My Hilton Experience

I guess this is my bad. I didn't know that bragging on getting to the round of 32 was a "thing". I mean seriously WhoTF brags about getting to the round of 32? I just assumed you were talking sweet 16's, as that is something to talk about. But if you wanna talk round of 32, Iowa has been there lately (like this year) and ISU hasn't. So well, we got that if I wanted to make some lame azz brag??? Or the fact that Iowa has made 17 round of 32's compared to ISU's 12. Now honestly I could be 1 or two off on those numbers, as I did a really quick search. Once again I can't believe you are trying to brag on round of 32???? Most normal people talk about making the NCAA's and getting to the sweet 16.

Not sure why extreme butthurt toward your rival is going to change the score from last Thursday
Not sure why extreme butthurt toward your rival is going to change the score from last Thursday

LOL dude. Guy was bragging on "round of 32" appearances, but whatever, if you think me pointing out his stupid is "butthurt" then keep on keeping on.
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I don't think you have ever been to Carver. Heck ask any Clown fan, they will tell you that NO NOISE comes out of Carver....including much booing from the knitting blue hairs.

Actually lived adjacent to Dental school parking lot in big old white house-- corner of Valley & Newton. My upstairs apt window faced Carver, which was a 1-2 minute walk
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Aside from stopping to get gas I refuse to ever go back to Ames and I have a little brother and sister in school there. No desire. It all stems from poor sportsmanship displayed by their fans. I've been to many games there and other places. I understand there are bad fans everywhere, but I've never seen anything like the Napoleonic Complex head up their *** idiocy that stems from a large quantity of Cyclone fans when Hawk fans venture into one of their venues. It's pathetic and I'd rather lick a skunks *** than put myself in that kind of environment again.

They have no clue what winning with class is and it stems from the top of their athletic department. I guess that's what happens when you root for one of the worst D1 programs in history. You don't know how to handle winning.
Actually lived adjacent to Dental school parking lot in big old white house-- corner of Valley & Newton. My upstairs apt window faced Carver, which was a 1-2 minute walk

You are so full of sh!t.... You have never stepped foot into Carver. Most nights you won't hear excessive anything.
Aside from stopping to get gas I refuse to ever go back to Ames and I have a little brother and sister in school there. No desire. It all stems from poor sportsmanship displayed by their fans. I've been to many games there and other places. I understand there are bad fans everywhere, but I've never seen anything like the Napoleonic Complex head up their *** idiocy that stems from a large quantity of Cyclone fans when Hawk fans venture into one of their venues. It's pathetic and I'd rather lick a skunks *** than put myself in that kind of environment again.

They have no clue what winning with class is and it stems from the top of their athletic department. I guess that's what happens when you root for one of the worst D1 programs in history. You don't know how to handle winning.

the parents should be embarrassed by their f-bomb hurling racist name calling kids but ultimately these issues start at home. I'm sure that the ISU parents are very proud of their pimple-faced sons and daughters dropping f-bombs on national TV
the parents should be embarrassed by their f-bomb hurling racist name calling kids but ultimately these issues start at home. I'm sure that the ISU parents are very proud of their pimple-faced sons and daughters dropping f-bombs on national TV

Honestly I don't necessarily think it's the parents. I think it's just the entire ISU athletic culture and that stems from Jamie Pollard himself. It's a giant Napoleonic Complex. They don't just act like Little Bro to Iowa. They act like Lil Bro to any schools who have success. Look at Pollard's tweet making fun of the Baylor tailgating atmosphere. That's a perfect example. He's their leader and he acts like a 5th grade boy trying to impress his crush. Nevermind a hurricane is causing a torrential downpour! I'm going to take this opportunity to try to one up Baylor because I know our football team is about to get demolished!
Honestly I don't necessarily think it's the parents. I think it's just the entire ISU athletic culture and that stems from Jamie Pollard himself. It's a giant Napoleonic Complex. They don't just act like Little Bro to Iowa. They act like Lil Bro to any schools who have success. Look at Pollard's tweet making fun of the Baylor tailgating atmosphere. That's a perfect example. He's their leader and he acts like a 5th grade boy trying to impress his crush. Nevermind a hurricane is causing a torrential downpour! I'm going to take this opportunity to try to one up Baylor because I know our football team is about to get demolished!

100%. name another AD that puts himself in the spot light like he does - but it is really a perfect fit for clownies - they eat it up - because they truly do have an inferiority complex. 'january bowl games aren't what they used to be'.......etc., etc.
Honestly I don't necessarily think it's the parents. I think it's just the entire ISU athletic culture and that stems from Jamie Pollard himself. It's a giant Napoleonic Complex. They don't just act like Little Bro to Iowa. They act like Lil Bro to any schools who have success. Look at Pollard's tweet making fun of the Baylor tailgating atmosphere. That's a perfect example. He's their leader and he acts like a 5th grade boy trying to impress his crush. Nevermind a hurricane is causing a torrential downpour! I'm going to take this opportunity to try to one up Baylor because I know our football team is about to get demolished!

