentz always have great vocal leaders. We havent had those for a few years
If anyone listened to the Hawkeye Report podcast this week, you'd vote for Mitch King. Just listening to him as a guest on the podcast, talking about how he loved to play as a lineman vs Wiscy, was enough to get me fired at 5am this morning.
Two things I noticed on that clip that stood out. The first was Mark Jones calling Kinnick a "Torture chamber". Pretty sure those days have passed, when Iowa State walks in every other year and beats us. The other was Kirk's halftime interview with Holley Rowe when Kirk said "was very much looking forward to the challenge." I think that easier to say when you have a stout defense and an offense (mainly a qb that wasn't scared to make a throw) that could move the ball. I don't think he'd say he's looking forward to Wisky today but I sure hope he channels those vibes and we eek out a win this weekend.
Everything, including human beings, changes in someway shape or form with time. But when you watch Kirk's mannerisms on the sideline and his interviews in these clips there is no comparison to the 2014 Kirk. You can see and feel the fire inside of him then. I hate to say it but I haven't seen much or any of this over the past few years. I have been a Kirk fan and supporter but I cant help but feel the Iowa Football program is going through the motions. To NCHawkers point about good players making coaches look good, I think the same can be said about the leaders of your program and how players feed off them. The lack of emotion from our leaders on the sideline could explain some of the lack of emotion from our leaders on the field.
Agreed, we need a guy like Roth to really get after these guys and get them as well as all of us in Kinnick fired up! You had no choice but to get up on 3rd down when that guy played and called for it. Those were the days when Kinnick was every opponents nightmare.

If certain guys haven't been fired up at times this year he would take care of that and probably yank those who aren't off of the field himself.
How great would it be if the NCAA let each program bring back one player for one game every year who graduated from the team and is not currently on a current professional roster? A player can only be used once and must pass a physical and drug test. Compensation is whatever you can negotiate. Id be tempted to fork over some cash to Roth or Chad Greenway in this one.
Matt Roth. His Senior Day against Wisky was one of the best Kinnick games. Watch his taking of the field and remember the noise.


Isn't Matt Roth two words? Sorry OP, just had to bust your chops. Matt is one of my all time favorite Hawks; the dude had anger issues and I loved every minute of it. The Gator Chomp after sacking Chris Leak(if my memory is correct) is still one of my faves.