Are you personally worried about getting the Coronavirus?

Are you personally worried about catching the Coronavirus?

  • Yes

    Votes: 41 41.0%
  • No

    Votes: 59 59.0%

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You realize most people only read the headline.

Yes, but authors usually do not have control over headlines, and @tksirius posted the article based upon its content, not its headline, so we should discuss the content.

In particular, the individual being interviewed (an engineer with experience in creating models of pandemic spread) is arguing that what is likely to happen will probably happen with or without draconian measures. He qualifies his worst-case-scenario (which equates to 500,000 US deaths) as assuming the healthcare system does not collapse. I think our evidence from Italy, New York, and even the UIHC's blunt assessment of their preparedness (in particular, lack of PPE if things get dicey) indicates that if we did nothing, there is a good chance of collateral damage due to healthcare shortcomings. @HawkGold 's anecdotal accounts hint at this as well.

So I think we are clearly in a "flatten the curve" mode for the forseeable future. But I think the perspective of this individual has merit, he has contributed to successful modeling of pandemics previously. I think if by the time the next pandemic comes around our healthcare system has become more robust and resilient, and if we can combine that with better systems for testing and tracking (there have to be some really smart people working on the tracking problem right now, I assume), we can deal with a similar magnitude problem with much less disruption of everyday life.
Yes, but authors usually do not have control over headlines, and @tksirius posted the article based upon its content, not its headline, so we should discuss the content.

In particular, the individual being interviewed (an engineer with experience in creating models of pandemic spread) is arguing that what is likely to happen will probably happen with or without draconian measures. He qualifies his worst-case-scenario (which equates to 500,000 US deaths) as assuming the healthcare system does not collapse. I think our evidence from Italy, New York, and even the UIHC's blunt assessment of their preparedness (in particular, lack of PPE if things get dicey) indicates that if we did nothing, there is a good chance of collateral damage due to healthcare shortcomings. @HawkGold 's anecdotal accounts hint at this as well.

So I think we are clearly in a "flatten the curve" mode for the forseeable future. But I think the perspective of this individual has merit, he has contributed to successful modeling of pandemics previously. I think if by the time the next pandemic comes around our healthcare system has become more robust and resilient, and if we can combine that with better systems for testing and tracking (there have to be some really smart people working on the tracking problem right now, I assume), we can deal with a similar magnitude problem with much less disruption of everyday life.
Let's be honest though. You're picking the relatively few points in the article that fit your beliefs at this moment. I'm actually thinking we are the only two that actually read it. It's a long article, I don't blame anyone that didn't.
oh, so your not worried about the pandemic.

you just really need your seasonal flu numbers. Gotcha.

Man, all or nothing with you, huh? It's what I do for a fucking living at the U so screw off. What does my statement have to do with not worrying about the pandemic? I'm just merely pointing out that certain infectious disease are required to be reported by law, so the numbers should be available.

Just luv how people say stupids comments without understanding the law.

So there, tough guy.
A Hy-Vee employee in Iowa City tested positive for the virus & a employee at the IC Vets Hospital also tested positive. Who knows how many people these employees could have infected?!?!
Man, all or nothing with you, huh? It's what I do for a fucking living at the U so screw off. What does my statement have to do with not worrying about the pandemic? I'm just merely pointing out that certain infectious disease are required to be reported by law, so the numbers should be available.

Just luv how people say stupids comments without understanding the law.

So there, tough guy.

Spotting BS is what I do for a living.
Spotting BS is what I do for a living.

Not very good at it. My field is cancer (which is required to be reported by law) but I am well aware of infectious disease requirements as they are required to be reported by law as well. Dept. of Epidemiology buddy. It's called population-based surveillance.

I suppose being from Waverly, you might have to google epidemiology.
Not very good at it. My field is cancer (which is required to be reported by law) but I am well aware of infectious disease requirements as they are required to be reported by law as well. Dept. of Epidemiology buddy.

I suppose being from Waverly, you might have to google epidemiology.

I'm all ears. What other reporting requirements might have been missed? Maybe Trump will being this up at his next news conference. I'm sure he'll love to conflate this pandemic with the Flu again, as he has in the past.

And I'm not from Waverly. They might be dumb there like you imply. Maybe people are dumb from where you are from too.
Even if you suck at math, it's still easy to understand that 2 months ago there were 0 people and every week it's gone up drastically. If you want to eliminate the unknown of how many actually have it, you can look at the known of how many are trying to get into hospitals. You can say the number is rising because we are doing more tests. But a month ago there wasn't thousands of people waiting in line sick enough to want to get tested.

This was an article I read. Look how fast the infections in Spain spread in one day? Once this thing gets its claws dug in and rolling, it's a train.

NEW DELHI (AP) -- Spain has now the world's second-highest tally of coronavirus deaths after 738 more were reported Wednesday.

It was the country's deadliest toll in one day.

With 3,434 deaths of coronavirus patients, Spain surpassed China's toll of 3,285 dead.

Italy still has the most deaths of any nation in the world with 6,820 dying from the pandemic that is sweeping the world.

Infections in Spain also rose 20% from a day earlier to 47,610.

In India, the world's largest democracy is under the world's biggest lockdown, with 1.3 billion people ordered to stay home to stop the coronavirus.
I'm all ears. What other reporting requirements might have been missed? Maybe Trump will being this up at his next news conference. I'm sure he'll love to conflate this pandemic with the Flu again, as he has in the past.

And I'm not from Waverly. They might be dumb there like you imply. Maybe people are dumb from where you are from too.

I really don't care about the reporting of other infectious diseases right now as they are not really the focus as you are trying to point out I think.

Again, PC just asked a question how come the CDC wasn't reporting seasonal flu numbers? You responded with some obscure comment to PC that it isn't the seasonal flu overwhelming our hospitals. I agree. I was just pointing out that the numbers should be out there somewhere and reported because seasonal flu is also required to be reported by law.
I'm all ears. What other reporting requirements might have been missed? Maybe Trump will being this up at his next news conference. I'm sure he'll love to conflate this pandemic with the Flu again, as he has in the past.

And I'm not from Waverly. They might be dumb there like you imply. Maybe people are dumb from where you are from too.

Well that's good because I wouldn't want to wish somebody like you affiliated with Waverly anyway. It's actually kind of a nice town. Grew up 20 minutes from there.
I’m glad I spend my time doing other things because if I believed half the shit some of you type I would think the world is ending. I can tell you from my view it’s not! Some of you really need to go outside for a walk!

I'm starting to wonder if there are people out there hoping for the worst so they can be the ones who said "I told you so."
I really don't care about the reporting of other infectious diseases right now as they are not really the focus as you are trying to point out I think.

You don't care about reporting other infectious diseases? Even though it is required to be reported by law?

Are you a champion of reporting infections diseases not?

Again, PC just asked a question how come the CDC wasn't reporting seasonal flu numbers? You responded with some obscure comment to PC that it isn't the seasonal flu overwhelming our hospitals. I agree. I was just pointing out that the numbers should be out there somewhere and reported because seasonal flu is also required to be reported by law.

And it was tksirius, not PC.

You just seem to fail to realize that people have been dishonest about the severity of the pandemic, and comparing it to the common cold/flu has been a common refrain.
Are you following it?? FYI I Stopped reading after you said have you seen the graph that compares us to Italy?

Is China on its way to 500,000 deaths? How soon Until they get there PC?
China went on a huge lockdown that they are just starting to come out of 2 months later. America didn't. While China was forcing the country to shut down, America was deciding if it was worth losing our freedom. And why can't I compare us to Italy? That's the exact path we are on. Which makes sense because both countries handled this the same way early.
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