::sigh:: just thumb me down here

Think it's meant to be be NAMBLA, a fictitious (I hope) group made famous by south park.

also, I don't typically play grammar nazi, but it is "a lot" unless you're meaning allot as in, setting aside an allotment

It most likely was a typo and NAMBLA is not fictitious. A quick Google shows that it was founded 20 years before South Park.
We've had this convo before but I have heard similar things regarding 3 skill players. Make no mistake, next year we will have much fewer 'weapons' on offense.

Appreciate your info, its good to get confirmation.

That would happen even without transfers. We will lose Weisman, Bullock, Powell, Martin-Manly and Hamilton to graduation. (Not to mention LTP, Davis, Lowdermilk, Scherff, Donnal, Hardy, Gaul among others)
That would happen even without transfers. We will lose Weisman, Bullock, Powell, Martin-Manly and Hamilton to graduation. (Not to mention LTP, Davis, Lowdermilk, Scherff, Donnal, Hardy, Gaul among others)

Jeez, we might be in trouble next year, especially on the OL. I'm hoping Cooper, Ekakite and Johnson can do alright at DT.
Smith or CJ could go to a lower division team (such as UNI, etc.) and play right away. No, it isn't BCS, but they would likely be starters, whereas they barely sniff the field at Iowa.

It is really a shame we have so many players who have big play potential (or have made big plays in the past) that are being wasted. Other teams find ways to get those guys on the field....at Iowa, they sit on the bench. I really don't understand it.

I know Kirk wants to win every game, but doggone it, when you look at the product on the field (particularly the offense), it sure doesn't look like it.

Not sure about that one. Who here remembers Marcus Coker? (sarc) He has only started 6 games for FCS Stony Brook - a soph is currently starting ahead of him.
That would happen even without transfers. We will lose Weisman, Bullock, Powell, Martin-Manly and Hamilton to graduation. (Not to mention LTP, Davis, Lowdermilk, Scherff, Donnal, Hardy, Gaul among others)

Boy are we going to be ****** next year.
Ill give one player after the season. It'll make sense when I say it but it's easily the most disappointing thing about this thread

Cool. Its pretty disappointing that this staff can't do a better job dealing with this type of stuff. Guys like CJ, Willies, & Parker have physical ability that is just uncommon on the Iowa roster and none get playing time they deserve. I know Willies has been hurt but prior to is injury there was little to no reason he should have been off the field. Big, strong, fast, and blocks hard.

It is inexcusable if the staff can't figure out a way to get these guys and some other guys on the field and happily invested in the program.
Cool. Its pretty disappointing that this staff can't do a better job dealing with this type of stuff. Guys like CJ, Willies, & Parker have physical ability that is just uncommon on the Iowa roster and none get playing time they deserve. I know Willies has been hurt but prior to is injury there was little to no reason he should have been off the field. Big, strong, fast, and blocks hard.

It is inexcusable if the staff can't figure out a way to get these guys and some other guys on the field and happily invested in the program.

Gotta make room for the "good stories".
How about once this exodus of skilled players actually happens you promise to do us all a favor and never post again? Seems fair.

So, then it's reasonable to assume that when it doesn't happen you'll
be back here telling me I'm the smartest guy you've ever encountered.

Of course, that's already true.
I never said it was accurate and, quite frankly, have no way of knowing. However, JDM has "vetted" this poster to some degree, so his post carries more weight with me than a normal internet rumor.

If Jon has vetted this guy I'd ike to see him say so. All I've seen
him say is that he met the guy and knows his name.
If Jon has vetted this guy I'd ike to see him say so. All I've seen
him say is that he met the guy and knows his name.

Look, I've done this for 15 years. I've seen folks come and go and have a decent read on things. I have at least met Hocks in person, which is more than I can say for 99.9% of the over 42000 registered users at this site. He gave me an idea who he speaks with. I have no reason to believe he is intentionally pulling anyone's leg....but with things like transfers, that's incredibly fluid and an attitude of an 18-23 year old can change hour to hour and game to game.

We'll see how the season plays out...if things keep going down the path they are on, sure, I bet some people look elsewhere...but that happen.
Look, I've done this for 15 years. I've seen folks come and go and have a decent read on things. I have at least met Hocks in person, which is more than I can say for 99.9% of the over 42000 registered users at this site. He gave me an idea who he speaks with. I have no reason to believe he is intentionally pulling anyone's leg....but with things like transfers, that's incredibly fluid and an attitude of an 18-23 year old can change hour to hour and game to game.

We'll see how the season plays out...if things keep going down the path they are on, sure, I bet some people look elsewhere...but that happen.

Nothing like a little bye week drama to keep things interesting around here, eh?

Also, fans visit forums for rumors, intel, theories and thoughts. I don't get why anyone would jump down someone's throat when this is why a lot of us are here.
I hate to be the one to burst your bubble of innocence, but I have to tell you NAMBLA is a real group with real people advocating for man-on-boy lovin'.

It cropped up on my Daily Show desk calendar maybe 8 or 9 yrs ago & I had to google it cuz I couldn't believe it was a real thing.

Now there's starting to be some real edifying stuff in this thread.
Maybe, someone can do some 'google' or 'internet research' on the OP's topic.
Or, just ask the all knowing, John Stuart on his Daly show.
Jon, will you be doing any more tailgates? Like with the other stuff, I don't want to tell anyone any names where it's written down.. Just as a precaution to the kids. I'll tell you my sources and what was said.

Or we can wait and see how the season plays out.

Also, that short guy that was with me, is a quasi celebrity in the Des Moines area.. If anyone follows MMA there lol.
Nothing like a little bye week drama to keep things interesting around here, eh?

Also, fans visit forums for rumors, intel, theories and thoughts. I don't get why anyone would jump down someone's throat when this is why a lot of us are here.

Rumors, intel, theories and thoughts are great but the OP publicly accused
some of our players of intentionally dogging it during games in order to avoid
injury.... to preserve their viability as transfers.

That's just not right any way you cut it. He owes them a public apology.

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