Woody does it again pulls the hat trick

Gabe needs to jump the opening tip. Woody is a white man who can't jump. Sorry to say that but you know I'm right.

Terrible take. You don't change the starting lineup to simply win an opening tip.

so no you're not right... In fact your flat out wrong.
He's a tall clumsy guy who does a lot of face guarding, and has over-active hands that cannot be properly controlled because of poor coordination.
You face guard on the perimeter to keep the passer from seeing open teammates in the lane, not in the lane when someone is driving. FYI.
If he puts his palm out (like Kobe pictured), then it goes away. The smallest change in technique and its gone. Hope the staff works with him on this. palm first and you're good.

This is correct. He is attempting to make a basketball play, just failing miserably on the execution.

But no refs have thought it was intentional in real time, so there is that as well.
You face guard on the perimeter to keep the passer from seeing open teammates in the lane, not in the lane when someone is driving. FYI.

He was driving, and then pulled up. Woody went from hand low to hand in face, which is correct, just bad execution. As stated elsewhere, hand should be up a bit higher, and palm should be out.
That is prolly because Kobe can walk and chew gum at the same time, but I am not sure Woody can.

Your argument was that in basketball a hand can't be up at the face when the ball is low. That is wrong. You are wrong. Your hatred is blinding you more than woody's fingers blind his opponents.
You're wrong. I don't hate Woodbury. Find me a post where I have trashed Woodbury in a hateful manner, that isn't in an eye poking thread. You can't.
He was driving, and then pulled up. Woody went from hand low to hand in face, which is correct, just bad execution. As stated elsewhere, hand should be up a bit higher, and palm should be out.
If that's how you played defense, you got scored on more often than Lick Jr.
If that's how you played defense, you got scored on more often than Lick Jr.

How else should a center attempt to guard a smaller, quicker player? If the big doesn't eat space with his wingspan, the guard will drive right around the center. Have to maintain some distance to react in case of the drive, while using your wingspan to take away the jumper.
I've played a lot of basketball with a lot of good basketball players. I never once poked another player in the eye and I never have been poked in the eye. You don't play defense with your fingers extended towards another players face. I have never seen a coach teach that kind of defense. If any of you can produce a coaching video showing that particular technique, I'll shut up. Cripes, even when you are trying to face guard, you put your hand out with your hand extended straight up. If in any one of these incidents, Woody were swiping his hand downward, toward the ball, I wouldn't care. Thrusting your finger into the face of your opponent serves no basketball purpose. NONE. I'm disappointed that Fran allows him to play with that kind of behavior. You're intentionally trying to put an opposing player out of the game.
I dont believe you. Youll have to prove that to me.
You're wrong. I don't hate Woodbury. Find me a post where I have trashed Woodbury in a hateful manner, that isn't in an eye poking thread. You can't.

I don't care what you post other than when you said he had no reason to have his hand up. That was obviously wrong. You are convinced of intent but there is no logical reason to believe it was intentional.
I have and I don't believe you. I grew up with 2 D-1 ball players and 1 played for Iowa. I used to play pick up games in the Field House 5 days a week, with a lot of Hawkeyes. I even survived one game with Jake Jaacks. I managed to keep all of my teeth and my eye sight.
Prove it
I don't care what you post other than when you said he had no reason to have his hand up. That was obviously wrong. You are convinced of intent but there is no logical reason to believe it was intentional.
I said NO SUCH THING! He definitely SHOULD have both hands up to defend the goal, when a guard comes into the lane. What I said was, he should not have his fingers extended straight towards a players face and I stand by that. Show me the post where I said "he shouldn't have his hand up"
I said NO SUCH THING! He definitely SHOULD have both hands up to defend the goal, when a guard comes into the lane. What I said was, he should not have his fingers extended straight towards a players face and I stand by that. Show me the post where I said "he shouldn't have his hand up"

Okay, we agree on that completely. Palm out and he's good in every single case. fingers extended is lazy technique and very costly.