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  1. I

    Marble now the 4th leading scorer in the Big Ten

    I just did a quadratic regression (an equation to the power of 2) and it came out with NO ERROR. :) I love math!! y = -0.6 x2 + 7.6 x - 1.3 So Devyn's growth has been quadratic and the equation says he will average 19.5 points next season.
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    Marble now the 4th leading scorer in the Big Ten

    I am a math teacher, I can't help it!
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    Marble now the 4th leading scorer in the Big Ten

    Not necessarily. The general term for an exponential growth is a*b^x where a and b are positive real numbers and x is positive as well. The closest fit (exponentially) to Devyn would be ppg = 3*2^x where x is the number of seasons. when x=1 (ex: his freshman season) ppg = 6 when x=2 (Soph)...
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    A fall from grace the Todd L story

    Todd Lickliter graduated from the same HS as Pat Ingram... Good thing or bad thing? ;)
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    who on here actually went to UI?

    Class of '12 here.
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    PTL Changes

    This is the Big 4 F-U from UNI.
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    Congrats Don Nelson

    That room is a pit now. You can still see the windows, but everything else looks really really old and it's falling apart.
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    what is your favorite 1st round match up?

    I like that Creighton-Alabama match-up. Could be a fun game.
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    Ted Valentine Photoshop

    That's quality stuff right there
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    Game thread

    Fine, if you want to think like that go ahead. This team is not pathetic. The offense has been clicking for the most part. It has been the defense. Bash them all you want. You will never see me bash this team. Get upset and think someone should sit, yeah why not, but not call out a whole team...
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    Game thread

    This was my point. Sorry if it didn't come out like that.
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    Game thread

    tell me how I broke the rules.
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    Game thread

    No you are pathetic. The defense is poor, yes. There is no need for calling them out. You need to step away from the computer for, oh how about ever.
  15. I

    scUM didn't shoot a FT until....

    Yes. Against Drake. It was like a 5 point game without a single FT attempt and Drake had something like 22 attempts.
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    Don't Give Up on this Team

    Love you too Buddy Boy! :p
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    Don't Give Up on this Team

    Amen Eddy. I might not agree with you on a lot of things, but I'm with you 100% on this one.
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    Don't Give Up on this Team

    They need more support on the way up than they do when they are finally good.
  19. I

    ^^^^^^ Iowa at MSU - Game Thread ^^^^^^

    I hope this is full sarcasm
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    ^^^^^^ Iowa at MSU - Game Thread ^^^^^^

    Go cheer for someone else then. This was not a good game. We played a top 10 team on the road. WE WERE NOT SUPPOSED TO WIN. Flush it and play the next game. I can't stand people who are negative just to be negative.