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    Peter Jok

    I haven't seen enough from Jok to be as optimistic as some of the posters. We have a tendency to think the best player is always the one on the bench. Peter needs to get control of his handles and step up on defense if he wants to consistently see the court in Big 10 play. He's capable but...
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    Final 2 Scholarship Options for Men's Basketball Team with 2014 Recruiting

    When he looks into Fred's dreamy eyes he will sign ;) (If Fred decides he wants him).
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    Final 2 Scholarship Options for Men's Basketball Team with 2014 Recruiting

    Stevie Clark (Okie State) would be a wonderful team leader. Suspended for violated team rules before the season started. Arrested for drugs and suspended. Arrested for public exposure (peeing out a car window) and released from the team. Sign him up.
  4. H

    So much for the Big12

    And I am sure the Hawks would have just killed the Bison (NDSU). :mad: Actually, I think the Bison would have stomped us into oblivion. They really played well and controlled the game most of the time.
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    No more "like" button?

    Think HawkeyeNation uses the same software engine as CycloneFanatic (it hurt to say that by the way). CF annouced a couple days ago that the "like" function would be gone for awhile (technical issues). Hell, they already have a thread with over 300 replies about it.....
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    Fran the Man

    Thank you.
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    I waited till this morning

    If all the players stay on board and committed, we will be fine. However, if whatever poisoned the Hawks over the last 6 weeks is still around I am not sure what the outcome will be. Fran needs to assess the situation closely and act accordingly.
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    Alford and Hoiberg pwn Fran yet again

    The Mayor thinks White Magic is lame....
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    Alford and Hoiberg pwn Fran yet again

    I am glad they didn't pick a photo of Fran hammering a ref or throwing a chair...
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    for those obsessed with the notion that were not in the NCAA

    No, I wouldn't...but I might **** in your cornflakes :-(
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    Sage Rosenfels Tweet

    He damn near nailed it....
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    Brackets- How far will you pick Iowa to go?

    At one time this season, Vegas listed Iowa with a 7% (1 in 15) chance of winning it all (Hawks were in the top 5). When they shut it down this weekend, Iowa had dropped to the 1% (1 in 100).
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    Myron Medcalf's 10 bold 2014 NCAA tournament predictions - ESPN
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    Watching a lot of other games tonight and......

    Jack, Jack, do you really feel about OK?
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    I hope Iowa State crushes Kansas

    The Hawks act like they play in Church league....
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    6 Days Before the Tournament

    Guys, relax. Go out and get drunk like those turkeys on HawkeyeNation. See ya when the bus is loading for (fill in the blank).
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    What will Iowa's advertising campaign next year?

    I think Rising....
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    if a new coach came in

    Depends on the coach man.
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    how much would you have lost?

    I would have lost my ***.
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    As I would say to my young children when they asked "why" too many times...."because y is a crooked letter". Seemed to make them stop asking questions I didn't have an answer for. And PS: Why am I still watching this expecting a different result?