With Jamie it is a case of the chicken or the egg. I mean did Jamie already have a HUGE Napoleonic Complex himself before coming to ISU....or did he get that Napoleonic Complex by being around ISU fans????
With Jamie it is a case of the chicken or the egg. I mean did Jamie already have a HUGE Napoleonic Complex himself before coming to ISU....or did he get that Napoleonic Complex by being around ISU fans????

I'm no psychologist, but if I had to guess I would assume Jamie was already a bit of an egomaniac when he first landed the ISU job. He comes across as someone who was always a bit full of himself. Then once he got his feet wet as the ISU A.D. it didn't take him long to realize that his "antics" were loved by the ISU fans. Which in turn only stoked the fire. His Rhoads hire and the shenanigans that he pulled in front of the media combined with Pollard have given him more than enough evidence to support his strategy. In summary, I think it's a twofold approach. He acts like a dumbarse because he is one, but he also has proven results that it plays well with his fan base.
I'm no psychologist, but if I had to guess I would assume Jamie was already a bit of an egomaniac when he first landed the ISU job. He comes across as someone who was always a bit full of himself. Then once he got his feet wet as the ISU A.D. it didn't take him long to realize that his "antics" were loved by the ISU fans. Which in turn only stoked the fire. His Rhoads hire and the shenanigans that he pulled in front of the media combined with Pollard have given him more than enough evidence to support his strategy. In summary, I think it's a twofold approach. He acts like a dumbarse because he is one, but he also has proven results that it plays well with his fan base.

How much do you think alvarez influenced him? Because that guy doesn't have an ego, no sir.;)
First off I'm not a huge rivalry guy. It's fun to joke at the office but I guess I don't really express hate to certain fan bases. Have friends that are Iowa State fans that are great people.

With that being said when we walked in my girlfriend and I sat down at our seats and immediately the person next to her had her husband switch spots her her because she couldn't do this (sit next to Iowa fans). Also was saying things out loud like "Didn't they check who they were selling to!?" Tried to make conversation with the guy next to me saying things like, "sorry you have to sit next to Iowa fans" or "how much does this place hold?" He was being short with me so I stopped talking to him.

Worst part for me- Never heard so much booing in my life. I get that they are ranked #4 and shouldn't be getting beat badly at home but it made the game miserable to watch. We're there that many bad calls?

After the game walking down from our seats several said good game but that's expected after a win I suppose. Thought the court storming was dumb for the most part but they won an improbable game against an instate rival so I can partly understand.

You thought that game was hard to swallow, try having it as your early Christmas present. Just thought I'd share my experience! Go Hawks!
Assuming you've never been to a game at Kinnick where holding is called on ever play by the bleacher officials. How about when Jake Christensen was QB and fans booed their own quarterback? Plenty of booing done by Hawkeye fans. It is not an isolated phenomenon.
I've been to some games at Hilton in the past (never Iowa vs Iowa State), but I don't recall the fans being awful. This was around 1993 and 1994. Did something change in the last 10 years or so? I actually had fun going to these games and the crowd was respectful. Now you watch a televised game at Hilton and it's nothing but "BOOOOOO" every time the whistle blows.
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I've been to some games at Hilton in the past (never Iowa vs Iowa State), but I don't recall the fans being awful. This was around 1993 and 1994. Did something change in the last 10 years or so? I actually had fun going to these games and the crowd was respectful. Now you watch a televised game at Hilton and it's nothing but "BOOOOOO" every time the whistle blows.

I was at the Haluska return game I believe it was '05. ISU had the Stinson/Blaylock backcourt. Point being I didn't feel any "Hilton Magic" but it wasn't an awful experience either. Granted my seats were pretty high up they weren't courtside.
I've been to some games at Hilton in the past (never Iowa vs Iowa State), but I don't recall the fans being awful. This was around 1993 and 1994. Did something change in the last 10 years or so? I actually had fun going to these games and the crowd was respectful. Now you watch a televised game at Hilton and it's nothing but "BOOOOOO" every time the whistle blows.

Umm I hate to break it to you there Doc (Back to the Future reference), but 1993 and 1994 were more like 21 and 22 years ago... not 10. Yes, things have changed a lot in 20+ years. There's this website called CycloneFanatic that you can go to if you'd like an example of how moronic Cyclone fans are.
Umm I hate to break it to you there Doc (Back to the Future reference), but 1993 and 1994 were more like 21 and 22 years ago... not 10. Yes, things have changed a lot in 20+ years. There's this website called CycloneFanatic that you can go to if you'd like an example of how moronic Cyclone fans are.
A quick read of just this thread has reminded me just how Hawkeye fans can be knuckle dragging mouth breathers. One week later and they're still pouting about a basketball game. Be an adult and get over it. Don't like Cyclone fans? Stop spending your entire day huffing and puffing about how angry they make you.

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