Woody does it again pulls the hat trick

Woody just needs to improve technique. Hand should either be in the chest or above the head, not between the two. That's the problem. Intentional? Highly doubtful, it's the toughest foul to get away with because the player will jump backward and put their hands to their face EVERY time.
I don't care if it was on purpose. Anything to get an edge! Quit with the "thug" talk. I'm all for dirty play as long as it's Iowa doing it!
It wasn't intentional. Woodbury needs to pay attention to it, however; there is a pattern.

The thug's foul of White later in the game was a much more dangerous foul and should have been a Flagrant 2.

There are a bunch of very tough fouls in the Big Ten every game

He hit the ball. That wasn't a dirty play any more than Olesani's foul on tremble was.

Here's a slow motion video. Woody's hand starts down by the ball, comes up level with Trimble's face and then he extends his arm and fingers right into Trimble's eyes. The ball never comes up above Trimble's waiste, so what exactly is Woody trying to do, if not poke him in the eye? Someone give us a reasonable explanation, please.

He's a tall clumsy guy who does a lot of face guarding, and has over-active hands that cannot be properly controlled because of poor coordination.

Here's a slow motion video. Woody's hand starts down by the ball, comes up level with Trimble's face and then he extends his arm and fingers right into Trimble's eyes. The ball never comes up above Trimble's waiste, so what exactly is Woody trying to do, if not poke him in the eye? Someone give us a reasonable explanation, please.

Hand positioning is just too low. Extending hand out to get in the face and got too close. If he's 3 inches higher, he completely takes away the mid-range jumper since that's what it looked like Trimble was going to attempt.
Intentional or not I hope he is prepared because at some point some cat is going to lose his temper and retaliate. I hope he knows an elbow to the noggin doesn't feel good.

Here's a slow motion video. Woody's hand starts down by the ball, comes up level with Trimble's face and then he extends his arm and fingers right into Trimble's eyes. The ball never comes up above Trimble's waiste, so what exactly is Woody trying to do, if not poke him in the eye? Someone give us a reasonable explanation, please.

Ummm, have you not watched Woody run? He is one of the most awkwardly coordinated guys in basketball.

Kobe isn't going for the ball either. Is he a thug? ( minus the whole rape thing)
Hand positioning is just too low. Extending hand out to get in the face and got too close. If he's 3 inches higher, he completely takes away the mid-range jumper since that's what it looked like Trimble was going to attempt.

I don't think it's on purpose, but it does need to stop. I have watched a lot of games over the years and i don't think i have seen a guy do it twice much less 3 times in such a short period. given all the notoriety, the big ten could come down on iowa, right or not. Just very odd overall. He is playing the best in his iowa career and we do need him on the court. Very few teams have a 7 footer nowadays and he is improving.
Ummm, have you not watched Woody run? He is one of the most awkwardly coordinated guys in basketball.

Kobe isn't going for the ball either. Is he a thug? ( minus the whole rape thing)
I'm sorry.....is someone getting poked in the eye there? You continue to offer evidence to the fact that you need glasses.
Ummm, have you not watched Woody run? He is one of the most awkwardly coordinated guys in basketball.

Kobe isn't going for the ball either. Is he a thug? ( minus the whole rape thing)

Apparently, you never watched Acie Earl run down the court. Woody looks like a track star compared to Earl.
I don't think it's on purpose, but it does need to stop. I have watched a lot of games over the years and i don't think i have seen a guy do it twice much less 3 times in such a short period. given all the notoriety, the big ten could come down on iowa, right or not. Just very odd overall. He is playing the best in his iowa career and we do need him on the court. Very few teams have a 7 footer nowadays and he is improving.
That's the really frustrating part. He's playing really well. He and Gesell have made huge leaps in the past 2 months, which is very encouraging for the immediate future. If it truly is accidental, how could you keep him from doing it? If he's flailing around with his hands like that, I'm not sure how you get him to focus on not doing it.
I'm sorry.....is someone getting poked in the eye there? You continue to offer evidence to the fact that you need glasses.

That is prolly because Kobe can walk and chew gum at the same time, but I am not sure Woody can.

Your argument was that in basketball a hand can't be up at the face when the ball is low. That is wrong. You are wrong. Your hatred is blinding you more than woody's fingers blind his opponents.
It's interesting that many who feel Woody is fairly clumsy and uncoordinated also feel he has the ability to poke a player in the eye intentionally at will whenever he wants to. If he's doing this intentionally, he must have the skills of Jackie Chan and Bruce Lee combined....to be able to hit his mark every time like Mr. Yamaguchi in The Karate Kid. As far as I know, he hasn't been called for fouls or been seen poking / hitting players on other parts of their faces on a regular basis. Perhaps he's more like a rattlesnake who waits to strike and then has the coordination to hit his spot every time??
I don't know with absolute certainty that the eye pokes are not intentional, I just find it nearly impossible to believe he has the ability to carry them out intentionally. If so, we're way, WAY underestimating the guys dexterity.
I don't think it's on purpose, but it does need to stop. I have watched a lot of games over the years and i don't think i have seen a guy do it twice much less 3 times in such a short period. given all the notoriety, the big ten could come down on iowa, right or not. Just very odd overall. He is playing the best in his iowa career and we do need him on the court. Very few teams have a 7 footer nowadays and he is improving.

If he puts his palm out (like Kobe pictured), then it goes away. The smallest change in technique and its gone. Hope the staff works with him on this. palm first and you're good.
It's interesting that many who feel Woody is fairly clumsy and uncoordinated also feel he has the ability to poke a player in the eye intentionally at will whenever he wants to. If he's doing this intentionally, he must have the skills of Jackie Chan and Bruce Lee combined....to be able to hit his mark every time like Mr. Yamaguchi in The Karate Kid. As far as I know, he hasn't been called for fouls or been seen poking / hitting players on other parts of their faces on a regular basis. Perhaps he's more like a rattlesnake who waits to strike and then has the coordination to hit his spot every time??
I don't know with absolute certainty that the eye pokes are not intentional, I just find it nearly impossible to believe he has the ability to carry them out intentionally. If so, we're way, WAY underestimating the guys dexterity.
They're the same fans who complain about how clumsy he is.