Patrick Mccaffery responds to fans about his dad.

Kind of hope he rights the ship and stays around. My two boys have a chance to play on basketball teams with their youngest, Jack McCaffery. All the same age.
Define "right the ship"

Right the ship = top 6 in the B1G again and NCAA tournament (results excluded). That is righting the ship. Most level headed fans aren't asking for Columbus to prove the world is round by sailing to uncharted waters. Iowa isn't the Pinta, Nina or Santa Maria. We don't have to set the world on fire, but we should be able to make the yearly ferry trip to the other side of the bay.

What noone can stomach is being the Titanic.
Right the ship = top 6 in the B1G again and NCAA tournament (results excluded). That is righting the ship. Most level headed fans aren't asking for Columbus to prove the world is round by sailing to uncharted waters. Iowa isn't the Pinta, Nina or Santa Maria. We don't have to set the world on fire, but we should be able to make the yearly ferry trip to the other side of the bay.

What noone can stomach is being the Titanic.

I ask and the Lord delivers.
"(results excluded)" what's up with that?
I'm trying to figure out at what point as a society did we just decide 2 things can't be true (or false) at the same time?

For example, it's beyond assinine for an adult to be sending any sort of text, tweet, PM, etc to any teenager unless it's their own kid. It's also beyond assinine for said teenager to tweet back to the entire world a stupid, snarky response to said tweet when their father is currently an embattled public figure.

Ultimately, my hope is that Fran and Gary come to mutually agreeable terms on a resignation at the end of this year and all parties can move on. Fran has taken this thing as far as he can. I appreciate the hard work he put into digging us out from the crater that Lickliter put us in. But we are staring a 1-17 conference season in the face and no coach of a historically good P5 program should be allowed to continue coaching that team (barring significant injuries that caused it)...regardless of what either of his boys think.
I ask and the Lord delivers.
"(results excluded)" what's up with that?

In all fairness, he said “right the ship”. Which means fix the problems now to prevent the ship from tipping and get everything back on course. Back on course to what Fran had been doing in previous years. Slowly progressing to the kind of results that you expect.
Right the ship = top 6 in the B1G again and NCAA tournament (results excluded). That is righting the ship. Most level headed fans aren't asking for Columbus to prove the world is round by sailing to uncharted waters. Iowa isn't the Pinta, Nina or Santa Maria. We don't have to set the world on fire, but we should be able to make the yearly ferry trip to the other side of the bay.

What noone can stomach is being the Titanic.

This is one of the greatest replies I have ever read, Kudos sir.
In all fairness, he said “right the ship”. Which means fix the problems now to prevent the ship from tipping and get everything back on course. Back on course to what Fran had been doing in previous years. Slowly progressing to the kind of results that you expect.

Got it.
"Next year" syndrome in full bloom.
"in all fairness" the fans have been patient since Mr. Davis left. Asking for more patience isn't "fairness" imo
Got it.
"Next year" syndrome in full bloom.
"in all fairness" the fans have been patient since Mr. Davis left. Asking for more patience isn't "fairness" imo

I understand what you are saying. You are saying that Iowa fans accept mediocrity and are okay with lowering their expectations because “we are little old Iowa and we dare not reach for the sun”. I get that and don’t disagree with you, I’m not okay with that mentality either.

What I am saying is, I don’t think that is what the original poster was meaning.
Got it.
"Next year" syndrome in full bloom.
"in all fairness" the fans have been patient since Mr. Davis left. Asking for more patience isn't "fairness" imo

I don't typically agree with Josh, but he's on the money here.

We've had 2 head football coaches in 40 years. We've had 4 head basketball coaches in 32 years. Iowa fans are a lot of things, but on the whole, "impatient" isn't one of them.

The only one who didn't last was Lick, and that was only after he pushed us to the dark ages. But what Fran has allowed to have happen this year is worse than anything Lick ever put forth.
Got it.
"Next year" syndrome in full bloom.
"in all fairness" the fans have been patient since Mr. Davis left. Asking for more patience isn't "fairness" imo

Well it's definitely turn the page time and hope for "next year".

Just so you know my personal expectations. I expect Iowa to make the tournament 8 out of 10 years. I would prefer that to 3 trips out of 10 even if 1 of those resulted in a Elite 8 or sweet 16. Also just so you know, that Iowa basketball has never lived up to my expectation in my lifetime.
I understand what you are saying. You are saying that Iowa fans accept mediocrity and are okay with lowering their expectations because “we are little old Iowa and we dare not reach for the sun”. I get that and don’t disagree with you, I’m not okay with that mentality either.

What I am saying is, I don’t think that is what the original poster was meaning.

I think some of that is ingrained in being Iowan in the first place. Iowa is a very mediocre place. It isn't bad, it isn't great. It's average in about everything. Heck, it isn't even really flat, it's in between flat and small mountains. Just average. Average weather. Average income. Average crime. About the only thing not average is below average minority populations. Just living in Iowa, as OK as it simply average. IC is an average decent place. The universities are quite average in academics.

Iowa is an average P5 football program. For a long time we were average at BB with Tom. I'm going to guess that Fran has made us all in all about Average over 8 years.

Irrelevancy=what too many Iowa fans think they deserve.
I don't see one person on this board arguing Iowa should compete for conference titles, EVER!!!. I bet they feel the same way about football.:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

Irrelevancy=what too many Iowa fans think they deserve.
I don't see one person on this board arguing Iowa should compete for conference titles, EVER!!!. I bet they feel the same way about football.:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

Wanting something does not improve the chances of it happening. Action is the only thing that drives results. It is simple cause and effect. Until Iowa puts forth some action that could result in reaching the pinnacle, then I will continue to set my expectation at average to occasionally above average. For me the key at Iowa is keeping your head above water. If this was an average season I would have no qualms.

Bigger question for me is why some of you can't stand to be average? People can not live vicariously through sports teams. That is not healthy. If Iowa wins the B1G or an NCAA tournament that doesn't actually elevate any of us personally. Otherwise the people in Kansas would be god like. They are not, in case you were wondering.

I am an average person with an average life therefore I am ok with an average team. I am not ok with abject failure.

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