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  1. N

    Hawks Have stolen Clones Thunder

    I'm not sure what you're asking. Are you asking a question about the question you asked, or is it something completely different?
  2. N

    My Hilton Experience

    Carver? Why would I be talking about Carver? Kinnick, on the other hand...Hawk fans have booed their own quarterbacks. There is holding called on every single play from the stands. It would not be fare to compare like sports because the two schools are polar opposites.
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    My Hilton Experience

    Every fan base has them. Go back and read some of the asinine comments posted in this thread. Cyclone's have theirs over at CF. I would label them more as thin skinned sallies with corn silk stuck in their rectum. Once again, just trying to make the point that every fan base does this, it was...
  4. N

    My Hilton Experience

    It will certainly be interesting to see what they do this basketball season. I think everyone knows they've got a great starting 5, but their bench is what will kill them come Big12 play. As for football, I don't think anyone would dispute Iowa State has a dismal program, however, I think the...
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    My Hilton Experience

    Grrr, I don't like what he said! He must be a clown fan! Let it go tough guy.
  6. N

    My Hilton Experience

    A quick read of just this thread has reminded me just how Hawkeye fans can be knuckle dragging mouth breathers. One week later and they're still pouting about a basketball game. Be an adult and get over it. Don't like Cyclone fans? Stop spending your entire day huffing and puffing about how...
  7. N

    My Hilton Experience

    Assuming you've never been to a game at Kinnick where holding is called on ever play by the bleacher officials. How about when Jake Christensen was QB and fans booed their own quarterback? Plenty of booing done by Hawkeye fans. It is not an isolated phenomenon.
  8. N

    That's the #4 team??

    If ISU's the #4 team in the country, they win the game last night. No, wait. If they're the #4 team in the country, they prove it by overcoming a 20 point deficit. Shoot, that's not right either. If they're #4 team, they can hold Iowa's top scorer to 2 points in the second half. Damnit, this is...
  9. N

    Pathetic loss, pathetic court storm

    I keep hearing this. When I was watching, the first thing I thought was the students were booing the officials for stopping the play. At least those were my thoughts.
  10. N

    New head coach search starts in . . .

    Someone answer me this: who does Iowa even begin to look at for a new coach? (this is just hypothetical) Quite a few have mentioned that a marquee coach is unlikely, so who would it be?
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    You serious Clark? You are no more a "shareholder" than an average tax payer whose dollars fund all of the state universities. Go ahead, ask all the questions you would like. You absolutely have that right. However, Kirk and the U of I football program has no obligation to tell you jack...
  12. N

    Coker Suspended for Insight Bowl

    Probably really minor. Like missing a bowl game minor.
  13. N

    Brett Greenwood shirts.......

    Not saying its not a good idea...but why only $5 per shirt? You're making more than $5 off of these shirts. IMO, the only people that should be benefiting from these shirts is Brent Greenwood and his family. I thnk its a great idea and it is going to a great cause, but I would much rather...
  14. N

    No Big 10 scores given in Ames Saturday night

    I'm not sure if it was because they "hate the Big 10" or if it was because all of their attention was going into the scoreboard. I have been to Jack Trice a few times and they usually do a decent job updating scores.
  15. N

    Lasted 2 mins as a user on "Clone Fanatic

    You are joking right? UNI absolutely controlled the entire game when they played at Kinnick. The entire game, that is, until the last two kicks.
  16. N

    Updated ESPN report...not looking good...

    Again, what is "their agenda"? To bring down Iowa because they arent an SEC team? I understand ESPN is going to try to dig up what they can to get a juicy news story, but there are some pretty solid facts out there.
  17. N

    Updated ESPN report...not looking good...

    Wanna show me the positive side of the story? There are 13 players that have been in the hospital now for multiple days for a pretty serious kidney problem. Those are facts and they are not positive.
  18. N

    Updated ESPN report...not looking good...

    You think ESPN is out to bring down Iowa?
  19. N

    Updated ESPN report...not looking good...

    I'm not as optimistic as most on here. I dont think this looks good at all. The bottom line is that this happened a few days ago and all of the athletes are still in the hospital. That is pretty serious. You dont keep someone in the hospital for multiple days just for precautionary reasons.
  20. N

    DJK's NFL draft chances up in smoke?

    You are an idiot if you think he still has even an outside shot at the NFL. Absolutely not. The NFL as a whole is trying to improve the image of their players.