Kyle Meyer: OMG

Meyer played on one of the best AAU Teams in the country the Atlantic Celtics, it is among the Top 10 annually. as for my comment about him RS. Fran mentioned the possibility "OF A PLAYER" red shirting, i thought he could be the one, based on the #'s at the 4-5 spot he was the logical player as he can play both, and the last video i saw of him he was very skinny.
in this video it appear he has gained weight, from his reported weight of 215 lbs. Fran recruited him to be a 4, 6'8 White at the 3, 6'10 Meyer at the 4 and 7'1 Woodbury at the 5. make for a very big front court.
its about time Iowa gets players with a attitude that won't cower or back down from superior athletes the other BT teams get like Illinois, MSU and OSU. Hopefully Gesell and Woody play with the same attitude. to go with the attitude White has.
Good ball-handler for his size...that said, he definitely did double-dribble at the 3/4 court point. Also, he should enjoy these coast-to-coast experiences now, b/c they will not happen too much in the B-10. I'm more interested in how he will match-up on D if not a 5. His offense is solid. Good shooter, good ball-handler. Also, much thicker than White (sort of a Russ Millard body + 3")
one more thing on Meyer. until he signed with Fran, he had never touched the weights, after signing the coaching staff set him up on a weight training schedule. this fact alone made him a canidate for the RS, not having had any experience with weight training of any kind, it would be hard for a kid to step in and compete at the next level.
but it appears he has taken to the weight very well. this makes Meyer a less likely canidate for the RS and puts Ingram as the likely canidate to RS to work on shooting range
one more thing on Meyer. until he signed with Fran, he had never touched the weights, after signing the coaching staff set him up on a weight training schedule. this fact alone made him a canidate for the RS, not having had any experience with weight training of any kind, it would be hard for a kid to step in and compete at the next level.
but it appears he has taken to the weight very well. this makes Meyer a less likely canidate for the RS and puts Ingram as the likely canidate to RS to work on shooting range

Where the heck do you come up with this stuff?


That picture was taken before he signed. DAMN those arms look small!
When I saw him play I was definitely thinking he would be more of a 4 than a 5 at Iowa. He obviously has the height to play 5 and could probably give some minutes there, but from what I saw his skills translate to more of a 4, and maybe to a lesser extent, 3.

Maybe I'm a little more upbeat about him because he's a local (to me) kid, but I really think we're going to be pleasantly surprised by what he'll bring to the Hawks.
In this day and age, I have a very hard time believing that any high school kid who plays on any type of AAU team has not spent any time in a weight room.
why not, some kids don't use a weight room and some schools don't have the money to eguip them properly, thing have changed since i was in school, we never had weights other than what kids brought in, until the student went on a fund raiser to out fit a make shift weight room and spent $5000 on weight system and got donation for more money to get the nessecary equipment needed, the school only provide the room and nothing more citing budget,
I am thirty years removed from high school. I graduated from a small town in Iowa and we had weights and used them all the time. What sort of one room school did you graduate from (or at least attend)? I still call BS on him never having lifted.
i went to Denver and graduated over 35 years ago, the weight we had were simple in plastic coated cement weight the kind you get at KMart, and the graduating classes avg 45- in a small class, to 60 in a huge class, which put my class on the high end with 59.
as for the weight thing for Meyer i am sorry you can't or won't accept that the kid didn't lift weight before Fran got him to committ, some kids are just not into lifting weights.
even my son who was out for Football and BB never got into the weights and started as a 7th and 8th grader til he quit both to take up bowling where he earned 1st team All State his JR and SE year and earned over $9000 in scholarships by bowling in a State wide tourney that featured bowlers from all over the midwest including college bowler, from as far away as Witcha State, i tried to get him to get use the weight to strengthen his forearms and wrists, so not every body uses weight.
sorry if that is hard for you to grasp

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