Updated ESPN report...not looking good...

If I hear "according to a parent" or "a source" one more time I'm going to freak out. 30-50 pounds because of fluids? How is that even possible?

I read they're trying to flush there system by giving alot water, but there kidneys aren't working properly so they're retaining alot of the water.
One parent said some players had gained 30 to 50 pounds since entering the hospital because of the amount of fluids that have been forced into their bodies.

Cow poop is correct. espn better hope they have facts correct on that. I ain't buying that.
That was my reaction. How does that happen?

If I hear "according to a parent" or "a source" one more time I'm going to freak out. 30-50 pounds because of fluids? How is that even possible?

30-50 pounds is a lot, but it happens (though not in 3 days, usually). I found an article that puts the rate of fluid infusion for rhabdo treatment to be ~500mL/h. Over 36 hours, that would be 18 liters pushed through them. I did some quick math, and if we estimate 1 liter of water to be ~2.2 pounds, so 18 liters of water would be... ~40 pounds? Now, it's important to note that these guys should be peeing a lot of it out. However we should also note that what they're being infused with isn't just water. It's got various salts and other things in there too. Also, they are probably eating a certain diet, along with intaking various medications.

By the way, is this confirmed as weight gain from the day they were in the hospital till today? Or is this 30-50 pounds since they were last weighed vs today?
This is bulls***, why would a parent badmouth the program and coaches that their son is still playing for anonymously?
That might hold some weight if these guys were passing out on the gym floor during the workout and then rushed to the hospital.

Which would hold weight? The knowingly pushed them too far/withheld fluids part? Or the players pushed themselves too far?

We do know that Shane DiBona could barely stand and fell down the stairs after the workout.

By the way, I'm not saying that the coaches did do those things. Just saying that every coach tells their players that workouts are going to find out people who want to be on the team, or will separate men from boys, etc. Question is, did that translate to dangerous workout conditions? That's the only way that quote becomes a sign of something more sinister than just a pep talk.
I just lost a lot of respect for Rittenberg. He is throwing serious sh*t out there with "unnamed sources" and then using quotes from the same "unnamed source." Absolutely bullsh*T!
This is bulls***, why would a parent badmouth the program and coaches that their son is still playing for anonymously?

They probably aren't "playing". They are probably a member of the team who hasn't seen the field or likely will never see the field, would be my guess. I can understand them being upset, but if I was really that upset about my son's health and felt the coaching staff was responsible for it, I would be screaming it from the mountaintops and not pushing info to a blogger in secrecy.
Which would hold weight? The knowingly pushed them too far/withheld fluids part? Or the players pushed themselves too far?

We do know that Shane DiBona could barely stand and fell down the stairs after the workout.

By the way, I'm not saying that the coaches did do those things. Just saying that every coach tells their players that workouts are going to find out people who want to be on the team, or will separate men from boys, etc. Question is, did that translate to dangerous workout conditions? That's the only way that quote becomes a sign of something more sinister than just a pep talk.

I'm saying the "coaches were punishing them for bad season" stuff would hold more weight if they would have collapsed in the gym and had to be rushed to the hospital.
I just lost a lot of respect for Rittenberg. He is throwing serious sh*t out there with "unnamed sources" and then using quotes from the same "unnamed source." Absolutely bullsh*T!

It's actually not Rittenberg. It's by 'Joe Schad'.

It's just got the link to AR's Big Ten Blog. If you go to the blog, the article isn't on there. This is the original story that was mentioned either yesterday or earlier today, and has been simply updated.
I am a little frustrated by some (supposedly) Hawk fans' cavalier attitude toward this situation. You don't have to minimize what these players are going through just because you think a certain article has an unfair spin.

Saying things like, "you can lose 40% of your kidney function and not know it," or "I guess that's why God gave us 2 kidneys" is so horrifically unsympathetic that you really should be ashamed, and quite possibly should be cause for banning.

Seriously, these kids worked so hard for the team they ended up in the hospital. You should show them respect.
Interviewing doc right now, actually not conforming to ESPN's smear campaign. Said in his expertise the prognosis of full recovery is excellent.
I'm not as optimistic as most on here. I dont think this looks good at all. The bottom line is that this happened a few days ago and all of the athletes are still in the hospital. That is pretty serious. You dont keep someone in the hospital for multiple days just for precautionary reasons.
I am a little frustrated by some (supposedly) Hawk fans' cavalier attitude toward this situation. You don't have to minimize what these players are going through just because you think a certain article has an unfair spin.

Saying things like, "you can lose 40% of your kidney function and not know it," or "I guess that's why God gave us 2 kidneys" is so horrifically unsympathetic that you really should be ashamed, and quite possibly should be cause for banning.

Seriously, these kids worked so hard for the team they ended up in the hospital. You should show them respect.

I pulled that from a medical site and sited it with a link in another thread.

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